Although it can't destroy this evil thing, it's good to kill an accomplice!

Lu Zhengqing held this idea in his heart, and then the whole divine consciousness went to the deepest darkness.

In a trance, he seemed to hear the angry roar of the evil object.

It made the smile in the corner of his mouth stronger.

Master Zhenwu, I didn't disgrace you!

When his consciousness completely dissipated at the moment, a dazzling light from his body in the sky, and then burst out a loud noise.


The shockwave nearly swept the whole Funiu Mountain, and dozens of Zhenwu's children who were nearest were directly killed by the shockwave.

Among them, there are many Zhenwu elders who have been controlled by evil things.

Even the evil object was disheartened by the unexpected explosion and roared angrily.

"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch, you dare to break my plan. You deserve to die!"

But even if he's full of anger, there's nowhere to go.

Because at the moment, LV Zhengqing's body and soul have all fallen, and even the last trace of Qi and blood has just turned into the explosion.

Just at this time, LV Feichen suddenly rushed to the center of the explosion and squatted down to explore carefully.

A moment later, he said in a startled voice, "my Lord, this man is not dead yet!"

Sure enough.

Just in the center of the explosion lay a charred body.

At the moment, the charred corpse was creeping slowly, and some evil gas penetrated into it.

"Oh?" This evil thing was also a little surprised.

He saw with his own eyes the big explosion just now. Even if the monks with evil spirit were more tenacious, they could not survive the explosion of this degree.

So he rather suspiciously poked out a wisp of black silk thread and inserted it into the coke like body.

A moment later, he let out a slight sigh.

"Well, I'm not dead! Not only is he not dead, but he seems to be trying to revive! "

This evil thing could not help sighing a few words, and then instilled the majestic evil through this thread.

In a flash, under the instillation of this abundant evil spirit, the scorched body quickly took off the outer layer of scorched skin and began to recover.

But within a few breaths, Lu Xiuming reappeared in front of the crowd.

"This guy is really lucky!" The evil object sneered, then withdrew the thread and ignored it.

After all, he was just an ordinary pawn, not worthy of his attention.

Seeing this, LV Fei shrugged and turned to leave.

But no matter he or this evil object, they didn't notice that in the deep of Lu Xiuming's evil eyes, there was a faint cold color flashing.

But the light was fleeting, and then LV Xiuming returned to normal, lowered his head and returned to the crowd.

So the storm subsided.

Lu Zhengqing was killed, and the whole Zhenwu school was completely occupied.

This evil thing overlooks the people kneeling all over the ground, with a slight sneer.

"In the future, I will be your master, LV Zhongxuan. Don't show any difference in front of outsiders, do you remember?"


These people bow their heads and say yes.

The evil thing nodded with satisfaction, then waved.

These people's evil will quickly convergence without a trace, including the eyes also returned to normal.

At the same time, there are countless black silk threads on the body of the evil object, which extend into the collapsed hall and rebuild it with a very fast speed.

After the roaring sound, the hall reappeared in front of the public, and even the statue of Zhenwu God in it was restored as before.

After finishing all this, the evil thing looked over and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, all traces have been covered, even if someone comes to explore, they won't find any clues!"

"The Zhenwu sect has been completely infected, not angry!"

"The disciple is here!"

"You are in charge of all the affairs here. I'll report it to the top as soon as possible."


LV Zhongxuan turned around and left, and the whole Zhenwu Taoist sect returned to normal.

All the people dispersed, and all their behaviors were the same as usual.

As this evil thing said, even if someone who is familiar with zhenwudao sect comes to explore, he will not notice any abnormality.

At the same time, in the alliance of pharmacists, when LV Zhengqing and LV Xiuming died together, LV Yangyan, who was sitting by the bed quietly waiting for his sister to wake up, suddenly frowned and then turned to look out of the window.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that his face was very ugly, Cha Wenliang asked softly.

Lu Yang Yan's face was full of doubts and he shook his head gently.

"I don't know what's going on, but just now I was so scared that I felt as if something important had left me!"

"Oh? And now? "

"Now that feeling is gone again!" LV Yangyan said thoughtfully.

"Maybe you are too tired to have illusion! Now that your sister's condition is under control, you don't have to stay here. Go and have a rest! " Cha Wenliang said softly.

Although LV Yangyan was puzzled, he finally nodded, "maybe I'm too tired, so I'll have a rest!"

Then he went out of the room and went back to his room.

But after he really lay in bed, he couldn't sleep any more.

He can be sure that the feeling of losing just now is not an illusion.

But the question is, why did it disappear all of a sudden?

Is there something wrong with master?

This thought startled him. He suddenly sat up, but soon fell down again.

What if it is?

Can he go to Funiu Mountain to find out?

You know, now he can't even keep his sister, let alone Funiu Mountain thousands of miles away.

In desperation, he could only sigh and murmur.

"Master, may you be safe!"

For LV Zhengqing, LV Yangyan was full of resentment at the beginning. He thought that he was too cowardly and even let himself and his sister live in the street.

But after so many years of ups and downs, he has understood the master's difficulties, and the resentment has long gone.

What happened last night is even more vivid. LV Zhengqing came to report at risk, which is enough to show that he really took himself as an apprentice.

It's a pity that this is the way things are, and people often don't like it.

So now he can only pray in his heart.

And that is at this time, in a very chaotic and evil star cluster somewhere in the sky.

A man in black received a report from the evil thing who was incarnated as LV Zhongxuan.

When he finished, he nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good. Another Taoist sect has been infected. It seems that this hundred schools meeting is sure to be held!"

With the voice, the man in black sitting on the high chair slowly stood up.

At this moment, the light of the stars outside the window finally cleared his face.

It was the man in black who lured long Zhan to attack Xue an in zuisheng building in Linglong city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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