Ao Shu cold hum a, body shape didn't move, but with a palm, majestic Long Wei straight Bang these tentacles.

Before long Wei arrived, the mucus on these tentacles made a Zizi sound.

This is because Ao Shu is the princess of the real dragon clan. Her blood is noble and incomparable. Naturally, she has a certain degree of restraint against these evil things.

But these tentacles are extremely cunning. Although the dragon power comes, they turn to the side with an almost impossible angle, and then attack Ao Shu again.

What's more, the position of this attack is hard to say.

Aoshu's face sank, and he said angrily, "shameless!"

With that, she stepped forward, the Dragon Power rolled all over her body, and the flame was boiling. She stepped on a tentacle with one foot.

"Creak, creak!"

The tentacle groaned in pain, struggling like a strange snake. The force was so strong that it almost overturned Ao Shu to the ground.

Ao Shu eyes in a flash of cold light, the burning Longyan directly covered the foot of this tentacle.

With a smell of baking, the tentacle finally turned into fly ash.

But this is just one of the tentacles.

Lu Fei sneered, "little girls have some strength, but the more you are like this, the more excited I am, so... Accept your life!"

As he said that, a look of excitement mixed with cruelty and cruelty flashed in his eyes.

The remaining nine tentacles immediately penetrated into the ground, and then surrounded Ao Shu from all angles.

"Sister long, be careful!" I can't help but scream.

Aoshu face dignified, "I'm ok, you two quickly back, don't close to these pickles!"

With the voice, her hands even waved, Longwei mixed with the roaring Longyan burst out one after another, with the nine tentacles will tangle together.

The more you fight, the more frightened Ao Shu is.

It is obvious that these people are not from the Zhenwu School of Funiu Mountain.

Because no matter how unpredictable the Taoist school is, it is impossible to practice this kind of magic.

Combined with just a little gourd said their breath is different from before, Aoshu heart has no reason for a cold.

What are the origins of these people? Why is it so weird? And what are they doing here?

When she was distracted, the tentacle that had been crushed by her foot was quietly resurrected.

Not only resurrected, it also slowly moved its position. After finding a suitable angle, it suddenly catapulted, like a bullet to Ao Shu.

"Be careful!" Little gourd called.

Aoshu also aware of the attack of this tentacle, but at this time she has no time to make a response, only a bite, crazy urge their own dragon breath, trying to resist the blow.

Lu Fei gives a sneer, and his eyes are excited. It seems that he has seen the scene of Ao Shu lying on the ground the next second.

Because this blow was caused by his evil Qi, how could it be stopped by the dragon fire on AO Shu's body.

But at this time, a ray of sword light quietly across the sky, directly split the air tentacle in two.

The tentacles stay in the air, and then they disintegrate.

This sudden blow made LV Feichen shocked all over his body, and nearly a mouthful of blood gushed out.


Lu Fei was angry and roared, but his body was quietly retreating, and he was ready to run away at any time.

From this we can see that LV Feichen is cautious and careful.

He was very clear about what the sword meant, not to mention how powerful it was. Just because he was not aware of it in advance, he could see that the person who shot it was not a layman.

In order to be on the safe side, he should be prepared in advance.

Sure enough.

As soon as his voice fell, a white figure appeared in the field.

At the sight of this figure, Ao Shu couldn't help shouting with infinite joy.

"Brother Xue, are you awake?"

In her ecstasy, she had completely forgotten that she was in danger,

Those tentacles are coming in.

But the next moment, these tentacles will be together a stiff, and then quietly disintegrated.

Because just now, a string of unremarkable, even some weak sword straight cut.

Although these swords are very humble, they are actually extremely sharp. They easily cut these tentacles.

Just out of the Aoshu completely regardless of their own safety, extremely happy toward the white figure.

But compared with her excitement, it's calmer to think about these two little girls.

"Sister, do you think he's the father?" Niannian asked.

Think about shaking his head, small face is dignified, said: "like, but not entirely!"

"What is not entirely?" Niannian looks puzzled.

Think about frowning and thinking for a moment, "his breath is obviously dad's breath, but I can't see his soul!"

I nodded thoughtfully.

She has always been convinced of her sister's vision.

Because it's different from her own blood talent, sister Xue Xiang's strongest talent is that pair of eyes that can see through all the illusions.

Although their blood talent is still young, they have not really grown up.

But for their father, they will never be wrong.

So if the white figure in front of me is not my father, who is it?

Just when the two little girls couldn't figure it out.

Ao Shu also rushed to empty.

Because at the moment when she just rushed to the figure, the figure suddenly dispersed like fog.

Aoshu straight through the fog, face is stunned color, and then look back.

But in front of Lu Feichen and others, the fog condensed again, showing a white figure.

Then came the sword.

There was no sound. The white figure didn't even say a word after it appeared. Just standing there, there were endless sharp swords on him.

Poop, poop!

Lu Feichen's so-called subordinates didn't even snort, so they were directly stabbed into a hornet's nest.

Blood gushed out and evil spirit diffused.

But the next second, these evil spirits and the spirits of these people were swallowed up by the endless sword.

The sword is full of white bones.

But there is only a lack of Lu Feichen.

Because as soon as Jianmang Fu appeared, he turned and ran away.

His prudence peaked at that moment.

Almost as soon as he saw the white figure spread like mist, he made up his mind to escape.

When the white figure re condensed in front of him, he was ready to escape.

So as soon as the sword appeared, he had already stepped out of this dreamland and flew to the distance at a very fast speed.

But as soon as he reached the height of more than one person, even before he ran out of the street, a thread of sword came from behind and pierced his throat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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