Looking at the figure of LV Yangyan's brother and sister leaving, Cha Wenliang gave a light smile.

"It seems that the brothers and sisters are quite on guard against us!"

Nine days Xuan girl also nodded, "this is also human nature, after all, he and we do not know each other, just because of the relationship with Xue an just came here, it is not strange to be on guard."

Speaking of this, nine days Xuan female dun dun, then just some doubts way.

"But I see that girl's eyes are not clear, and there is a dark and unclear smell in the sea of knowledge. It is obvious that she is seriously ill. It is reasonable to say that such symptoms have happened long ago, but why is it just like ordinary people?"

Cha Wenliang also nodded, "yes, I'm a little strange, maybe there's something we don't know to suppress it!"

In fact, Zha Wenliang saw that LV Xiaoya was seriously ill at the first sight, and he couldn't help wondering.

But when we met for the first time, he was not easy to ask, so he didn't say a word.

I didn't expect that Jiutian Xuannv had already seen it.

Just at this time, the side of the small gourd suddenly said: "I just eat beads, there are many in them!"


As soon as this remark was made, people began to look at it.

Cha Wenliang turned his head and looked at the little gourd.

"How do you see that?"

Little gourd pointed to his nose, the corner of his mouth seems to have saliva surface, "for these delicious things, even if separated from the farther I can smell their taste!"

Cha Wenliang and Jiutian Xuannv were shocked, and then they looked at each other.

If things are really like what xiaohulu said, no wonder the brother and sister are so cautious.

After all, an amazing amount of treasure, no matter where it is, is a very considerable wealth.

"I also know the true martial arts of Taoism. Their strength is not so strong. It's reasonable to say that their disciples can't have such amazing wealth!" Cha Wenliang murmured.

"I don't think they came from Funiu Mountain, especially the girl who was seriously ill but didn't have any breath of Zhenwu. If they really came from Funiu Mountain, would Zhenwu leave them alone?" Nine days Xuan female analysis way.

Zha Wenliang's face was deep. "Are these brothers and sisters from pirates?"

But as soon as the words came out, he felt a little ridiculous.

Since he is Xue an's old friend, how can he be a star pirate?

What's more, it can be seen from this incident that the brothers and sisters are good people who know their kindness and plan to repay their kindness. How could they do such a thing?

Just now, LV Yangyan didn't reveal his identity as the Lord of Baozhu City, so Zha Wenliang and Jiutian Xuannv are naturally uncertain at the moment.

But because it wasn't the main thing, the two left after a few words.

But when they left, the little gourd sucked a mouthful of saliva, and then spit out a light ball from its mouth.

In the light group, it was the armor that Xue an entrusted her to repair.

But during this time, Jiutian Xuannv and Zha Wenliang searched the market of the pharmacists' alliance, and only found a few alchemy vessels that she could like, so the restoration was very slow.

But at the moment, there was a glimmer of light at the gap of the severely damaged armor in the light group, and it was repaired a little.

Little gourd seems to have expected this scene for a long time. He laughs, and then swallows the guangtuan again, turns around and disappears.

At the same time, after leaving the defensive front, LV Xiaoya finally asked in a low voice.

"Brother? Why didn't you just tell these people the truth? "

LV Yangyan shook his head. "Xiaoya, you are still too simple. Although these people are all friends of Mr. Xue, the things we carry are too valuable. As the saying goes, wealth and silk move people's hearts. Even these powerful monks are no exception, so we'd better be cautious as much as possible!"

Hearing this, LV Xiaoya nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Yangyan said with a smile, "you don't have to think so much. Although my grandfather hasn't woken up yet, his life is obviously safe from the situation of closing up. I'll take this opportunity to show you around the bustle!"

LV Xiaoya was immediately excited when she heard the speech.

Which girl can resist the temptation of shopping.

"Good taxi!"

LV Yangyan led his younger sister into the prosperous area of the market and began to play.

At the same time, in the inn of one of the stars of the pharmacist alliance, the atmosphere was dignified.

The whole Party sat around and said nothing.

But from the breath and dress of these people, we can see that they all came from the Taoist school.

On this day, a hundred schools of thought contend and there are many schools.

But it is this Taoist school that has the most branches and leaves.

After all, even today's famous Yin Yang school was split from Taoism at the beginning, which also shows how comprehensive this Taoist theory is.

In fact, today's Taoism is full of factions, and various schools of thought emerge in an endless stream.

There are pure Taoists who wear ancient witchcraft robes and practice in strict accordance with ancient rites. There are also new schools who are determined to innovate. Some even don't wear Taoist robes at all.

However, it is obvious that these people here today are not divorced from the framework of Taoism. At least they are all dressed in elegant Taoist costumes with small Taoist bun on the back of their heads.

If there are people who are familiar with various schools of Taoism, they will be the descendants of Taoist Zhenwu.

But now these people's faces are full of sadness, which makes the atmosphere very depressed.

It was not until a long time later that the old man sitting in the middle of the room sighed.

"Let's talk about it. What's your opinion and suggestion on this matter?"

You look at me and I look at you, all of you look ugly.

"Why?" The old man raised his eyebrow slightly, "don't you even have an idea? Zheng Qing, say it first

The old man pointed to the middle-aged Taoist at the front of his right hand.

Lu Zhengqing stood up helplessly, "the Lord of sacrifice wine, now is not angry injury lingering, sleep does not wake up, unless find a panacea, otherwise it is impossible to completely cure it!"

"But after we came to the alliance of pharmacists, we invited several famous doctors one after another, but they were powerless. In the words of these people, the evil spirit has gone deep into the soul, and even if the saints come, there is no way back!"

Hearing this, all the Taoists present were in a gloomy mood.

Because they know that what LV Zhengqing said is true.

The big sacrifice wine also had a dignified face and sighed: "yes! Who can know that a simple exorcism and beheading of demons can lead to evil things. It's not because of a moment's carelessness, but because of its successful attack, it finally falls asleep. What can we do? "

All the people present bowed their heads and were silent.

Because people know the seriousness of the situation.

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