"Eternal life..." LV Zhengqing murmured, his eyes full of indescribable complexities.

"Yes, as long as you submit to me, I can give you endless life and great power!" The evil thing says with extremely tempting tone.

Lu Zhengqing suddenly chuckled, and then slowly raised his eyes to look at this evil thing.

"Needless to say, as a descendant of emperor Zhenwu, how can I bow to you?"

This evil thing didn't expect that LV Zhengqing would refuse. He was stunned.

But soon he had a very harsh laugh.

"Emperor Zhenwu? Ha ha ha, your gods have already become our food. What qualification can we call ourselves the great emperor

With these words, LV Zhengqing was shocked and looked at the evil object in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

"You should not know that I devoured the gods you worshiped, so you should submit to me now, because I am your new God!"

With the voice, the appearance of this evil object suddenly began to change, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into the true martial arts.

I saw him standing aloof in the middle of the sky, awe inspiring.

The most important thing is that when he incarnated as the real martial arts prime minister, he was no longer evil, but full of supreme dignity.

Seeing this scene, LV Zhengqing's eyes instantly shrunk to the size of a needle tip, and his complexion became extremely pale.

What can be more sad than to hear that the God you are worshiping has died?

"The old God is dead. Now kneel down and I will be your new master!" This evil thing speaks in a ferocious voice.

Those who had been dragged into the sky by the black silk thread fell to the ground one after another, and then worshipped the evil object with a crazy face.

Only LV Zhengqing stood still.

"Why don't you get down on your knees?" The evil thing looked down at LV Zhengqing and asked with incomparable dignity.

By this time, LV Zhengqing's expression had returned to normal, and the pallor on his face had gradually faded, replaced by infinite perseverance and determination.

He slowly raised his head, and his whole body began to boil with the majestic power of Zhenwu.

"In my knee, I always kneel only on the justice of heaven, only on the ancestors of my sect. As for you..."

Lu Zhengqing took a deep breath and his eyes were as bright as a diamond.

"Evil things are evil things, even if they disguise as the emperor, they are still evil things! So today, I, LV Zhengqing, want to kill demons and demons, and help the way of heaven! "

With the last burst of drinking, LV Zhengqing pinched the magic seal and went straight to the evil object with a indomitable posture.

The evil thing sneered, "I'm really looking for death. In that case, I'll help you!"

Words fall, countless black silk thread instantly emerge, and made into a big net, according to LV Zhengqing will cover his face with his head in the past.

Although LV Zhengqing has the heart of death, he knows that if he is covered by this big net, he will never survive. In that case, he will be wronged.

Therefore, he dodged in the interval of time, forced to avoid the big net, and then detoured to kill the evil thing again.

The evil thing is cold to hum a, the evil light in the eye is a flash.

Lu Zhengqing, who is running wildly, suddenly feels a great sense of crisis, which makes him suddenly stop.

That is, at the same time, the ground in front of LV Zhengqing suddenly collapsed into a deep hole.

Then countless strands of black silk thread burst out of the big hole.

Although LV Zhengqing dodged in time, there were still a few threads passing through the soles of his feet.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff.

Lu Zhengqing snorted, and his face was in pain.

But his reaction was not timely. Almost at the same time when the sole of his foot was injured, he pinched his fingers at a very fast speed to make a powerful exorcism seal, and then pressed it into the big hole in front of him.


The golden light came straight in, and then there was a violent explosion in the big hole.

The black silk thread that had been swaying wantonly also disappeared.

It has to be said that LV Zhengqing's fighting power at this moment is enough to make people look at him.

Can be at this time, a figure quietly appeared behind him, and then a palm down.


Caught off guard, LV Zhengqing was forced to fly out. After landing, his facial features were already flushed with blood, and he was obviously seriously injured.

It was only then that he could see clearly who was attacking him behind his back.

It was Lu Xiuming who had been at odds with himself before.

At the moment, his face is ferocious, his eyes are black as paint, and his whole body is full of evil. It makes people feel cold just by looking at him.

"Ha ha ha, LV Zhengqing, what's the taste of being fratricidal? Don't worry, he will kill you soon The evil creature burst out laughing.

LV Zhengqing's face became extremely ugly. Although he had a bad relationship with LV Xiuming, it was very hard for him to see such a spirited Taoist friend in the past become what he is now.

"Elder Xiuming, are you controlled by this evil thing?" LV Zhengqing cried out, trying to wake up LV Xiuming's mind.

But as soon as his voice fell, Lu Xiuming rushed up like a hungry wolf.

Lu Xiuming's strength was greatly increased after he was attacked by evil Qi. Just a simple attack was full of awe.

Lu Zhengqing dodged the blow.

But the next moment, he was blasted out again by Lu Xiuming.

With a plop, he staggered to the ground, coughing violently, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his eyes darkened.

Just at this time, Lu Xiuming rushed to the front again, opened his mouth and bit Lu Zhengqing's neck viciously.

But at this time, Lu Zhengqing's eyes suddenly burst out bright light, at the same time, the whole body of Qi and blood also thoroughly boiling.

Facing the flaming power of LV Zhengqing, LV Xiuming's face showed a look of surprise, and then he wanted to step back.

But as soon as he stepped back, he was hugged by LV Zhengqing.

"Roar!" Lu Xiuming opened his mouth and roared bitterly.

Because at this moment, the flames rose from both of them.

The flame of Zhenwu!

This is the flame of true martial arts produced by Lu Zhengqing's own Qi and blood, which has a strong deterrent effect on all evil spirits and monsters.

Lu Xiuming struggled madly, trying to break away from the shackles of LV Zhengqing.

But all his efforts were in vain in front of LV Zhengqing, who had already put life and death aside.

I saw him cling to Lu Xiuming's legs, his eyes showing a determined and gratified luster.

Because he saw that under the fire of Zhenwu, LV Xiuming's face and body were melting like a candle.

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