
The blood spilled wildly. LV Feichen trembled all over, and his eyes were full of light. He didn't seem to believe that he was dead.

At the same time, evil spirit gushed out of his sea of knowledge and gathered around his neck, trying to repair the big hole in his throat.

But it was all in vain.

When the evil spirit just came into contact with the wound, it was as if a ladle of cold water had fallen in the hot pot. The sword intention hidden in the wound exploded and directly shattered his whole body.

Blood mixed with pieces of meat.

The whole street was startled.

The crowd on the street only saw a man suddenly rush out of the void and try to escape, but just a few steps away, he was completely blown to pieces.

This bloody and terrible scene made many people panic and flee.

And in the dreamland, the white figure turned around and seemed to see two little girls and AO Shu and others, and then dissipated again.

And with the disappearance of this figure, this dreamland also disintegrates and dissolves into invisibility.

Ao Shu stood in the same place and whispered, "brother Xue... Is that you?"


As if she had thought of something, she immediately turned around and cried to xiangniannian.

"Come on! Let's hurry back! "

In a moment, a group of people rushed to the sky and ran to the front.

When they arrived at the closing place in the middle of the front line, LV Yangyan had already arrived here first, and told jiutianxuannv and Anyan what had happened.

After listening, nine days Xuannv and an Yan can't help looking at each other.

"You said a white figure saved your sister?"

Lu Yang Yan nodded, "and whether it's the breath or the feeling, it's the same as Mr. Xue. That's why I doubt whether Mr. Xue has passed the customs, so I'll come and have a look."

Nine days Xuannv and an Yan shake their heads together.

"No way, we've been waiting here. If Xue an really broke through, how could we not know?" Nine days Xuan female firmly say.

"In that case, who is the white figure?" Lu Yangyan was puzzled.

That is at this time, Ao Shu led to think about Niannian and xiaohulu arrived in a hurry.

The first sentence of the meeting asked: "brother Xue, have you passed the customs?"

Anyan shook her head, "what? Did you meet the white figure, too? "

"Why, you already know?" Aoshu surprised way.

"What do you know? Speak quickly An Yan asks urgently.

Aoshu dare not delay, hastened to just happened all told once.

When she finished, the whole room fell into silence.

If it is possible to use coincidence to describe what LV Yangyan said before.

So now what Ao Shu said is totally incomprehensible.

Because if you want to hear the supplement of Miss Nian, you can know that although the breath of the white figure is Xue an's, it has no soul.

What's going on?

Just when the people couldn't understand, simingqi arrived breathlessly.

It took a lot of effort for him to get into this area. He begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother, and finally he got into the core area, which is why he came the latest.

However, when he arrived, he described what he had experienced, and everyone found that the situation was basically the same.

They all appeared a white figure very similar to Xue an, and helped them.

But the point is, who is this man?

Did Xue an really sneak out of the pass without everyone knowing?

They couldn't help but cast their doubts on the still shining light.

Nothing seems to have changed.

But at this time, nine days Xuan female suddenly light Yi one.

"Well, it's a little strange!"

All over a shock, an Yan immediately asked.

"What's so strange?"

"Did you find that the glory seems to be gradually converging, and the territory it occupies is also shrinking?"

They heard the words and looked.

Sure enough.

Just now, the brilliance, which was still brilliant, seemed to have become a lot dimmer, and gradually retreated, just like the ebb of the sea, retreated to the center.

This unexpected discovery made everyone hold their breath and watch quietly.

The whole process of change seems to be slow and fast, but the scene of banzhuxiang disappeared all the previous flashiness, revealing Xue anlai sitting in it.

"Sister, is dad about to wake up?" Niannian couldn't help asking.

Think about shaking his head, his face full of seriousness.

"I can't see anything now, because I can't feel the slightest breath of my father!"

If she can't see her talent, people can't see it.

But this situation only lasted for a long time, and then the whole audience was shocked.

Because at this moment, all of us suddenly felt that there was an indescribable great being waking up.

But the feeling is fleeting.

Then, before the public could react, Xue an, who was sitting at first, slowly opened his eyes and gave them a smile.

"Are they all here?"

Without the majestic momentum, or even the grandeur, Xue an's awakening was as natural as opening his eyes after a sleep.

But after hearing his words, Anyan couldn't help shivering all over her body, and her tears came down instantly.

As for the two little girls, they rushed forward regardless of everything.

"Dad, you wake up at last!"

Xue an, who had been sitting in front of the two little girls in the next moment, held them in his arms.

"Yes, I finally wake up. Are you good during this time?"

"Mm-hmm, we are very good, very good!" Two little girls said with one voice.

Xue an smiles, "really? So how do you steal ice cream? "

This sentence a, two small wenches can't help but all silly eyes.

"Dad, you..." Niannian was a little surprised.

Think about suddenly understand what, excited way: "Dad, just that white figure is you?"

Xue an nodded with a smile, then turned his head and looked at LV Yangyan and Si Mingqi and others, "not only that, but also what they met!"

This time, everyone was a little confused.

What's going on?

Why Can Xue an appear in the outside world when he is closed here?

Only nine days Xuan female suddenly thought of what, eyes appear the color of horror.

"You did it?"

Xue an nodded to her, "yes! It's done

The tone is light, but full of an indescribable strong self-confidence.

"Dad, what have you done?" Two little girls asked curiously.

Xue an laughed and said, "it's nothing. It's just another breakthrough."

With these words, a huge breath that made the whole world tremble suddenly appeared from Xue an.

All of a sudden, all the stars of the whole pharmacist alliance were shocked.

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