Lu Xiuming was overjoyed and immediately abandoned LV Yangyan and went straight to Xiaoya.

LV Yangyan's secret way is not good, and then he rushes forward, trying to block his sister behind.

But how can his speed be comparable to that of LV Xiuming.

Almost in an instant, LV Xiuming rushed to LV Xiaoya, and then put one hand out to attack her.

LV Xiaoya's hands are powerless. At the sight of this formation, even if she is scared, she stays in the same place.

Standing not far away, LV Zhengqing saw that his face was tangled.

To be honest, he didn't want to have a direct conflict with LV Xiuming.

Because he knew that in the context of true martial arts, Lu Xiuming was in fact one of his own in terms of strength and status, and even the master attached great importance to him.

But if he watched the innocent girl die on the spot, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. Then he gritted his teeth and stepped on the ground with his toes, he would rush to rescue LV Xiaoya.

But just halfway through his body, Lu Xiuming sneered, "I knew you could not help it!"

Words fall, a breath of terror suddenly burst out from behind LV Xiuming, straight to LV Zhengqing's face.

Lu Zhengqing's heart sank and he turned aside to avoid the blow.

But also because of this delay, Lu Xiuming rushed to Xiaoya, then grinned and stretched out his hand to control it.

He thought very clearly that as long as he controlled LV Xiaoya, he could not help LV Yangyan's disobedience.

I have to say that his idea is well planned.

Can see his finger will touch the tip of LV Xiaoya's hair.

All of a sudden.

He felt an inexplicable crisis in his heart, which surprised him. Then he was shocked to find that his originally violent power of Zhenwu disappeared quickly after touching the girl in front of him.

The discovery made him crazy.

You should know that your power is very powerful. Don't mention the weak girl in front of you. Even a strong person like LV Zhengqing has to stay away.

But how to disappear in front of this girl?

Although in the heart is startled, but in his hand movement still does not stop, but continues to grasp.

But the next second, he felt an indescribable, and extremely weak breath suddenly emanating from LV Xiaoya.

It was this breath as fine as hair, but it was like a heavy hammer, which made LV Xiuming fly far away.

Now, the whole audience is shocked!

No one expected such a turning point.

After Lu Xiuming stood still, he snorted, and his eyes were full of horror.

Although the breath was weak just now, it was extremely powerful, and even made him fear.

At the same time, LV Yangyan has arrived at his sister and said in a startled voice: "Xiaoya, are you ok?"

LV Xiaoya blinked her eyes and called out, even though she turned back.

LV Yangyan exclaimed and hugged her sister. Looking at LV Xiaoya, her cheeks were red, her eyes were closed, and her breath was weak. She seemed to be dead.

At this time, LV Zhengqing also rushed to the front, and his face changed greatly at the sight.

"Yang Yan!"

As soon as he yelled, a great power of true martial arts rose from LV Yangyan's body, and rose steadily. Unexpectedly, he broke through the shackles of Wu in an instant and came to the semi holy land.

Under the influence, everyone turned pale.

Then he heard a voice full of hatred and anger that seemed to come from the depths of hell in everyone's ears.

"You are all going to die!"

Words fall, see Lu Yang Yan top of the head of the breath instantly condensed into the true martial arts phase, and then toward LV Xiuming will blow past.

Although Lu Xiuming was shocked in his heart, he soon calmed down and sneered, "did he break through? So what? "

With that, he raised his fist to greet him, and he went straight with zhenwuzhi.


After a loud noise, the Zhenwu virtual statue collapsed most of its body, leaving only a small part.

But even so, it didn't step back.

On the contrary, Lu Xiuming, like a kite with broken line, was shaken back dozens of steps, and spat out a big mouthful of blood in the middle of the journey.

Now, the whole scene is shaking.

Even LV Zhengqing opened his mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Lu Yangyan, who just broke through the semi saint, retreated Lu Xiuming, who was the elder in charge of punishment. It was incredible.

Lu Xiuming didn't think of this. When he stood still, his face could not be described. He was almost dripping water.

It was at this time that LV Yangyan suddenly spat out a mouthful of pale golden blood, and the virtual image of Zhenwu, which was only half left, rose sharply.

In an instant, Zhenwu's virtual image returned to its original state, and its momentum was more advanced than before.

Then, the statue stepped out, came to LV Xiuming, and raised his hand to blow out.

It's too fast for people to react.

Lu Xiuming was scared to death. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late. He could only watch the blow go straight to his face.

But at this time, just listen to a cold hum, and then a dry palm will appear out of thin air, blocking the blow.


With a light sound, fine lines appeared on the fist of this Zhenwu virtual image, and quickly spread upward.

In the blink of an eye, these fine lines spread to the whole body of Zhenwu virtual image, and then they burst into pieces silently.

Lu Yang Yan snorted, and blood came out of his eyes, mouth and nose.

At the same time, an old man with a simple face and vicissitudes of life appeared in the field. It was the grand sacrificial wine in Zhenwu Taoism that was second only to the master.

As soon as he saw him, Lu Zhengqing felt tight in his heart.

It's broken.

There's no way to improve today.

But Lu Xiuming and the people behind him were very happy, and then they bowed their heads together.

"Great sacrifice wine!"

Dajijiu didn't respond. Instead, he quietly looked at LV Yangyan who was seriously injured, and then sighed.

"Lv Yangyan, I already know what happened before. Hand over all the jewels. I can spare you and this little girl!"

Lu Yang Yan wiped the blood on his face and glanced coldly at the big sacrifice wine.

There was a tremor in his heart.

What kind of eyes, full of endless hatred and anger, just like a wild animal in a desperate situation, always ready to choose and bite.

Lu Xiuming was angry in his heart and said in a deep voice: "this man is stubborn. It's better to kill him. After all, Feichen is waiting to use it. If the delay is too long, what should we do

The grand sacrifice wine pondered for a moment, then sighed and nodded.

"Blame you for not having what doesn't belong to you!"

With a grim smile, LV Xiuming was about to attack LV Yangyan.

But at this time, only listen to a woman voice full of fun from afar, accompanied by clear applause.

"Tut Tut, it's wonderful. I don't know what hypocrisy is until today." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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