The rest of the people were waiting outside and asked Lu Feichen how he woke up. No one cared about the big sacrifice wine.

After all, in the eyes of the public, isn't it normal for the master to consult with the grand sacrifice wine?

Only Lu Zhengqing's face was startled, and his eyes floated to the hall from time to time, as if thinking about something.

Just then, Lu Fei came forward with a smile, "elder Zhengqing, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing. I just feel a little trance. Maybe it's because I'm too tired these days."

Lu Zhengqing quickly gathered away the suspicious look in his eyes and said with a smile.

"Oh? Is it? Elder Zhengqing, you should have a lot of rest. Fortunately, things are over now. After today, nothing will happen! "

As he said this, LV Feichen stepped forward gallantly, as if to look at LV Zhengqing's body.

Lu Zhengqing did not move his face and stepped back. "I'm worried about my work. I think so too. I'll be fine after more rest."

Lu Feichen wanted to say something more. At this moment, LV Xiuming came over.

He was not angry at LV Feichen's gallant attitude towards LV Zhengqing, so he came over and said in a deep voice.

"Feichen, since people don't want to contact us, you can say less!"

With that, he grabbed LV Feichen's hand and went to the side.

Lu Fei was shocked. There was a sense of obliteration in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly. Then he nodded to LV Zhengqing.

"I'll leave first if I'm not angry!"

Then they left.

But Lu Zhengqing's heart has set off a storm.

Because others may not have seen it clearly just now, but he could not see it more clearly.

Especially when LV Xiuming grabs LV Feichen's hand, the erasure in his eyes is very clear.

What's going on?

Why does Lu Feichen feel strange when he wakes up?

What's the point of obliteration?

Isn't his relationship with LV Xiuming the best?

These questions came to his mind, but what puzzled him most was Lu Feichen's attitude towards himself.

You should know that you don't have a high position in this school of zhenwudao, and you can even be regarded as a marginalized figure.

If it wasn't for Lu Zhongxuan, the current master of the temple, who thinks highly of himself, no one would have noticed him at all.

Before, Lu Feichen was the son of heaven. Although he maintained superficial respect for himself, he had never been so attentive as he is today.

What's going on?

Lu Zhengqing felt that all the anomalies seemed to point in the same direction, but he couldn't grasp them.

Just at this time, the door of the main hall was pushed open again, and then the great sacrificial wine LV Qixian came out with a full face.

"The Lord has an order to call all the elders into the temple to discuss important matters!"


The elders did not doubt that he was there. They bowed their heads and said yes. Then they walked to the hall.

Only LV Zhengqing hesitated at the end.

Although the familiar hall was still in front of him, there was a voice in his heart telling him not to go in! Or you will die!

Just at this time, I saw the big wine Lu Qixian turned to look at him.

"What's the matter, elder Zhengqing? The Lord has orders. Don't you hurry in? "

Lu Zhengqing trembled all over. He bowed his head and said, "yes!"

Lu Qixian nodded, doubting him, turned and went into the hall.

But he didn't notice that at the moment, LV Zhengqing's eyes were full of infinite horror.

Because just now, when LV Qixian called him, he exposed a major mistake.

That is, although Lu Qixian used to call himself Zhengqing, he never added the word "elder" after him.

Combined with today's unusual performance of Lu Feichen, all of these shocked him.

What's going on?

What's in this hall? Or even make yourself so scared?

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the main hall, Lu Zhengqing's panic was almost overflowing.

At the same time, an elder beside him couldn't help but ask: "Zhengqing, what's the matter with you today? Why do you look so bad? Are you sick? "

Although they seldom get sick because of their cultivation, once they get sick, they will be extremely dangerous, and may even be a life-threatening catastrophe.

This is also the inevitable disaster on the way to practice.

Lu Zhengqing moved in his heart and then nodded weakly.

"Well, I really don't feel well, or I won't go in and wait outside for a while."

The elder asked with great concern, "shall I take you back first?"

"That's fine!"

They turned around and were about to leave.

But at this time, behind the hall suddenly came a huge earthquake.

The shock made the whole Funiu Mountain tremble.

"My God, what's that?" There was a scream behind him.

Lu Zhengqing looked back and saw a shocking scene.

But see the whole hall has collapsed, and on it appeared a whole body is wrapped by black silk thread of evil things.

This evil thing is huge, standing in the middle of the sky, it seems to be looking at people with pondering eyes.

Lu Zhengqing was shocked in his heart and almost subconsciously hid away.

A thread of black silk passed just where he was standing.

But others are not so lucky.

The black silk thread appeared from all angles, and then penetrated the bodies of everyone present.

The elder who just spoke to LV Zhengqing and kindly wanted to send him back was also killed. A thread penetrated his chest and was dragged into the air.

In a flash, all these elders became prey on the silk thread, suspended in the air, and their faces were in pain.

But no one made any sound, because just as they opened their mouths, black blood gushed out and quickly condensed into black camellia.

Lu Zhengqing felt that his scalp was numb and his hair stood up.

Because the scene in front of us is really terrible. The evil object standing in the middle is like a hell devil tree, and these elders are the fruits on its branches.

Just at this time, I saw that the evil object slowly turned its head and looked at LV Zhengqing. Then the black air of his head gradually dissipated, revealing a familiar and strange face.

"Well, isn't it beautiful?"


Lu Zhengqing only felt that all the blood rushed to the top of his head and screamed.


Then a heart sank to the bottom.

Although there has been speculation before, but really see LV Zhongxuan's face, he still felt the supreme indignation.

It is true that LV Zhongxuan, as the observer of this term, is very mediocre and incompetent, but he is at least good to himself, and he is trying his best to do all that an observer should do.

But now, he was harmed by evil things. How could he not make LV Zhengqing suffer.

"Ha ha ha, LV Zhengqing, your master is dead. Now I am your master! Your vigilance is very high. If you didn't want to escape just now, I wouldn't be so anxious to show myself. Now kneel down and surrender. I can give you eternal life! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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