At this moment, a mysterious and powerful voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the man in black.

"How are things going?"

Hearing the sound, the man in black fell to his knees in a hurry.

At the moment when he fell on his knees, the ceiling above his head suddenly disappeared and was replaced by countless mysterious stars.

These stars radiate scarlet light, and are arranged together according to some extremely disordered law, forming a very strange picture.

The man in black didn't dare to raise his head, because he knew that even if he looked at this picture more, he would fall into endless madness.

Because it's really incomprehensible, completely unknown, even indescribable.

"Report back to the great dominator. We have just received the news that the Zhenwu Taoism sect has fallen. Now we have controlled several powerful Taoism sects, and we are waiting to launch an attack on the hundred congresses!"

"Good! But you have to continue to work hard, because this time you will capture all the forces in the sky, and then we will come here and make this our nest! "

"Yes The man in black kowtowed deeply.

"You did a good job. It's a reward for you!"

With the voice, a ray of tentacles protruded from the star map, extended to the man in black, shrank back a little, and then stabbed into the eyebrow.

The man in black was shocked, his face was in agony, but his eyes were filled with ecstasy.

Because at this moment, the most powerful evil is instilling into the sea of knowledge along this tentacle.

But in the blink of an eye, the body of the man in black was stretched out.

That's because the energy is too strong to digest and absorb for the time being.

"Thank you, great master!" The man in black kowtowed repeatedly.

"Remember, the Chinese kid has to be eliminated, and you can't do it, because once those beings know that we killed him, I can't bear the consequences! It's better to let him die under the hands of his kind! "

"I understand!" The man in Black said immediately.

The next moment, this strange map disappeared, and the ceiling reappeared.

The man in black took a long breath. Then he stood up and felt the great power in his body. His face was full of joy.

"Since I can't do it myself, I have to plan well! It's just that there's a grudge between the Shen family and Xue an. The second young master Shen is going to pass the pass soon. You can make good use of it! "

With the voice, his body gradually turned into a mass of fog, dispersed with the wind.

For the next few days, under the seemingly calm surface of Tianwaitian, there was a turbulent undercurrent surging.

Many sects are infected and controlled by evil things overnight, but outsiders are not aware of all this.

Time flies by.

A month later.

Alliance of pharmacists.

Little gourd, like chewing sugar beans, ate more than ten top pearls, and then leaned back on the chair contentedly.

This is her daily routine in recent days.

People are not surprised at this.

However, the little gourd is not just resting there. After she closed her eyes, her breathing became more and more relaxed.

And in that breathing, little light in front of her condensation, forming a small light group.

It was the badly damaged armor in the light.

But at this time, the cracks on the armor have been repaired a lot, and with her every breath, the scars on the armor are disappearing bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, Ao Shu couldn't help exclaiming: "sometimes I really don't understand how this little guy repairs his armor while sleeping."

Zha Wenliang laughs, "it's just like she can't understand your happiness, anger, sorrow and happiness. It's natural. There's no need to make a fuss!"

Ao Shu shrugged, "well, I'll go inside and play with sister Yan!"

With that, Ao Shu got up and walked out of the medicated food shop, which was dragged here by the nine day Xuannv from the nearby planet to be a temporary post house.

If you know that there are not a thousand or eight hundred friars gathered around the defensive front at the moment, so many people naturally need a place to settle down.

So nine days Xuannv simply transferred to the medicated food shop from all over the world. It happened that the buildings of the medicated food shop were designed for floating out of thin air, so it soon became a rather prosperous temporary town.

Ao Shu stepped on the void and hummed a little song through the street.

But just as she was about to enter the front line, a man suddenly rushed out of the stab and stopped Ao Shu's way.

Aoshu was surprised, subconsciously ready to resist the enemy.

But at this time, the man in front of him said in an almost humble tone: "Lord Aoshu, don't do it, don't do it, it's me!"

Aoshu fixed her eyes on it, and then put down her heart, and frowned slightly.

"It's you. What are you doing here?"

It's no one else. It's Si Mingqi, the current head of the family.

But now he has to put a double quotation mark on the head of his family.

The reason is that after experiencing many hardships, the whole family of Si has been separated from each other, and it is only one step away from complete disintegration.

In fact, now simingqi has completely lost control of the family, and no one listens to him.

And the root of all this naturally comes from what happened during this period of time.

First, there was internal strife in Si's family, and Si Mingqi and Si Yicheng colluded with each other to overthrow the former head of the family.

Then Jiutian Xuannu and Xue an led a large army to attack, which eventually made the whole ancestral land of Si family completely disappear.

Every one of these things made his family's heart float. If it wasn't for his quick response at that time, he would not have come to a good end.

But this also brought a very serious consequence, that is, all his authority is based on the support of Xue an.

But now Xue an is seriously closed, and his life and death are uncertain. All of a sudden, he pushes simingqi to the edge of the cliff, and there is no way to retreat.

After suffering for more than a month, he couldn't stand it any more, so he ventured to this temporary town to inquire about the situation.

Because in his capacity, it is impossible to enter through the heavily guarded front.

That's why he had to do it.

Did not expect that his luck is good, just came not long to meet Ao Shu, this just summoned up courage to stop her.

When the division of Mingqi sad face of his tragic situation about again, and then pitifully looking at Aoshu.

"Mr. Aoshu, how is Mr. Xue now? When on earth can he wake up? "

After hearing Si Mingqi's story, Ao Shu smiles in her heart.

This guy is really unlucky. As the head of a family, he even lost his ancestral land, and his subordinates didn't listen to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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