Right now.

In the main mansion of Baozhu City, LV Yangyan's face was very dignified.

Because he has just learned the latest news of Xue an from the jewel dealer.

In fact, he has been following the latest developments of Xue an in this way.

It has to be said that Heiyu's special products are still very attractive to Tianwaitian's strongmen, which has spawned many jewel dealers who make a living.

These people work hard for their interests, and their footprints are all over the sky. Naturally, the news is very well-informed.

In addition, Lu Yangyan's collection of information, so although he is in a corner, he can also find out the dynamics of Xue an in this way.

At the beginning, all he heard was good news, especially when he heard that Xue an had done a great job in the army, LV Yangyan couldn't help but feel happy.

Because LV Yangyan remembered the great benefactor who rescued himself and his sister from zuisheng building and appointed himself the Lord of Baozhu City, so that he had enough Baozhu to suppress the violent blood in his sister's body.

He is a man of gratitude. Naturally, he knows that Xue an has other ideas besides helping himself to be the leader of Baozhu city. Therefore, he has been trying his best to run Baozhu city during this period, making the whole city more than twice as prosperous as before.

In addition, he is waiting quietly, hoping to help Xue an as soon as possible.

But unexpectedly, just the day before yesterday, a caravan from the pharmacist Alliance came here to purchase came a message.

The benefactor actually had a conflict with the Shen family, and even had two wars in succession. Although the final result was Xue an's victory, he was also seriously injured.

According to these caravans, it's hard to wake up.

Hearing this, LV Yangyan was struck by lightning, and then he was on fire. I really want to go to the pharmacist alliance now to help Xue an.

But he also knows that his strength is low. Even if he goes, he can't help.

After all, the enemy Xue an faced this time was the Shen family.

Even in this corner of Baozhu City, LV Yangyan knew the horror of the Shen family.

It's not too much to call it the first family of tianwaitianjian.

This kind of existence, oneself went also is to die.

If you don't go, you can't rest assured.

Therefore, today's LV Yangyan can be described as having trouble sleeping and eating.

Just then, LV Xiaoya, LV Yangyan's sister, stepped in.

At this time, the girl was not as haggard as before when she was in zuisheng building.

After this period of convalescence and the suppression of enough beads, she was in unprecedented good condition, and her cheeks were ruddy as never before.

But at the moment, LV Xiaoya's pretty face was full of anxiety.

"Brother, did you hear the news?"

LV Yangyan stopped, forced a smile on his face, "what's the news?"

"Of course, it's about the news of my benefactor. I heard that he was seriously injured and will soon die. What can I do?"

At the end of the day, LV Xiaoya's voice had a trace of crying.

In fact, for Xue an, LV Xiaoya's gratitude is no less than that of her elder brother LV Yangyan, even more than that.

Because it was Xue an who rescued her from the den and gave her a second life.

So when she heard the rumors in the world, she immediately came.

Hearing his sister's words, LV Yangyan could not help sighing, "I knew it yesterday!"

"Ah? What can we do? Are we just sitting here? That's the one who's very kind to us Lu Xiaoya said anxiously.

LV Yangyan shook his head firmly. "Of course, I can't sit back and ignore it. In fact, I have already thought about it. Next, you will be in charge of Baozhu city for the time being. I want to go to the pharmacists' alliance to help my benefactor!"

"No, I'm going too!" LV Xiaoya immediately objected.

"What are you going to do with a girl's family?"

"I'll go. If I didn't have my benefactor, I would have died for a long time. How can I care if my benefactor is in trouble this time?" LV Xiaoya said with a stubborn face.

LV Yangyan was very clear about her sister's temper, and knew that no one could persuade her if she made a twist, so he could not help frowning.

"But if even you leave, what about Baozhu city?"

LV Xiaoya is also in a bit of a dilemma.

At this time, only heard a strong voice from the courtyard, "you can go, this time Baozhu city to me!"

With the voice, a powerful middle-aged man came in.

As soon as they saw him, the brother and sister all looked happy and stood up to salute.

"I've seen Lord turtle!"

It was the shadow turtle emperor who was in charge of the black area of nothingness.

Thanks to Xue an's help, now the shadow turtle emperor's strength has improved.

Especially with the help of LV Yangyan, the income of the whole shadow turtle clan is more than twice as much as before.

This can't help but make the shadow turtle emperor full of gratitude to Xue an.

So when he heard the news, he rushed over immediately, just heard the conversation between brother and sister in the room, so he made a sound to dispel their worries.

The shadow turtle emperor nodded, "don't be polite. I'm just here for Mr. Xue's business. I've heard what you said before. Mr. Xue is right. Your brothers and sisters are all people who want to repay their kindness!"

They waved their hands again and again, and LV Yangyan was even more ashamed to say: "the tortoise emperor has been praised falsely!"

"It's not a false praise. It's true. But the emperor is of a different race. It's inconvenient to go deep into the sky. Otherwise, I will go to the pharmacist alliance to help Mr. Xue!"

Speaking of this, the shadow turtle emperor's face was solemn.

"It's very suitable for you two to go there. You know, it's very important. It's about Mr. Xue's life. You two don't have to delay any longer. You immediately get up and go to the alliance of pharmacists to do your little bit!"

"As for Baozhu City, I will take care of it. Don't worry!"

Hearing this, the brother and sister were all happy.

"In that case, thank you, Lord turtle!"

"What's your duty? You should take it with you before you go!"

Then the shadow turtle emperor took out a piece of delicate tortoise shell.

"This is..." LV Yangyan hesitated.

"This is the treasure vessel of the shadow turtle clan. It contains the top-level treasures accumulated during this period of time!"

Sure enough, when the seal of tortoise shell was opened, there was a piece of jewel in it, all of which were the most top jewels.

"These things are the best spiritual things. They can be used as medicine to heal wounds. You may be helpful to Mr. Xue if you take them with you." The shadow turtle emperor said in a deep voice.

Lu Yang Yan's face was solemn. "The tortoise emperor has a heart. In this case, we will start immediately!"

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