Simingqi's lips trembled and he fell to his knees and kowtowed.

"Congratulations on your sermon

you 're right!

After a long time of cultivation, Xue an finally broke through the shackles of immortal and sage.

In a moment, all the people present were shocked.

LV Yangyan was in the same place, looking at it foolishly.

As for AO Shu, although she was also shocked, she soon began to laugh happily.

Because in her mind, brother Xue is omnipotent, and it's no surprise that he is a sage.

Only an Yan looked at Xue an crazily. For a moment, he didn't know how to describe the feelings in his heart.

After such a long time of waiting, under the combined effect of great joy and great sorrow, she suddenly felt at a loss.

But at this time, Xue an directly appeared beside an Yan and gently held her in his arms.

As for the two little girls, they were hugged by a white figure.

Seeing this scene, Jiutian Xuannu couldn't help sighing, "incarnate into hundreds of millions, this is the real realm of saints!"

Anyan did not hear these, because at the moment, she has been completely occupied in Xue an's eyes.

What kind of eyes are they? They seem to have insight into everything. They are full of endless wisdom.

At this time, but see Xue an hand, gently stroked an Yan's cheek, some distressed said: "Yan'er, you are thin!"

"Cough!" One side of the nine days Xuannv suddenly light cough twice, and then turned around and said: "I think we'd better go back to town first!"

A word awakened the dreamer, and everyone nodded.

"That's right. I think we should go back to town first." Aoshu promote narrow Chong an Yan a wink, said with a smile.

An Yan's face is instantly dyed with rosy clouds, mercilessly white Ao Shu one eye.

Ao Shu ha ha a smile, then then then leads to still have some unidentified so think about Niannian to return to the small town.

In a flash, only Xue an and an Yan were left in the field.

The atmosphere became warm.

Anyan hugged Xue an tightly and said in a low voice: "husband, during the time when you are closed, the Shen family has come to you, and they have given you a letter of war!"

Xue an a smile, "these I all know."

"All know?" Anyan stands up and looks at Xue an in dismay.

"Yes, although I'm closed, in the later stage, everything that happened in the whole pharmacist alliance is under my control!" Xue an light way.

Anyan felt a little shocked, but didn't say much.

In her opinion, nothing in the world is more important than Xue an waking up.

So she buried her head in Xue an's arms again and enjoyed the rare time of being alone.

After a long time, Xue an patted her on the shoulder.



"Come on, let's go back to town and deal with some things first!"


Anyan gets up and flies to the town.

But just then, Xue an took her hand with a smile.

"What's the matter?" An Yan was stunned.

"Don't fly so hard, I'll take you a shortcut!"

"Shortcut?" Anyan is a little confused.

With a smile and a wave of his hand, Xue an suddenly changed the surrounding scenes and came directly from the void to the Town Inn.

The whole process can be described as seamless connection, the last moment is still empty, the next second has come to the hotel room.

An Yan can't help but be startled.

Xue an smiles, then leads her into the room where LV Yangyan is.

At the moment, Cha Wenliang and nine days Xuannv are all in this room.

When Xue an came into the room, they didn't show much surprise.

On the contrary, LV Yangyan stood up immediately.

"Mr. Xue!"

Xue an nodded and went straight to the bed.

"Haven't you woken up yet?"

"No!" Cha Wenliang didn't reply, "but the condition in her body has been greatly improved. It's estimated that she will wake up soon!"

Xue an didn't speak. He just took a deep look at LV Xiaoya, who was still asleep. There was a flash of light in his eyes.

LV Xiaoya immediately whimpered, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing this, LV Yangyan was overjoyed. He rushed to the front of him and held his sister's hand.

"Xiaoya, you wake up!"

At the beginning, LV Xiaoya's eyes were still full of confusion, but when she heard her brother's words, her eyes quickly recovered, and then she struggled to get up very excited.


This sound made LV Yangyan cry with joy. He immediately thought of something, turned around and knelt down to Xue an.

"Mr. Xue, thank you for your twice helping me to wake up my sister. I can't repay you for your kindness. Yang Yan said thank you here first!"

With that, LV Yangyan kowtowed repeatedly.

At this time, LV Xiaoya finally understood what happened after she was in a coma, so she struggled to get up and wanted to kneel down.

Xue an waved her hand, a soft force held her, and then chuckled.

"Well, get up. I didn't ask you to kneel down for me to save you

LV Yangyan and LV Xiaoya just stood up.

Cha Wenliang has been looking at LV Xiaoya, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

At this time, Xue an turned and walked out of the room. Cha Wenliang immediately followed him.

When they got to no one's place, Xue an suddenly stopped and said in a soft voice, "you can see it already?"

Cha Wenliang nodded, "I was just a little suspicious before, but when Miss Lu woke up, I finally confirmed my guess!"

Then he couldn't help but ask, "what is that breath hidden in this girl's spirit?"

Xue an sighed, "I can't tell you now, but it won't be evil in a word!"

Chawenliang was silent.

With his medical skills, in fact, he had already seen that there seemed to be an indescribable breath hidden in LV Xiaoya's spirit, which also made Cha Wenliang suspicious.

Until today, he was relieved to hear Xue an say that it would never be evil.

At this time, nine days Xuannv also came out.

"What are you going to do next, Xue an?"

Xue an chuckled, "the Shen family has already given me the letter of war, so I can't miss this hundred family meeting!"

"But before I go, I have to go back to the soldier's house first!"

Nine days Xuan female nodded, "since so, that we temporarily this don't pass, after a few days I will lead people to go to hundred meeting first!"

"Good!" Xue an nodded his promise.

"Let's meet at the hundred family meeting!"

After the negotiation, Xue an spent another day in the town.

On this day, he helped simingqi establish his absolute authority in the family. Then, without telling anyone, he took Anyan and his two daughters away quietly and set foot on the road of returning to the military.

The speed of the return journey is more than a thousand times faster than that of the past.

Only half a day later, Xue an stepped into the territory of the strategists.

At the same time, there is also a busy scene among the military strategists. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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