At the end of the uproar in the Shen family, news of the two wars spread like a hurricane.

"What? The Shen family lost two swords in one hand? How is that possible? " Someone broke out in alarm.

Because over the years, the power of the Shen family's sword has long been a myth of invincibility in many people's minds.

In their eyes, as long as it is the Shen family, it will not fail.

But now the myth of invincibility is broken, and it's still two games in a row.

How can this not frighten these people.

"Not only that, I heard that it was a young man who defeated the two men and had a close relationship with the military strategists. It seems that the meeting of the hundred families will soon be held, and the heroes of each family can't help their loneliness and are ready to move!" Someone sighed.

"Hiss, I still don't believe that someone can regenerate the soul of the two Shen family members' swords. It's unbelievable!" Some people are in a state of suspense.

"I can't believe it, because it's true, but this young man didn't pay the price. I heard that he had to stay in the closed door after the last war because he was seriously injured, and I heard that even whether he could get out of the closed door was a dilemma!" Someone said.

"It's not strange. It's really strange if this man can defeat the two swords of the Shen family without any damage at the same time."

"I have also received a message that even the star where the headquarters of the division is located has been completely cut into powder. It can be seen that this war is by no means an easy one. It is estimated that this man has split his body and soul. The so-called seclusion is just a cover. He has already died!"

These comments and mixed news spread almost half a day away.

You know, when the meeting of 100 families is just around the corner, all families are tightening a string. At this moment, such a thing suddenly happened, which naturally caused countless waves.

Military strategist.

The strategists at the moment are very different from before.

The twelve schools, which used to be independent, had long been unified, and quickly became strong under the leadership of Yue Shifang.

As a result, one of the hundred schools with a long history, but rapidly declining for various reasons, has finally regained its vitality.

At the moment, it's in the former headquarters of the Yue family and now the headquarters of the strategists.

Yue Shifang looked at the news he had just received. After a long time, he sighed.

"I didn't expect that he had done such a shocking thing after just a few days away."

One side of the two girls some doubt said: "but this news is true? That's the Shen family's sword repair, and it's still two! How can he win with his strength? "

Yue Shifang chuckled, "you still don't know this Xue an. If you say other people, I won't believe it. It's him alone. I absolutely believe he can do it!"

"Oh? Are you so confident in him? "

"It's not confidence, but you don't understand what kind of power is hidden under the boy's calm surface!"

Speaking of this, Yue Shifang stood up and went to the railing of the flower hall.

At the moment, in this small flower hall, the flowers are blooming and the spring breeze is drunk.

Yue Shifang said faintly: "just because he can hide the truth from the world and cure my injury, you can see that he is not an ordinary person!"

The two girls nodded, and a look of sadness appeared on their faces. "But the news says that after defeating Shen Hongyi, he seems to have suffered a very serious injury. He has been shut up and asleep. Is it really OK?"

"Don't worry, this guy doesn't care about the consequences sometimes. In fact, he calculates more clearly than anyone else. He will never put himself in an unavoidable danger!"

"But I'm worried about whether the Shen family will attack Xue an again? After all, he has no resistance now! "

"You don't have to worry about that. The Shen family is also one of the most powerful families in ancient times. They are also the most feathered Jianxiu family. In addition, Xue an defeated them in the front battlefield this time, so they won't take advantage of others' danger to attack Xue an. They still need to have this face!" Yue Shifang said faintly.

"Shall we use it to have a look?"

Yue Shifang shook his head. "No, I believe he will wake up in three years."

"Why three years?"

"Because when I was leaving, I negotiated with him that I would attend a hundred conferences together in three years, and he also promised me, so he would not break his promise!"

Hearing Yue Shifang's words, the two girls wanted to talk and stopped, and finally sighed, "I hope so!"

Just then, Yue Shifang turned to look at her and said, "is there anything happening in Qinghuan recently?"

The second girl shook her head. "Everything is as usual. I specially sent several people to wait outside her closed cottage. If there is any change, I will be informed at the first time!"

At this time, Yue Shifang sighed, "I'm just a sister. I didn't want to let her go to the gate of death to practice. What a pity! Her temper is so stubborn that I can't even persuade her

Looking at Yue Shifang with a helpless face, the second girl gave a light smile, then came forward and took one of his arms.

"What's the reason why she shut up? Don't you, a brother, know the best?"

"It's Xue an again!" Yue Shifang rubbed his temple with some headache.

"I also wonder why Qinghuan is so proud that no matter how excellent young talents are, she can't get into her eyes. Why does she attach so much importance to Xue an that she doesn't even care about his family and children?" Yue Shifang said with a depressed face.

"You! Still don't understand our women's mind

Yue Shifang said with a bitter smile, "don't say it's me. It's estimated that no one in Tianwaitian can really understand you women! But I still don't know what Qinghuan saw in Xue an, which can make her so crazy! "

The second girl chuckled and explained in a soft voice: "sometimes feelings are not as simple as you think. Maybe a look or an action will make a woman engrave all her life and never forget it again!"

Looking at the two girls with tender and bright eyes, Yue Shifang's eyes flashed a bad smile.

"What about me? Why do you remember me all your life? "

"Bah!" The second girl spat with a little red cheek, then released Yue Shifang's arm, "who said I remember you all my life?"

"Hey, hey, do you have any? Don't you know?" Yue Shifang said with a smile.

Two girls snorted, no longer explained, but the gentleness between the eyebrows betrayed her.

There is not much truth in the world. A woman's blush is better than a long dialogue.

But just when Yue Shifang and the second girl were throwing dog food here, there was a magnificent city in the distant starry sky.

This city is close to a black area of nothingness, which is the boundary of the whole sky.

Here is Xue an's first bridgehead after entering Tianwaitian, Baozhu city! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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