At the same time, outside the gate of the hall, many elders of the Zhenwu sect arrived one after another.

After hearing what happened, these elders stationed in our sect also turned pale.

"Where is the master? Would you like to go into the hall now? " Asked the elder.

Someone shook his head. "Before the master left, he made it clear. Let Feichen be alone in the hall and suppress his evil spirit with the breath left by Emperor Zhenwu. No one is allowed to enter! He's going to look for the elixir that can cure Feichen. He'll be back soon! "

Just say, but see LV Zhongxuan hurried back, holding a small medicine bottle in the hand, the face is full of excited color.

"Is there any change in it?"

"Lord Huiguan, we are waiting here. We don't hear anything unusual in it!"


Lu Zhongxuan pushed the door open and went into the main hall.

Sure enough.

At the moment, LV Feichen is still lying quietly on the stretcher without any abnormality.

Lu Zhongxuan then put down his heart and came to LV Feichen.

"Feichen, don't worry. I've just found a pill left by Emperor Zhenwu. It's sure to cure you!"

With that, LV Zhongxuan pulled out the cork, poured out a pill the size of a knuckle, and bent over to feed LV Feichen.

But at this time, LV Feichen suddenly opened his eyes and stared at LV Zhongxuan with dark eyes.

LV Zhongxuan was shocked, but before he could react, countless strands of black silk thread extended from LV Feichen's body and directly trapped LV Zhongxuan in it.

All this happened very quickly, almost in an instant, these black silk threads stabbed directly at LV Zhongxuan's body.

But just touched his skin, the surface was suddenly broken by the golden light.

Then Lu Zhongxuan snorted coldly, "evil monsters dare to work in front of the Zhenwu statue, but they won't die?"

With that, he pinched the exorcism seal and pressed it directly on LV Feichen's eyebrow.

Lu Feichen retreated as if in fear.

It has to be said that as the leader of the Zhenwu sect, although LV Zhongxuan was mediocre, he could deal with these shady things.

Especially now, the disciples he valued most were occupied by these evil things. Naturally, he was even more angry, but on the surface, he said softly.

"Don't be afraid if you are not angry. Hold yuan Shou's heart. Master will remove the Yin in your body!"

But as soon as his voice fell, his body was suddenly shocked, and then he turned his head and looked back.

The statue on the shrine has disappeared. Instead, it is an extremely evil thing with innumerable tentacles.

And one of the tentacles was right in the back of his heart.

"How... How could..."

Lu Zhongxuan couldn't believe his eyes. They were the statues left by Lord Zhenwu. How could they be polluted by evil things?

But he can't help believing it!

The blood flowed down the wound, and the black air quickly covered the cheek.

Lu Zhongxuan opens his mouth and wants to roar. He wants to inform the people outside of the hall of the situation.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, LV Feichen, who had dodged to the distance, suddenly rushed to the front, then held his head and bit him on the neck.

Lu Zhongxuan was shocked. Countless black blood gushed out of his mouth, and finally condensed into a camellia.

When the black Camellia bloomed slowly, LV Zhongxuan's eyes darkened quickly, then stopped trembling and closed.

Lu Feichen stopped biting, released his mouth and stepped back, as if waiting for something.


Lu Zhongxuan suddenly opened his eyes, which were as black as ink, emitting a very evil and terrible light.

Seeing this, Lu Feichen immediately fell to his knees and cried out in a vague but respectful voice.

"I've met you, my Lord!"

Lu Zhongxuan looked down at the angry Lu Fei. His mouth was wide open, showing his sharp fangs.

"Yes, you did a good job!" The voice was cold and evil, like a demon voice from hell.

Lu Feichen didn't dare to lift his head up. He trembled and said, "thank you for your praise!"

At this time, LV Zhongxuan's figure floated slowly, and a face appeared on his back.

The face looked at the statue and sneered.

"At the beginning, it was your destiny to let your body run away, but these disciples and grandchildren you left behind will never run away again this time!"

With the words, the statue collapsed quietly, and the black air contained in it poured into LV Zhongxuan's body, making his already violent power soar again.

The wound left by Lu Feichen's gnawing on his neck also recovered after a period of peristalsis.

Then LV Zhongxuan slowly fell to the ground, his breath quickly converged, and the black in his eyes faded in an instant.

"Call in all the people outside. Today, none of the people of zhenwudao sect can run away. They will be my subordinates!"


Lu Fei was angry and turned to walk out.

LV Zhongxuan suddenly stopped him again, "wait a minute!"

"What else can I do for you?"

"I haven't fully recovered my strength now. If I come in together, I'm afraid there will be mistakes. Let them come in one by one."

"I understand!"

Before Lu Feichen came to the gate of the hall, with a few breaths, his whole state returned to normal.

Then he opened the door and went out.

As soon as he appeared, the whole audience was shocked.

All the people of zhenwudao sect who had been waiting anxiously outside the hall were shocked.

"Feichen, are you awake?" Originally injured, but has been insisting on waiting outside, refused to leave LV Xiuming see it is ecstatic.

All the other elders came forward.

"Feichen, how did you wake up so quickly?"

"Yes! I was so worried about us before! "

"It's still the master's superb skill. He'll wake Feichen up with his hand!"

Facing the sound of words, Lu Fei smiles and nods frequently.

Only LV Zhengqing looked at LV Feichen and frowned imperceptibly. He seemed to notice something.

"Thank you for your worry. Before Feichen, he was just put into the body by evil Qi. With the help of Zhenwu's power and master's elixir, it's all right!"

Lu Xiuming, who came to the front, was very excited when he heard that, "that would be great, great!"

The big sacrifice wine is also hand stroking beard and smiling.

At this moment, LV Feichen smiles at him. "The Lord of sacrifice has just ordered you to go in, saying that there is something important to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Lu Qixian was stunned.

Do you have something important to discuss with yourself?

Of course, he did not dare to delay and immediately nodded.

"Well, I'll go in and see the master now!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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