But even so, when the three of them walk together, they still form a magnificent landscape.

In this regard, with the side of the small gourd just look on, because her mouth also contains a pearl.

This is a new eating method that she invented recently. It takes much longer to melt than to chew it up. It's just like candy. It can kill time.

"Hoo hoo, sister long, is this ice cream delicious?" Niannian asked.

"Well! Delicious Aoshu eat, this huge ice cream is visible to the naked eye speed began to become smaller.

"Can we eat more often in the future?" I can't help but ask.

Ao Shu then raised her head and laughed, then said in a low voice: "of course, but you have to cooperate with me, so that you can steal it from your mother!"

Of course, there is no ice cream in this alliance of pharmacists.

In fact, these ice cream are two little girls and AO Shu collude, steal from Fubao small building.

When Xue an left the earth, he knew that his two daughters loved ice cream, so he specially prepared a lot of them and stored them in the storage space of Fubao building.

But in order to cultivate the good habits of her two daughters, Anyan doesn't allow them to eat too much. There are only two in a day.

But now an Yan is guarding the front all day, which gives Ao Shu and two little girls a chance to take advantage of.

After all, Xue an's serious injury scared everyone. Although the two little girls were locked up in Fubao building, they knew something must have happened, so they were all scared.

Now, with Xue an's gradual recovery, the haze over everyone's head has finally gradually dissipated.

So Aoshu with two little girls out to relax in the name, will think about Niannian from Fubao small building out.

The ice cream was stolen when it came out.

The two little girls nodded hard.


"Come on, let's go over there and see the excitement!"

A group of people walked through the bustling street and went inside.

Can Ao Shu don't know, at this time, in the corner of the street, there is a evil eyes are watching them.

Lu Feichen licked his lips, his eyes crossed most of the street, and stayed on AO Shu, then said in a greedy tone.

"It's really rare that she is a dragon girl and a baby!"

A few men followed behind burst of laughter.

"What's the matter? Are you interested? " Someone said with a smile.

Lu Fei nodded angrily, "I really want to have a try. The key is that such a dragon girl is also very helpful to my practice!"

"What are you hesitating about? Just take a chance to enjoy it later?"

Lu Feichen shook his head. "Oh, we can't be too hasty. We're here to inquire about the news. It's not good to scare the snake with grass."

After Lu Feichen and his party came out of Funiu Mountain, they went straight to the small town of pharmacist alliance.

Because if you want to find out about nine days Xuannv and Xue an, there is no more suitable town than this one.

In fact, the town was built because of the blockade line.

Later, because there are a lot of monks on the guard line, among them there are many strong ones. The demand of these people is a large number.

So soon the temporary town flourished.

Businessmen and guests from all walks of life come here in droves, which gives us some shadow of the city.

That's why LV Feichen brought people here to inquire about the news.

Just at this time, one side of the big wine Lu Qixian suddenly said: "zunshang, something is wrong!"

"What's the matter?"

Dajijiu quickly bowed his head to salute. Although his nominal status was higher than that of LV Feichen, now the whole Zhenwu sect has been invaded by evil things.

Naturally, Lu Qixian is no exception. In the level of evil things, he is far inferior to Lu Feichen. Naturally, he is very respectful.

"Sir, I just found out that one of the three little girls who was with the Dragon girl was very familiar!"

"Oh? familiar? Who is that? "

"It should be the little girl who appeared with the Xuantian empress and the ghost needle doctor Zha Wenliang at the beginning!"

With that, LV Qixian told the story of what happened to Xuantian.

At that time, LV Feichen had just been infected by evil and was still resting in the hotel. Naturally, he didn't know about these things.

After listening, he could not help showing a meaningful look.

"Oh, so this group of people should have something to do with the Xuantian empress?"

"I can't be wrong!"

"Well, in that case, we don't have to cover up anything. We just arrest this group and have a good interrogation. Don't we know everything?"

Speaking of the end, Lu Fei's angry face flashed a fierce color.


His words is an order, a group of people immediately out of the corner, quietly toward Ao Shu and a group of people gathered in the past.

Although the town is very prosperous, it is not large in scale.

Ao Shu led the two little girls to the head soon.

As they turned to go back, suddenly, the street behind them was covered with a thin layer of fog.

The crowd that had just been bustling disappeared.

This sudden scene makes Aoshu heart a surprise, immediately will want to miss Nianhu behind.

"Sister long, what's the matter?"

"It's OK. There are just a group of curfew. You stand behind me and don't move." Ao Shu sneers.

"Well!" Think about Niannian standing in the same place, even in the mood to eat ice cream.

At this time, LV Feichen and his party walked out of the mist.

After seeing them, the little gourd on one side suddenly gave a surprise.

"What? Do you know them? " Ao Shu asked.

Little gourd nodded, "I've seen them before. They are all from the Zhenwu sect of Funiu Mountain, but how can their breath be different?"

Although Aoshu was not present when Jiutian Xuannu left Zhenwu Taoist school, she also heard master Zha Wenliang talk about it, so she couldn't help sneering.

"Who should I be? It turns out that I'm a group of snobs."

He didn't take LV Feichen and others seriously.

Lu Fei was not angry when he heard the speech. He didn't even pay attention to Ao Shu. Instead, he laughed, rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "are you here?"

The man behind him said, "my Lord, it's all here, and the whole street has been completely blocked by mirage. Next, you can do it at will!"

"Good! Good Lu Fei grinned.

"In that case, I'm not welcome!"

With the voice, his hands turned into ten sticky tentacles, straight to Ao Shu and his party.

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