Lu Feichen's general status is all right, but the key is that he is not only the favorite disciple of the temple, but also the most outstanding genius of Funiu Mountain in the past thousand years. He is highly expected by the whole Zhenwu school.

There is even a rumor that he had to inherit the flavor of the ancient Zhenwu emperor to revive the whole Zhenwu school.

From this we can see the importance of Lu Feichen to Zhenwu.

It can be said that from top to bottom, people all hope that this LV Feichen can represent Zhenwu to attend the meeting and win glory for Funiu Mountain.

But it never occurred to me that Lu Feichen was attacked by an unknown evil object and nearly died when he was on a very common mission some time ago.

Although the accompanying dajijiu and LV Zhengqing tried their best to rescue him, LV Feichen was still unconscious because of his serious injury.

Now, people like dajijiu are really scared.

If something really happened to LV Feichen, who can bear the responsibility?

Who can bear the anger of the Lord?

Anxious, these people suddenly have an idea, thinking of the grand meeting being held by the pharmacist alliance.

You know, this is a very rare event. Many rare doctors will appear. Maybe these people can save LV Feichen.

With this idea, dajijiu and others came to the pharmacist alliance not far away with the seriously injured LV Feichen.

But they were disappointed.

Although many medical experts were invited, almost all of them could not help shaking their heads after seeing LV Feichen's injury.

In the words of one of the great doctors, evil has entered the body, and there is no possibility to save it!

That's why these people are so sad.

At this moment, another one stood up on the left side of the grand sacrifice.

This man is tall and dignified, but with a few evil spirits at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, and a trace of malice flickers between his eyes.

It was Lu Xiuming, the elder of Funiu Mountain.

I saw him say in a deep voice: "in fact, it's not all without a clue. The doctor who invited me a few days ago didn't say that as long as we can find enough and high-quality black area pearls, Feichen still has hope to wake up!"

Hearing this, all the Zhenwu Taoists present were shocked.

Because only a few people know this sentence, many people have heard it for the first time.

But when he heard the speech, he couldn't help sighing.

"Xiuming, what you said is not what I thought? Zhengqing spent a lot of money yesterday to buy a pearl, which has been tested! "

"Oh? What's the result? " Lu Xiuming asked immediately after his eyes brightened.

Others also focused on LV Zhengqing.

Lu Zhengqing nodded, "the effect is very good. It seems that there is a stream of energy in the black area pearl, which can neutralize the evil spirit in the non angry spirit!"

Hearing this, people could not help but be overjoyed.

Lu Xiuming said: "what are you waiting for? Just buy enough jewels right away? "

Lu Zhengqing said with a wry smile, "it's not that easy. It's rare. It's very few in fairs or auctions. Even if it appears, it's all defective products that have been selected. Real high-quality pearls won't appear in the market!"

"And I have also tested with those defective products, the effect can be said to be negligible, so it is impossible to gather enough high-quality pearls in a short time, even if..."

"Even what?" Someone asked.

Lu Zhengqing sighed, "even if there are so many jewels, we can't afford them with our financial resources! You know, it's the high-quality pearl used for experiment, and it's almost going to empty my savings! "

This time, everyone was silent again.

They are all aware of their own situation.

Taoism Zhenwu is not a strong sect, and Funiu Mountain is poor in resources. These Taoists are not very good at management, so they are very poor.

And the real high-quality jewels are the most precious, each of them is valuable, where they can afford.

Lu Xiuming frowned and was very angry.

It's different from other people, because he grew up with him from an early age and didn't turn to the master until his cultivation reached a certain level. Therefore, he can be regarded as half of LV Feichen's teacher and naturally pays more attention to him.

Now when I hear that there is a way to save feihen, but it can't go, I can imagine my anger and disappointment.

"No matter what, Feichen is the top priority of Zhenwu. We should revive it at any cost. I suggest that we immediately start to inquire about Baozhu in the market!" Lu Xiuming said.

The sacrificial wine also nodded, "now, it's the only way! Everyone should be prepared. It's not anger, but my hope for Funiu Mountain. I will wake him up at all costs! "

When it comes to the last time, there is a fierce color in the eyes of the big sacrifice wine.

All hands.


At this time, LV Yangyan is playing with his sister LV Xiaoya in the market.

For LV Xiaoya, who has never seen such a lively gathering since childhood, this grand gathering is absolutely new.

Walking among them, two eyes are not enough, really want to see everything.

LV Yangyan didn't stop him either. He just watched with a smile and bought what his sister liked.

In this way, only one or two days later, LV Xiaoya bought something full of two storage rings.

To the back, LV Xiaoya is a little embarrassed, "brother, I recently two days of money is not some too much ah!"

LV Yangyan shook his head with a smile, "don't worry, we have been in Baozhu city for so long. The most basic income is astronomical! Buy whatever you want. I have money! "

But LV Xiaoya shook her head, "no, I've bought enough things. It's time for us to start looking for something that can help our benefactor these two days!"

Looking at his sensible sister, LV Yang Yan nodded, "OK, but there's still something to do before that!"

"What's the matter?"

"Just follow me!"

With that, LV Yangyan smiles and leads LV Xiaoya to a magnificent jewelry store.

As soon as she entered the door, LV Xiaoya wanted to leave and said, "brother, I don't need to buy jewelry. I've bought enough these two days!"

"Oh, you don't have to worry. Come with me!"

LV Yangyan leads his sister to a counter where hairpins are specially made. He reaches out and puts a small box on the counter.

"Do you do jewelry processing here?"

"Of course! What would you like to do? " A craftsman in charge of the counter stood up and asked.

When LV Yangyan opened the brocade box, it was an extremely round and full top jewel.

"I want to make a hairpin for my sister! Can you do it? "

On seeing this pearl, a waiter who was serving tea and pouring water suddenly brightened up. Even though he lowered his head deeply, his eyes were full of joy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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