Funiu Mountain.

Zhenwu Taoist temple.

As one of the important branches of Taoism, although it has gradually declined in recent years, it can still be regarded as the leading sect.

Right now.

In the main hall of this Taoist temple, Lu Zhongxuan, the master of the Zhenwu Taoist temple and the leader of the Zhenwu sect, took three pieces of aloes and inserted them in the incense burner in front of the shrine.

Among the cigarettes, the statue above the shrine became more and more dignified.

After burning incense, Lu Zhongxuan sat on the mat in front of the shrine and began to do his homework.

It's his daily habit of standing still!

At this time, all the disciples would withdraw from the hall, leaving LV Zhongxuan alone.

Today, of course, is no exception. The huge palace is empty, and the windows are even more closed, which makes the outside light can not shine in, and it looks very dark.

In such an environment, only LV Zhongxuan's voice of whispering and chanting scriptures reverberated.


The darkness in the corner of the main hall began to surge, and then a few invisible black awns were directly projected into the statue sitting on the shrine.

Then the statue began to wriggle.

you 're right!

It's peristalsis.

As if in an instant, countless branches and vines grew in the body of the statue. The dense black lines swayed wantonly, but there was no sound. Then they gathered around LV Zhongxuan on the futon.

Lu Zhongxuan was still devoutly reciting the Scriptures.

But at the moment when these black lines were about to touch LV Zhongxuan, a wisp of golden light flashed from LV Zhongxuan's eyebrows.

The black lines froze and then disappeared.

Lu Zhongxuan had no sense of what had happened outside.

Then everything returned to silence. After chanting the Scriptures for an hour, LV Zhongxuan opened his eyes slowly, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

"Lord Zhenwu, did you really leave us? Why, no matter how pious I pray, you have not responded? "

Whispering softly, LV Zhongxuan raised his head to look at the statue whose face was shrouded in darkness on the shrine.

The statue of nature will not have any response, silent standing.

Lu Zhongxuan gave a bitter smile.

"If I didn't feel the breath you left in the statue, I really thought..."

LV Zhongxuan swallowed the words back, but the sadness on his face had betrayed him.

After sitting still for a while, LV Zhongxuan shook his head and sighed, stood up and went out.

But he didn't know that when he turned around, there were strands of silk which were almost integrated with the darkness and came to his back.

Lu Zhongxuan didn't feel it, so he raised his hand and opened the door.

At the moment, the sunlight outside the house is just right. When the door of the hall is opened, the sunlight comes in directly, just shining on these black silk threads.

The silk thread disintegrated in an instant. At the same time, the sun was winding up along the silk thread, and the statue trembled. It seemed that there was a roar of pain, but everything soon returned to normal.

Lu Zhongxuan looked back.

The main hall behind him was empty, the statue of God stood quietly, and the incense was shrouded in smoke. LV Zhongxuan didn't see anything unusual.

But there was a doubt in his eyes.

Just now, he heard a cry of pain, how suddenly disappeared?

Just when he was puzzled, he suddenly saw a noise coming from outside the mountain gate, and then a messenger came in a hurry, shouting in panic.

"Guanzhu, Guanzhu, big things are not good!"

Lu Zhongxuan was stunned, and his expression immediately became solemn, "what's the matter?"

"Just now the news came from them that elder martial brother Feichen was possessed by evil spirit. He was unconscious and elder master Zhangxing was injured. Let's get ready quickly!"

"What?" Lu Zhongxuan is thrilled.

The news is absolutely shocking.

For a time, he was a bit of a loner.

But fortunately, after a moment of confusion, he finally calmed down and said in a deep voice: "call all the elders in the left behind Temple immediately and get ready!"


The disciple was ordered to leave.

But before LV Zhongxuan made any further preparations, he saw more than a dozen Guanghua coming from outside and falling directly in front of the main hall.

The leader was Lu Qixian, the great wine maker, and behind him were the people of Zhenwu Taoist school.

But at this time the people are a little embarrassed.

Because a few people are carrying a stretcher, on which lies the unconscious LV Feichen.

At the same time, there are two people with pale Lu Xiuming.

"Lord As soon as LV Qixian saw LV Zhongxuan standing in front of the door, he immediately bowed his hand.

LV Zhongxuan waved his hand and immediately came forward to check LV Feichen's condition.

After a moment, his face became very ugly.

"What's going on?"

With a sigh, Lu Qixian tells how to perform the task and how Lu Feichen was hurt by the unexpected evil things.

After hearing this, LV Zhongxuan's face became very blue.

The reason is that Lu Feichen is too important.

It can be said that he devoted all his efforts to this descendant, in order to make him shine at the hundred family meeting and boost the prestige of Zhenwu Taoist temple.

But now this accident has upset the whole plan.

"What's the matter with him?" LV Zhongxuan punished the elder LV Xiuming with one finger.

Before waiting for the grand sacrifice to speak, Lu Xiuming said with a strong spirit: "master, all this has to blame the Xuantian empress of the pharmacist alliance. I was hurt by her!"

"Oh? Emperor Xuantian? What's going on? "

Although Lu Xiuming was seriously injured, his words were unimpeded, so he told the story again.

Of course, when it comes to snatching the jewels, he understated it, but focused on the "hegemony" of the nine heaven Xuannv.

Not only that, but he also added to the story of LV Zhengqing's attempt to let LV Yangyan escape, regardless of the Taoist "interests".

After hearing this, LV Zhongxuan frowned and his face became very ugly.

He really didn't expect that there would be so many things happened just for a simple tour.

The Xuantian empress of the pharmacist alliance, he naturally knew that she was a powerful person that even he did not dare to provoke easily.

As for LV Zhengqing, he didn't care too much.

Because he had his own views on LV Zhengqing, he waved his hand.

"Well, don't go on. The most urgent task now is to cure Fei Chen's injury as soon as possible! As for the rest, I'll talk about it later! "

Lu Xiuming had no choice but to shut his mouth.

"Carry him into the hall first!"

Soon, they carried LV Feichen into the hall.

"Everyone go out. Only the breath left by Lord Zhenwu can temporarily suppress the evil in him. I'll look for some pills left in those years, which should have some effect!"


Then all the people left the hall and closed the door tightly.

LV Zhongxuan went to look for the pills in a hurry, and the people didn't dare to leave, so they stood in front of the hall and waited.

But they didn't know. Just as they closed the door, the statue on the shrine suddenly trembled, and then countless dark silk threads stretched out and poured into LV Feichen's body on the stretcher.

In a flash, LV Feichen was shocked all over, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of eyes pure black as ink, where there is a bit of human breath. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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