As soon as the words fell, the void not far away from them was directly broken, and then Shen Muyu rushed out of it.

Seeing this scene, nine days Xuan girl's pupil instantly contracted to the size of the needle tip, lost her voice and exclaimed: "Shen family sword repair?"

With the voice, she rushed out like a shell, trying to intercept Shen Muyu.

But even she couldn't catch up with Shen Muyu.

Shen Muyu even had time to smile.

"Are you the Xuantian empress?"

With that, his figure speeded up again, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a streamer that was almost invisible to the naked eye, leaving Jiutian Xuannv behind.

Nine days Xuan girl's complexion become extremely ugly, at the same time clench teeth, after desperately chasing.

Because she knew that Shen jiajianxiu, who was more powerful than Shen Hongyi before, must have come for Xue an.

Although she did not believe that the Shen family, who always cherished feathers, would attack a person who was not awake from seclusion, she still had to guard against everything in case.

But even if she tried her best, she still couldn't catch up with Shen Muyu, which made her feel desperate.

But at this time, a ray of thunder suddenly fell in front of Shen Muyu.


The thunder was all over the place.

Although Shen Muyu's accomplishments didn't care about the thunder light at all, it was a good time for the thunder light to appear.

Even he, still inevitably slowed down a bit of speed.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv seized the opportunity and finally got in front of him.

Shen Muyu is stunned and stops. Instead of looking at Jiutian Xuannv, he smiles at Anyan in the distance.

"Good timing! That's why Lei Zun's strength is so poor! "

you 're right!

It was Anyan who had just given off thunder.

I saw her holding the pan, standing cold, with a determined face.

But though her heart was as strong as iron, there was a sad cry in the pan in her hand.

"From the beginning of Xiandi to xianzun, what is it now? A saint? You can just kill me! "

It's the unfortunate Lei Zun.

"Shut up, make any more noise, and now I'll throw you over!"

Anyan cheers coldly. Lei Zun in the pan immediately closes his mouth.

It was really afraid that the master mother would throw herself away again.

Because the cultivation of the opposite person has gone beyond its understanding. In the past, I don't even know how to die.

And at the moment, Anyan's heart is shaking slightly.

In front of this even more beautiful than the young woman to her a strong deterrent.

It's like facing an omnipotent God instead of a person.

But even so, Anyan didn't step back. Instead, she watched Shen Muyu coldly.

"If you want to pass, then step over my body!"

At the same time, Aoshu and xiaohulu also arrived.

As soon as he saw the situation in the field, he immediately dispersed and surrounded Shen Muyu.

But in the face of such a situation, Shen Muyu didn't even look back. He just gave a faint smile to Jiutian Xuannv and Anyan.

"It's getting more and more lively, but do you really think that will stop me?"

With the words, Shen Muyu's eyes flashed, and a great sword came down.

Sword meaning refers to, all the people in the presence of instant frozen in place, even nine days Xuannv is no exception.

I saw her eyes open for a moment, and she looked at Shen Muyu in disbelief. There was a storm in her heart.

This young man... Has taken that crucial step!

Yes, that's it!

How else can he suppress me so much that I can't even move my fingers?

As for others, of course, they are no exception.

Including an Yan, all stand in the same place, even eyelids can't move.

But Shen Mu Yu's face flashed a look of surprise, and then slowly turned to look at the little gourd standing not far behind.

In the whole audience, she was the only one who was not affected. She just looked at Shen Muyu on guard.

"It's interesting that you are not influenced by my sword. Don't you have a soul?" Shen Muyu's words are full of interest.

Little gourd trembled slightly, which was the performance of Shen Muyu's extreme fear.

But even so, she didn't step back.

"No, so what? At least I won't do it to someone who is seriously injured and shut up! " Little gourd said in a cold voice.

Shen Mu Yu laughs, "how? Are you mocking me? "

"What else?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" Shen Muyu suddenly stops smiling and says in a cold voice.

"I'm afraid, but I still have to say, and death is nothing to me. It's a big deal to hibernate in the dark for thousands of years!" Small gourd light way.

Shen Muyu took a deep look at the little gourd, and then sighed.

"In fact, you all overreacted. I'm not here to deal with Xue an. I just want to see who is holy who can get the heart of Shen family's sword and defeat our Shen family's two swordsmen with immortal body! So

"You can rest assured that I just came to have a look, and then I left immediately!"

After listening to Shen Muyu's words, little gourd pondered a little, then nodded, stepped back and stopped talking.

As for the nine days Xuannv and others, although the body is still unable to move, but these words can be heard in the ear, the heart is a loose.

In any case, the Shen family did not abandon their pride.

In this way, Xue an's life should be carefree.

At the same time, Shen Muyu stepped forward to Xue an's seclusion.

At the moment, countless daoguanghua are flickering here, while Xue an, who is in the middle, sits with his eyes closed.

Shen Muyu took a deep look at him and suddenly stretched out his hand.

With a clang sound, a sword light suddenly flew out of Xue an's body and fell into Shen Muyu's hands.

It's the scarlet sword.

At the moment, the body of the sword trembles, as if trying to break free from the shackles of Shen Muyu.

But everything was in vain. Shen Muyu reached out and gently stroked the body of the red sword.

When the fingertips pass, the sword body quiets down.

Shen Mu Yu's face was full of meditation.

Because as most people of Shen family think, Xue an must have got the heart of Shen family sword through some ulterior purpose.

But after holding the sword in hand, Shen Muyu found that the fact was not what he thought.

At least he didn't feel the slightest resentment from the heart of the Shen family sword. On the contrary, he was deeply attached to it.

It's like a dying order from a close friend.

Is it true that this thing, as he said, was given by a friend?

But is that really possible?

While Shen Muyu was meditating, he saw that the already quiet little sword suddenly began to shake violently.

Shen Mu Yu slightly raised his eyebrows, "how? You're going back? Are you really willing to talk to him? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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