Shen family.

The fire is beating happily, which makes the wine in the cup rise and curl warm.

There was silence.

Shen Gaoge can't help whispering to his sister Shen Hongyi.

"Sister, can the second young master really come back so soon?"

Shen Hongyi looked at the front and said, "how? You don't think it's possible? "

"Of course not. I just think the time is too tight. Let's not mention the other side. We are far away from the pharmacist Alliance..."

The words behind Shen Gaoge didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious.

No matter how powerful the second young master is, he can't cross such a long distance in such a short time to fight back and forth!

But after hearing what he said, Shen Hongyi looked at him and sighed.

"Do you know why you haven't made much progress in kendo?"


"It's because your vision is so narrow that you can only hold the sword in your hand, but you can't see other people!"

Shen Gaoge's face was embarrassed, but his eyes were not satisfied.

Although he is respectful and afraid of his sister, and dare not refute easily, this time he is equivalent to being pointed at by Shen Hongyi and scolded for his weakness.

This is simply unacceptable to a proud Jian Xiu.

"What? Don't you agree? Well, do you have the courage to make a bet with me? "

"Bet on what?"

"If the wine in the bottle on the table doesn't come back before it disappears, then even if I lose, I won't call you a waste again. How about that?"

Shen Gaoge's eyes brightened, but he said carefully, "what if I come back?"

"If you come back..." Shen Hongyi raised a meaningful smile from the corner of her mouth, "then you have to admit that you are really a waste! And it's to be announced in front of the public

Seeing the smile on his sister's face, Shen Gaoge was stiff all over, and his face turned white in an instant.

For Shen Hongyi's smile, as his elder brother, he is almost familiar with it.

Once it appears, it often means that they will fall into the trap immediately.

So countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

What's going on?

Is it true that things are like what my sister said that the second young master can come back in time?

But is that really possible?

These thoughts kept hovering in his mind, which made him hesitate.

Seeing this, Shen Hongyi could not help but sneer.

"Since you don't have the courage, don't talk nonsense. To tell you the truth, the second young master has reached a height that you can't understand. What you think is impossible may not be a problem in his hands!"

Hearing his sister's words, Shen Gaoge broke out in a cold sweat.

A height that you can't even understand.

Could it be that.

Just as the look on his face was rapidly changing, the void in the middle of the hall suddenly appeared cracks, and then burst into pieces.

Then Shen Muyu stepped out.

His appearance, so that the huge hall set off a storm.

Because there are many people with the same idea as Shen Gaoge.

They all felt that the second young master could not come back so soon from such a long distance.

But the fact in front of them directly shattered their cognition.

"It's the second young master!"

"The second young master has come back as expected!"

"Oh, my God, it's incredible that such a long distance can make a round trip so quickly!"

"The wine on the table is not cold yet. It's really warm wine to wait for!"

In a sound of exclamation, Shen Muyu stood up and threw a fist at the head of the family and the shopkeeper.

"Master, shopkeeper, Muyu is back!"

"Good! Good! Come back soon! The banquet is ready. Take your seat! " The chief shopkeeper said with a smile.


In the whole process, the shopkeeper and the owner of the house did not ask about this.

Because with their eyesight, we can see that Shen Muyu is not bloody at a glance, which means that he didn't start.

Sure enough.

After sitting down, Shen Muyu gently drinks a glass of wine, and then puts the glass down.

"Master, chief shopkeeper, I have found out that the Shen family's sword heart in Xue an's hand is not plundered. It is very likely that it was given by the descendants of the Shen family before they died!"

The whole audience was in an uproar.

"How can it be? How precious is the heart of the Shen family's sword? How could someone give it to someone with a different surname? " Someone said in disbelief.

Even Shen Hongyi cast a puzzled look at the second young master.

He didn't believe it was given to Xue an

The big shopkeeper was not worried, until the situation in the field was a little quieter, he said with a smile.

"Oh? So you have evidence? "

Shen Mu Yu nodded, "that's right, because I have touched the heart of the sword with my own hands, and I don't feel any resentment in it. On the contrary, I am full of attachment to Xue an, and even finally I break away from my bondage and return to him!"

"Oh?" The big shopkeeper's eyes brightened.

"Do you think the heart of this sword can break away from your bondage?"

"Yes! I was also a little surprised at that time! "

The big shopkeeper fell into silence and seemed to be thinking about something.

One side of the owner suddenly said: "that Xue an's strength in the end how?"

Shen Mu Yu smiles, "the realm is very high, but the strength is nothing!"

"Is that the evaluation again?" The fog that enveloped the owner was disturbed.

Shen Muyu nodded, "yes, at first I didn't believe that someone's realm could surpass his strength, but after seeing him, I believed it, because his realm was so high that he could even hurt me with a sword in a closed state!"


The head of the Shen family and the chief shopkeeper asked at the same time.

There was an uproar.

You know, Shen Muyu, the second young master, has never been defeated, let alone injured, since he became an adult.

I didn't expect to be hurt by an unknown little man this time, which is too shocking.

Shen Gaoge's eyes flashed a touch of joy, and then looked around.

That means don't say I'm a waste. Didn't you see that the second young master didn't get any advantage when dealing with Xue an?

In the boiling of the whole scene, Shen Muyu gently filled a glass of wine, and then drank it slowly.

After drinking, he just fiddled with the wine cup in his hand and said lightly.

"But you don't have to pay too much attention to it. I've already made a letter of war to him. When the hundred families meet, I will cut him under the sword in front of all the people in the world and restore the invincible body of the Shen family!"

The words are full of irrefutable strong confidence.

Then the crowd calmed down, and a smile appeared on the shopkeeper's face, then he raised his glass.

"Well, in that case, let's drink this cup together!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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