As the first grand meeting after the unification of the militarists, the whole army attaches great importance to it.

Everyone is busy, want to let the old school of military in this grand gathering.

In contrast, Yue Shifang, a military master, is much more leisurely.

Except for some occasions where he had to show up, Yue Shifang usually hid in the flower hall in the backyard to drink tea and wine.

Today is no exception.

The second girl went out early to select the best soldiers who would go to the hundred family meeting.

But Yue Shifang hid in the backyard flower hall to drink and enjoy the flowers, just like the style of a rich and idle man.

But just when he was slightly drunk, a breeze suddenly blew over the porch Pavilion in the backyard, making the wind chimes under the eaves ring all the time.

Yue Shifang was stunned and immediately put down his wine glass. A slightly surprised smile appeared on his face. At the same time, he was expected to smile.

"Now that they are all here, come and have a drink with me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an's figure appeared across the table.

"Are you so sure it's me?" Xue an said with a light smile.

Yue Shifang laughed, "it seems that no one can break into my backyard so easily except you!"

With that, Yue Shifang filled a glass of wine for Xue an.

They raised their glasses in their hands, looked at each other with a smile, and then drank them all.

After drinking, Yue Shifang's eyes seemed to be lit up, full of bright light, and then carefully examined Xue an.

Xue an was not moved. He didn't even lift his head. He picked up chopsticks to deal with the dishes on the table.

A moment later, Yue Shifang's face was full of appreciation. He exclaimed, "I didn't expect that, but in a few months, you actually took that step and made a saint!"

"Seven months and eight days, to be exact!"

"So the speed you have shown is really incredible. If you are known by those who have been trapped in the immortal kingdom for hundreds of years, they will be shocked!"

"I can't help it. Am I a genius! There must be something extraordinary about genius Xue an half joked.

But unexpectedly, Yue Shifang nodded his head very seriously.

"Yes, you are indeed a genius, and a genius in a genius!"

Xue an sprinkled a smile, raised his hand and filled two glasses of wine.

"Well, another drink for my genius!"

After two glasses of wine, they talked about it.

Xue an tells about what happened to him in the pharmacist alliance. Although Yue Shifang knew it for a long time, he still heard it with brilliant eyes.

Especially when he heard that Xue an had defeated Shen family's two major swordsmen and forced Shen Hongyi's sword soul to rebirth, he couldn't help clapping his high five.

"Good! Good fight. I've long seen the Shen family not like it. Now you've lost two sword repairs in a row. You've broken the so-called invincible gold body they've been boasting about. I don't think they can boast about it in the future! "

Between the words, Yue Shifang's face was full of schadenfreude.

Xue an just laughed at this, "but the second son of the Shen family came to me because of this, and personally gave me the letter of war!"

"I know about it. Weren't you shut up at that time?"

"Yes, but I also know the whole story! And competed with Shen Muyu! "

"Oh?" Yue Shifang's eyes were full of curiosity, "what's the result?"

"In terms of strength, he is very strong, but in terms of realm... He should be inferior to me!" Xue an light way.

"So you won?"

"Yes, but I didn't really do it at that time because I was closed. I just wanted to compete with each other!"

Yue Shifang took a deep look at Xue an and suddenly said, "do you know what the second son of the Shen family is called on this day?"

"What do you call it?"

"This man has great talent. He has never been defeated since he entered chengjianshan. Besides, he is the youngest sage Jianxiu in the history of Shen family, so he is also known as the unbeaten sword God! But you can surpass him in the sense of the sword. That's great

Xue an smiles, "in fact, you are wrong!"

"Oh? Wrong? "

"At that time, the sword was more than him, but now I have the confidence to defeat him completely!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

As a sword cultivator, the most important thing is this kind of indomitable and exclusive momentum.

If you are afraid of difficulties before you fight, you will lose before you fight.

So Xue an did not have the slightest humility, bold dry cloud said these words.

Yue Shifang laughed and said, "good! What a man who has the confidence to defeat him completely, it's easy to come to light with this sentence

Two people cup to wine, soon drink rise.

"When are you going to leave for the hundred conferences?" Xue an asked.

"I'm almost ready these days. It's just that Qinghuan hasn't gone through the customs, so I want to wait for her for another two days. If she hasn't gone through the Customs by then, I won't wait for her!"

"Oh? Hasn't she been through yet? " Xue an was stunned.

Yue Shifang nodded with a wry smile. "This dead girl has come up and twisted her strength. She has to break through the existing state before she is willing to go out. But is the state so good to break through?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Xue an, "not everyone is the same as you this guy, will break through when leisure!"

"So now she's stuck in the pass and can't be saved!"

Xue an thought, then suddenly got up, "let's go and have a look!"

They turned around and came from the flower hall to the place where Yue Qinghuan closed.

This is the back hill of the Yues' headquarters, with beautiful environment and abundant aura.

Around the landscape, a thatched cottage is built.

The thatched cottage is surrounded by the border, which is specially used for the children of military strategists.

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan is practicing in this cottage.

But I don't know what happened today. No matter what she did, she couldn't calm down.

As soon as you close your eyes, Xue an's shadow will appear in your mind.

It doesn't stop her from biting.

Blame this asshole!

Had it not been for him, I would have broken through!

Yue Qinghuan scolded Xue an in his heart. He closed his eyes and tried to settle down again.

This time it went well, and soon she got rid of the distractions and entered a deep state of calm.

But at this time, ear suddenly came a whisper.


This voice made Yue Qinghuan's mind shake instantly.

Because this is obviously Xue an's voice, and the voice is full of affection.

Although the instinctive feeling is not right, Yue Qinghuan's reason only struggles for a moment, and then completely sinks.

"Xue an, it's really you!" Yue Qinghuan opens his eyes and looks at the boy with a smile in front of him with infinite surprise.

"Yes, it's me! I'm back, especially for you! " Xue an said with a bright smile, his eyes full of deep affection.

Yue Qinghuan's heart was drunk because of this sentence.

But she didn't notice that Xue an in front of her had no shadow at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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