"I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't you want to hold me?"

Xue an said with a smile and opened his arms, as if waiting for Yue Qinghuan's arrival.

Yue Qinghuan's cheeks were flushed, but his eyes were confused.

"Yes, it should be hugged!"

With the voice, I saw her muddled forward, trying to put into the arms of Xue an.

Xue an's mouth slightly raised, showing a trace of mischievous smile.

But the next second, a red sword stabbed out of his brow, then cut him straight down, and split him in half in an instant.

But strangely, although the "Xue an" was split in two, there was no blood flowing out. Instead, he gave out a roar full of unwilling, and then disappeared like fog.

As soon as the figure disappeared, Yue Qinghuan trembled all over, and the confusion in his eyes faded away, restoring his usual Qingming.

Then she saw a young man with a red sword standing opposite her.

It's not Xue an, who is it!

In an instant, Bing Xuehui was as smart as Yue Qinghuan, and immediately understood what had just happened.

Just now, the one who pretends to be warm to himself is not Xue an at all, but the one who looks at the gap between his mind and spirit and waits for the opportunity to move.

At this point, Yue Qinghuan was ashamed and angry.

The shame is that Xue an saw what just happened.

Angry is that he was not aware of it in advance, so he almost fell into the trap of the devil.

Just now, if you really put yourself into the arms of the devil, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although I have the magic weapon given by my brother to suppress the demons, if I am not careful, I will not only break through hopelessly, but also lose a lot of strength.

At this point, I would like to briefly introduce the heart demons encountered in the cultivation.

It can be said that the evil spirit is the biggest inducement that has hindered people's practice since ancient times.

No other, it is because of its defenseless.

Moreover, the inner devil will be promoted with the improvement of your realm level.

Even the more powerful the person is, the more powerful the demons will be.

Just now, for example, Yue Qinghuan was almost taken by the demons because he couldn't break through the closed door.

Fortunately, this heart demon was so powerful that it could manifest itself, so Xue an saw it and cut it in half.

At this time, with the change of the expression on Yue Qinghuan's face, the atmosphere in the cottage became a little embarrassed.

Then Yue Shifang, who followed in, coughed.

"It's a nice day today. I'll get some sun!"

After that, he quickly turned and slipped away.

In an instant, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan were left in the cottage.

After a moment's silence, Yue Qinghuan whispered, "thank you very much."

Xue an turned his wrist, put away the red sword, and then said with a faint smile, "you're welcome. After all, I'm responsible for this demon!"

Yue Qinghuan felt that his face was feverish, and he couldn't help looking at Xue an.

What do you call it? What do you mean you are also responsible? It's like I can't live without you... Huh?

Yue Qinghuan suddenly found something and was stunned.

"You... You broke through?"

Xue an nodded, "yes, I broke through the sermon two days ago!"

Then Xue anchong and Yue Qinghuan said with a smile, "what? Is that strange? "

Yue Qinghuan suddenly felt powerless.

I tried my best, even to stay in the thatched cottage, abandon all thoughts, and try to improve my practice, but I still failed to survive.

But Xue an easily broke through a big realm.

The gap between them is so big that people feel desperate when they think about it.

Just then, a smile came from outside the cottage.

"May I come in?"

Although he was asking, but with the voice, the man had already pushed open the door of the cottage and came in.

It's the second girl.

She was followed by several elders of the Yue family and their children.

And they are all old acquaintances of Xue an.

Such as Yue and Chang and Yue Junze.

When they saw Xue an, they were all happy.

"Met Mr. Xue!"

"I've seen the commander!"

At the beginning, Xue an once took charge of the seal of the Yue family, and led many young people to win the champion of the military training conference.

So up to now, Yue Junze and others still call Xue an the commander of soldiers.

The arrival of these people broke the strange atmosphere in the thatched cottage. Yue Qinghuan was relieved, but somehow, he was still a little disappointed.

At this time, Xue an smiles and nods to everyone.

"Two girls, long time no see!"

Two girls in front of a bright, surprised way: "actually really is the realm of saints?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yue Hechang and Yue Junze all saw Xue an's state at the moment, and they could not help a burst of uproar.

How long did Xue an leave the army?

But in such a short period of time, he was able to testify as a saint. This speed can't be described as fast. It can be called evil.

Xue an smiles and doesn't care too much.

But he didn't care, and the rest of the soldiers did.

People whispered and talked.

Especially when he appeared in the evening of the dust banquet, this kind of discussion is to reach the peak.

"Our commander in chief is really a genius. It's only a long time since he broke through the xianzun and became a sage." Some people sighed repeatedly.

"Who said no, and it's said that this Mr. Xue has been practising for decades, but he has become a saint. The gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs!" Someone sighed.

"Hey, hey, if you want me to say that it doesn't matter what you're talking about, the most important thing is that the first thing our commander will do when he comes back is to go to the thatched cottage in Houshan to find sister Qinghuan. If I hadn't followed the second girl into the thatched cottage at that time, I didn't know what would have happened!"

Yue Junze said with a smile.

"What will happen?" Actually, someone really asked.

"Of course, something indescribable will happen!" Yue Junze has a mysterious smile on his face.

Can hear his words, standing in front of him did not show how much to hear the excitement of gossip.

On the contrary, a few people coughed and kept winking at Yue Junze.

But Yue Junze didn't pay attention to these at all. He rubbed his hands excitedly.

"You don't know. At that time, sister Qinghuan's face was red and her head was drooping. She looked like a little girl who missed spring."

The cough of these people is a little louder.

Yue Junze looked at them strangely, "did you eat something wrong? What's the strength of coughing? "

Then he continued: "usually Qinghuan's elder sister is as powerful as a female tiger, but she is very good in front of the commander, so I think..."

"What do you think?" A cold voice came from behind.

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