LV Yangyan looked at Zha Wenliang with a full face of hope, "how about the miracle doctor, Zha?"

Zha Wenliang released his hand and shook his head, "still can't!"

Although it had been expected, LV Yangyan could not hide his disappointment.

Cha Wenliang sighed, took out a gold needle from his arms and handed it to LV Yangyan.

"After a while, if she attacks again, you can use this gold needle to stab the Laogong point on her palm, so that you can temporarily suppress the chaotic Qi and blood in her body!"

LV Yangyan took the needle and said sincerely: "thank you, doctor Cha! If we can use Yang Yan in the future, Yang Yan will die forever! "

Cha Wenliang waved his hand. "It's not necessary. To tell you the truth, I haven't seen such a strange disease as your sister for so many years. It's like..."

Zha Wenliang considered his words, then said in a deep voice, "it's as if there is another soul hidden in her body!"

Hearing what Zha Wenliang said, LV Yangyan could not help frowning and said in despair: "is there really no way to solve it?"

"It's hard! Before, xiaohulu protected her Zhihai in some way, which could make your sister's soul have a chance to breathe, but the disorder of Qi and blood in her body still exists, which is why she attacks at a fixed time every day! "

Speaking of this, Cha Wenliang stood up and said helplessly.

"Even me, in fact, only through the gold needle to temporarily stabilize her Qi and blood, as for the others, I dare not touch, because this chaotic Qi and blood entangles with your sister's body too deeply, a little carelessness may hurt your sister's life!"

Lu Yang Yan nodded, "but anyway, I still want to thank doctor Cha for your help. In fact, these days, I'm also thinking, if my sister really can't be cured..."

LV Yangyan turned his head and looked at LV Xiaoya lying on the bed. There was a color of determination in his eyes.

"Then I'll keep her like this all my life!"

Looking at LV Yangyan who had made up his mind, Cha Wenliang sighed, "your brother is really speechless. I hope your sister can be lucky and have her own way. Wake up as soon as possible!"

Then he turned and left.

LV Yangyan got up to see him off.

Cha Wenliang shook his head. "You don't have to be so polite. You can't do without people here. You'd better watch over your sister."

Lu Yang Yan clasped his fist and said, "if so, I won't send you a miracle doctor!"

Cha Wenliang drifted away.

There were only two brothers and sisters left in the room.

LV Yangyan sat back beside the bed and looked at his younger sister's haggard face. His strong disguise was finally removed, and his eyes were sad.

"Xiaoya, can you hear me? Brother is here. Don't be afraid. You must be strong and live. Don't give up

"I will try my best to cure you! No matter how much it costs! " LV Yangyan whispered, and then gently grasped his sister's cold little hand.

But at this time, it seems to hear his voice, LV Xiaoya was shocked.

Then LV Yangyan felt that his sister's hand was warming rapidly.

At the same time, LV Xiaoya's body began to shake, and her face was in pain.

LV Yangyan was surprised. He immediately took out the gold needle that Zha Wenliang gave him and stabbed it at Laogong point on his sister's palm.

In an instant, LV Xiaoya, who was shaking endlessly, calmed down.

But before LV Yangyan could breathe a sigh of relief, LV Xiaoya, who had been quiet, suddenly began to tremble violently.

And the frequency and amplitude of tremor are much more intense than before.

Not only that, LV Xiaoya also suddenly opened her eyes. In her eyes, there was no human emotion, only endless cold.

LV Yangyan was terrified by this unprecedented scene, so he had no choice but to suppress his sister temporarily with his own power. Then he got up and ran out to seek help.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw a white figure standing in the courtyard.

At the sight of this figure, LV Yangyan was shocked First, and then said with infinite surprise: "my lord? Is that you? "

But the figure did not respond to his words, but dispersed like fog.

LV Yangyan was stunned.

What's going on?

Are you dazzled and delusional?

At this time, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, turned to look, but saw the white figure, I do not know when it has appeared in the room, and walked to the bedside.

Although LV Yangyan can acutely perceive that the white figure is not malicious, but also has countless ties with Xue an.

But when it comes to his sister, he can't help but take a few steps to stop him.

But he just took two steps, an invisible power will directly frighten him on the spot.

Lu Yang Yan stood still, and could not move a finger except his eyes. He could only watch the figure in white and put his hand on his sister's wrist.

Strange to say, LV Xiaoya, who had been trembling endlessly, gradually calmed down after being touched by the white figure.

Seeing this, LV Yang Yan could not help but take a long breath. Anyway, the other party should have no malice.

But his idea just flashed by, and he saw the white figure thrust out a finger and stabbed LV Xiaoya's eyebrow.


Lu Yangyan roared wildly in his heart, but he still couldn't shake the power that bound him.

In the blink of an eye, the white figure brushed LV Xiaoya's eyebrows, then turned to look at LV Yangyan, and disappeared like a ghost again.

As soon as the white figure dissipated, the power that bound LV Yangyan also disappeared.

He immediately rushed to the bed and looked at his sister.

And then he was stupid.

See LV Xiaoya lie on the bed, breath is long, cheek is ruddy, sleep very sweet.

The key is that there is a little red between her eyebrows, as if she was stabbed by something, and then a drop of blood.

But it was clear that the boiling blood in her body had calmed down.

Lu Yang Yan looked at it stupidly. It was not until a moment later that he suddenly thought of something. He suddenly turned around and ran towards the outside of the house.

The courtyard was empty and empty, without any figures.

As soon as LV Yangyan gritted his teeth, he raised his hand and left several detection arrays in his sister's sleeping room. Then he flew up and headed for the battle array.

At the same time, a group of people came up on the street of this temporary town.

Ao Shu is in the front with a super large ice cream in her hand.

you 're right!

It's ice cream!

It's just that her ice cream is obviously a little bigger than the normal size, even as big as her head.

In contrast, the ice cream in her hand is much more normal when she thinks about it behind her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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