Xiaojian naturally won't answer, but the sword meaning it shows still tells Shen Muyu his attitude.

This makes Shen Muyu deeply curious about Xue an again.

"It's really strange. What kind of charm do you have to make the swordsmen of Shen family follow you so faithfully?"

Shen Muyu said meaningfully, penetrating layers of flashiness in his eyes and looking at Xue an.


All of a sudden, he let out a sigh, for he was shocked to find that all his spies had melted away like ice and snow in front of Xue an.

This is something that has never happened before.

Especially for those who have just taken that step and broken the barrier, it is even more unthinkable.

This makes Shen Muyu more and more interested in Xue an.

"You can block my prying, you immortal, you are really different!"

In fact, Shen Muyu also saw that Xue an seemed to be in a very mysterious state.

However, he still chuckled, separated a wisp of ideas, ready to enter Xue an's world again, to investigate.

But just then, the space around Xue an suddenly began to shake violently.

Then, a strong and sharp sword suddenly appeared, which directly killed Shen Muyu's idea and cut him with thunder.

Shen Muyu didn't move. Instead, he looked at it curiously.

It was not until the idea of the sword was imminent and it was about to pierce into the center of the eyebrows that a sword idea emerged and collided with the idea of the sword.

Click, click!

With the sound of a clear explosion, the two collide, vanish each other, and finally disappear.

However, before Shen Muyu could breathe a sigh of relief, a stronger and purer sword spirit suddenly appeared in the sword spirit that had been offset, and he cut through it quickly.

The speed is so fast that even the space is full of ripples.

Caught off guard, Shen Muyu's sword slanted past, leaving a shallow scar on his pretty face.

All of a sudden, everything is quiet!

Shen Mu fish turns back slowly, the red mark on his face is still obvious, but no blood flows out.

And in his eyes, it is full of incredible color.

What kind of cultivation do you have?

In the realm of saints, half a foot entered the mysterious gate.

But he was hurt by a monk who was just immortal!

If this is spread out, it will certainly cause a storm.

But even so, Shen Muyu did not get angry. After a short period of consternation, he turned into a smile at the corner of his mouth and a desire to try in his eyes.

"Good! It's really good. It seems that Tianwaitian, which was originally boring, finally has an exciting existence! "

"Your sword is really unique and has a high level. No wonder you can defeat sister Hongyi. But this time, you succeeded in sneaking attack while I didn't pay attention. Next time, there won't be such a good thing!"

With that, the red mark on Shen Muyu's face disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then he raised his hand, and the scarlet sword in his hand turned back to Xue an.

"In a short time, there will be a hundred conferences. With the speed of your recovery, you will certainly come back to life, so... I look forward to the day when I will fight with you at the hundred conferences!"

Shen Muyu said that, with a wave of his hand, a sword burst out, cutting a huge crack in the space.

This hand directly shook the starry sky tens of millions of miles around, and the whole pharmacist alliance was also shocked by it.

All of them turned their heads together and looked at the sword mark stretching for hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the void.

Then he heard a voice of Qingyue resounding through the whole pharmacist alliance.

"The Shen family, Shen Muyu, has set up a Book of war here. At the meeting of the hundred families, I will fight with Xue an for life and death!"

After that, Shen Muyu's people turned into sword light and disappeared through the void.

He just left, nine days Xuannv and an Yan and others will then return to normal.

Anyan immediately rushes to Huaguang and stares at Xue an carefully. After finding that he is really not any different, he just breathes with lingering fear.

She was really scared just now.

After all, she has never met a strong opponent like Shen Muyu.

Talking and laughing, he even controlled himself and nine days Xuannv.

Nine days Xuan female is looking at the direction that Shen Mu fish leaves, the light in the eye is flickering.

She naturally knows what the name Shen Muyu means.

The second son of Shen family is the most amazing genius in thousands of years.

At the beginning, it was said that he was the youngest Kendo sage of the Shen family.

I didn't expect to see him for decades. He made another breakthrough and took the step that he couldn't take.

No wonder he will be regarded as the most promising successor to the sword emperor who founded the Shen family.

But at the same time, she also felt deeply worried.

Shen Muyu makes it clear that the Shen family is not finished. He wants to compete with Xue an at the hundred family meeting.

Although Jiutian Xuannv knew Xue an's potential and was shocked by his growth rate, this time he was not an ordinary strong man, even beyond the realm of saints.

This can't be a challenge for xianzun!

Unless he can really make a major breakthrough in this closure, otherwise.

Nine days Xuannv's worry is not unreasonable, but she did not say it, but deeply buried it in the bottom of her heart.

But even if she didn't say it, she was as smart as Anyan. How could she not understand the truth.

So she looked at the flashiness, praying silently in her heart.

Husband, you have to wake up safely!

At the same time, the whole alliance of pharmacists also became a sensation.

"Shen Muyu! God, isn't this the second son of the Shen family? He came in person

"One sword cuts through hundreds of thousands of miles of void. What a strong sword

"Incredible, incredible!"

"This time, Xue an is completely finished. Shen Muyu made the war in person!"

"Yes, after all, the dignity of the Shen family can't be challenged!"

There was a lot of discussion all over the place.

And then the news spread like a hurricane.

The Yue family.

When Yue Shifang received the news, he was speechless for a long time.

It wasn't until a long time later that he sighed.

"Shen Muyu... This evil genius has gone out of the pass! It seems that this meeting will definitely be very lively! "

One side of the two girls can't help but ask: "don't you worry about Xue an?"

"Worried about Xue an? Why should I worry about him? Afraid that he will be killed by Shen Muyu again? "

"No?" The second girl asked.

Yue Shifang shook his head and chuckled, "don't worry, it's impossible! This xue'an is definitely stronger than you and me. Even if we die, he can't die! After all... The protagonist

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