"That's right. Because you have revealed your precious pearl, now LV Xiuming and his family are staring at you. Leave here as soon as possible, or you and Xiaoya will be worried about their lives?" Lu Zhengqing said in a deep voice.

LV Yangyan was surprised, "what's the matter? It's just a jewel. Why does he stare at us? "

Seeing this, LV Zhengqing was helpless and knew that his former apprentice still had doubts about him, otherwise he would not go on asking.

So he told Lu Feichen's story at a very fast speed, and then said solemnly.

"At that time, when I heard that the waiter said it was brother and sister, I doubted whether it would be you. I also comforted myself that it should not be so coincidental. But after I got to the jewelry store, I finally determined that it was really you through the vestige of real martial arts. But at that time, I didn't dare to show any difference, otherwise, LV Xiuming would never give up!"

"That's why I have to endure to see you in the middle of the night!"

After the explanation, LV Zhengqing looked at LV Yangyan and said in a deep voice, "Yang Yan, I know you have a lot of resentment towards me, but I really don't mean to harm you. Now they haven't noticed it, so leave here quickly!"

Hearing this explanation, LV Yangyan also suddenly turned pale. His mind turned and he immediately nodded.

"Thank you for telling me the news. I'll leave with my sister right away!"

LV Yangyan is very clear about his current situation.

Not to mention the jewels on the body, the spirit stone given to them by Zhu Zhesheng is a great wealth.

If these things are exposed to the attention of Lu Xiuming and others, they and their younger sister will be in real danger.

After all, he, who had been expelled from the school, knew better than anyone what the faces of Lu Xiuming and others were.

But just as he was about to wake up LV Xiaoya in the next room, he got up and left here.

A sneer came from outside.

"What a picture of deep affection between teachers and students!"

With this remark, LV Zhengqing and LV Yangyan in the room were shocked.

At the same time, the outer walls of the house burst to pieces, showing a group of people outside.

But seeing that Lu Xiuming stood out of thin air, he was followed by the people of Zhenwu Taoism.

Lu Xiuming looked at LV Zhengqing with a sneer. "Lv Zhengqing, I didn't expect that you would betray your school and do such a thing!"

Lu Zhengqing's face became extremely ugly. "Lu Xiuming, you are following me secretly?"

"Nonsense, how can you know the boy's residence without secretly following him? To tell you the truth, I noticed something strange as soon as I entered the jewelry store. The smell was definitely from the Zhenwu school, and your performance later confirmed my guess. That's why I paid more attention to you, and I caught you as expected! "

With that, Lu Xiuming turned to look at LV Yangyan and said with a strange smile, "long time no see, LV Yangyan!"

LV Yangyan's eyes became red gradually.

He has a deep memory of the culprit who forced himself and his sister out of the school.

At that time, he was under the protection of his master LV Zhengqing. In fact, not many people had spare time to deal with him.

Even if Xiaoya sometimes runs wild, she is still under control.

But I didn't expect that because of a accidental collision of Xiaoya, Lu Xiuming held a grudge. Finally, he found an excuse to talk with the onlooker and forced himself and his sister out.

Moreover, LV Yangyan knew very well that if his master hadn't begged the master, he and his sister would have died at that time.

It's natural to see your enemy again.

Lu Xiuming also noticed the deep hatred from LV Yangyan, but he didn't care. Instead, he sneered.

"Lv Yangyan, you don't have to hate me. Now let's open the window and tell the truth. You can leave all the precious pearls you carry. I can let you go for you are also the descendants of Zhenwu!"

Lu Yangyan laughed angrily, "what pearl, I don't understand! And Lu Xiuming, do you really think I'm afraid of you? "

Although LV Yangyan had planned to leave here as soon as possible before, it was because he didn't want to cause trouble. Now LV Xiuming has come to the door. It's no use trying to escape any more. So LV Yangyan stood coldly and didn't give in.

This attitude also angered Lu Xiuming.

He said with a strange smile, "well, what a young man with backbone. You're not afraid that I'm ok, but you have to leave everything on yourself today!"

With the voice, the majestic power of Zhenwu came out from him, condensed into a huge virtual image of Zhenwu, staring at LV Yangyan.

Lu Yangyan was not afraid, "ha ha, Lu Xiuming! I know all my former enemies and old hatreds, and today we just calculate them together! "

"To die!"

Lu Xiuming snorted and clapped.


The great pressure came straight to LV Yangyan.

LV Zhengqing's face sank.

Lu Xiuming made it clear that he wanted Lu Yangyan's life!

But in front of the public, they can't help.

When he was anxious, he saw LV Yangyan give a cold drink, raise his hand and blow a fist.


This blow is on the power of LV Xiuming's hand.

In the loud noise, the power dissipated, and LV Yangyan also stepped back several steps, his face was red and white, obviously shocked.

But even so, still attracted the presence of a burst of exclamation.

Because no one thought that LV Yangyan could hold the blow of LV Zhengqing.

You know, LV Zhengqing is a powerful elder in charge of punishment.

Lu Yangyan was just an ordinary disciple who had been worshipped by Zhenwu. The gap between them could not be calculated.

As a result, under this palm, although LV Yangyan was shaken back a few steps, he was not hurt.

That's shocking enough.

Even LV Zhengqing can't help but get a glimpse.

It seems that Yang Yan's cultivation is much better than that in Funiu Mountain.

Lu Xiuming's face changed greatly, and then he stared at LV Yangyan very gloomy.

"No wonder you dare to talk to me like this. It turns out that you have something to rely on, but do you think you can challenge me with this strength?"

With the sound of questioning, Lu Xiuming's momentum was boiling again.

LV Yangyan was also ready.

But at this time, only a timid voice came, "brother, what's the matter?"

Hearing this voice, LV Yangyan cried in his heart that it was not good, so he didn't look back and said, "it's OK, you hide quickly!"

But it's too late to see the awakened LV Xiaoya walk into the room.

After seeing her, Lu Xiuming noticed the hairpin pinned on her head.

Especially the round pearl on the top of the hairpin made him and the people behind him shine.

"It's really a jewel!"

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