It's even more lively here.

You should know that Si family was one of the top ten families of the pharmacists' Alliance before. How could the planet where the headquarters is located be so simple? It's not only located in Chongyao, but also adjacent to several prosperous trading planets.

Although the star ball of Sijia no longer exists, because of the gathering, it still makes it very prosperous.

However, in this prosperous scene, there is a blank land with an area of 100000 Li.

If you look down, it's like digging out a piece in a lively picture, which is very eye-catching.

This is the forbidden area set by the nine day Xuannv.

Both the past merchants and the vendors who set up stalls have a tacit understanding to stay far away from this forbidden area.

Not to mention the prestige of Xuantian empress in the pharmacist League, that is, the crowd defending around the boundary of the forbidden area is enough to frighten all curious eyes and make irrelevant people stay away from here.

In this case, LV Yangyan and his sister LV Xiaoya came straight to the front of the defensive front.

"Who?" Someone yelled.

LV Yangyan stopped and said, "I'm an old friend of Mr. Xue. I heard that Mr. Xue was seriously injured. I've come to help you!"

"Oh? Old friend? "

The crowd left here are all under the hands of nine days Xuannv. Hearing the words, they can't help looking at each other.

"Just a moment, I'll report first!"

Someone went in and reported the situation to jiutianxuannv.

Nine days Xuan female smell speech is also a Leng.

"Old friend? Let me have a look! "

With that, Jiutian Xuannv got up and came to the front line. She immediately saw LV Yangyan standing in the void. She was stunned.

Because at a glance, she saw the breath of Zhenwu from LV Yangyan.

"The descendant of Taoist Zhenwu?" Nine days Xuan female sink a way.

LV Yangyan saw a dignified woman, and knew that she should be the legendary nine heaven Xuannv who founded the pharmacist alliance, so he quickly bent down to salute.

"Yes, I'm the descendant of Taoist Zhenwu. My name is LV Yangyan. This is my sister LV Xiaoya!"

With that, LV Yang Yan raised his head and told about how he met Xue an.

After listening, nine days Xuannv nodded.

She can be sure that this person is not lying. What's more, Taoist Zhenwu is a famous teacher, and she won't cheat herself under such a pretext.

"So it is. Please come in."

With a happy look, LV Yangyan immediately led his sister into the defensive front.

"My lady, I don't know how Mr. Xue is now? Is there any sign of waking up? "

Jiutian Xuannv shook her head. "It's still the same as before. Since you are his old friend, I'll take you to see him!"

Then Jiutian Xuannv led LV Yangyan's brother and sister to the middle of the forbidden area.

In the distance, there are bright lights, and there are various illusions emerging, blocking anyone's progress.

Nine days Xuan female stops a pace, tone is indifferent way: "what Guanghua wraps is Xue an!"

The brothers and sisters of LV Yangyan immediately looked at the center of Guanghua. Although the light was dazzling, they could still see that one of them was sitting with his knees crossed.

Their hearts trembled.

"Mr. Xue!" Lu Yang Yan whispered a word, only feel the nose sour.

Lu Xiaoya burst into tears.

Although they knew it would be like this when they came here, they still had mixed feelings when they saw it.

Just at this time, Cha Wenliang came here with AO Shu and xiaohulu.

"This is..." Cha Wenliang asked.

Nine days Xuan female soft voice way: "the true martial arts of Taoist school a vein of descendant, is to see Xue an of!"

Cha Wenliang let out a long cry, and then took a deep look at the brother and sister.

As an old man who has been practicing for a long time, he naturally knows the weight of Taoist Zhenwu.

But now the situation is like this, even if you are more powerful, you can only do it.

But at this time, the little gourd behind them suddenly brightened, and the innocent face was even more excited. Then he quickly came to LV Xiaoya and looked at her askew.

At this time, LV Xiaoya noticed that a little girl appeared in front of her. She was also stunned.

Of course she knows that Xue an has a daughter, isn't it twins?

Why only one?

When she was in doubt, little gourd raised her hand and pointed to the bun on her head.

"You want this?" Seeing the yearning color in xiaohulu's eyes, LV Xiaoya took down a hairpin inserted in her bun and asked with a smile.

Little gourd nodded, mouth slightly open, looking at the bright pearl on the hairpin, almost drooling.

Seeing this, LV Xiaoya handed it over with a smile.

You know, as a girl, she has no resistance to all lovely things. It happens that xiaohulu is a very lovely girl, so she also likes it.

After taking the hairpin, little gourd didn't even hesitate. He opened his mouth and swallowed the jewel embedded in the hairpin.

"Oh, how can I eat..." LV Xiaoya was startled.

But before the words came out, the little gourd began to chew, and at the same time, the enjoyment on her face was as if what she was eating was not a cold pearl, but a piece of candy.

In the blink of an eye, she chewed up the treasure and swallowed it.

Then he looked at LV Xiaoya again.

Now, LV Xiaoya is a fool.

She never thought that this little girl, who looks like a porcelain doll, would be so fierce.

And isn't the Pearl a powerful power in the dark?

How come it's like sugar beans in her mouth?

These question marks made her a little confused.

Seeing this, Cha Wenliang shook his head helplessly, then coughed and came forward.

"Hulu, don't be so impolite. People are guests anyway. What should we do if we scare them?"

Hearing this, little gourd reluctantly put down her hand, but the desire in her eyes clearly told everyone that she liked the taste of the bead very much.

Nine days Xuan female see this, in front of eyes is also tiny a bright, but she didn't say anything.

At this time, Cha Wenliang said to Lu's brother and sister with a smile: "the Zhenwu descendants haven't appeared in tianwaitianzhong for a long time. Where do you come from? Mount Funiu? "

Funiu Mountain is the gate of Taoist Zhenwu, and it is also the residence.

Hearing these words, LV Xiaoya's face was gloomy, "we are not..."

At this moment, LV Yangyan suddenly took the lead and said, "yes, we are from Funiu Mountain, especially to see Mr. Xue's injury!"

Cha Wenliang nodded, "you two have a heart, but Xue an's seclusion obviously can't end in a moment. Why don't you follow us to the camp and wait!"

LV Xiaoya just wanted to say yes.

But Lu Yang Yan stepped forward and said in a soft voice, "it's still not necessary!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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