"I think the two of them will be able to achieve a period of..." Yue Junze said a few words, suddenly realized what, the whole body's sweat immediately stood up.

"Go on, what did you achieve?"

Yue Junze turns around and sees Yue Qinghuan standing not far behind him. He feels his blood is cold.

"Qing... Sister Qinghuan..."

Yue Qinghuan waved his hand, "don't call me that. Didn't you just say that I'm like a little girl who yearns for spring? I can't afford you to call me sister

The cold sweat on Yue Junze's forehead started to flow down. He couldn't help looking at both sides secretly, trying to find a helping hand.

But at this time, who dares to jump into the fire pit?

Therefore, without waiting for Yue Junze to look at them with pleading eyes, these people would have been far away.

"What? Don't you want to say it? Do you want me to take you to Uncle Chang and let him ask you? "

There was a plop.

Yue Junze did not hesitate to kneel down on the ground, a face pleading said.

"Sister, no! Aunt, I'm wrong. I was just talking nonsense. You have a lot of them, but don't tell me the same thing! "

Just then, the voice of the second girl came from the distance, "Qinghuan, come here and help me!"

"Well! I'll settle with you later. It's not over. "

Yue Qinghuan turned and left.

Yue Junze wiped the cold sweat on his face and stood up tremblingly.

At this time, the people who had just escaped gathered around again.

"Hey, Junze, you just knelt down. It's really a man who can bend and stretch!" Someone said with a smile.

"Bah, a group of bastards who can't help themselves when they see death!" Yue Junze spat and then ran away.

Of course, this episode did not affect the dust washing banquet.

Because the family business was unified, people from other families also attended the banquet.

Looking at the high spirited Xue an above the theme.

Gu can't help sighing, "it's really a hero out of youth!"

Hearing her words, song Yuze put down his wine cup in embarrassment.

Gu forgets the ya to suddenly understand to come over, some apologetic blunt he smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it to you!"

Song Yuze nodded with a bitter smile, "of course I know, I just feel a little pressure!"

As he said this, song Yuze looked at Xue an in the distance. "I'm older than him, and my years of cultivation are much longer. But now I'm still stuck in that pass, but he has already crossed that step. The gap can't be counted by the way!"

Gu forgets Ya and can't help being silent.

Although she is a woman, she does not feel the pressure?

"Fortunately, he is our friend! If this becomes the enemy, I guess I can't even sleep well! " Song Yuze said.

And the fact is just as he said, there is a person who is tossing and turning at the moment, difficult to sleep.

Funiu Mountain, Zhenwu temple.

Lu Zhongxuan's face was as green as the bottom of a pot.

Because just now, he tried to contact LV Feichen, who was out on a mission, but failed.

Up to now, he has lost contact with LV Feichen for three days.

If there is no accident, Lu Feichen must have suffered something unexpected.

This fact pressed heavily on LV Zhongxuan's heart, which made his breathing not so smooth.

Of course, he is not distressed about the death of LV Feichen.

As a matter of fact, they can sacrifice everything except themselves.

What he was worried about was that Lu Feichen was also an evil creature with his own thinking, not a fool who could only crawl around in the abyss without any intelligence.

How can such existence suddenly disappear without a trace, and even he didn't receive any information?

If he was really hurt, who would be the one who killed him?

And has his identity been revealed?

These are the problems that make LV Zhongxuan headache.

So he got up from his bed and went outside.

The bedroom he lived in was at the back of the hall, so when he came out, he came to the hall.

The damaged Zhenwu phase had been repaired, but the hall was not as sacred and solemn as before, on the contrary, it was full of cold air.

And in front of this statue stood a man.

It was Lu Xiuming.

When he saw LV Zhongxuan coming out, LV Xiuming immediately bowed his head and saluted him.

Lu Zhongxuan waved his hand, "what's the difference?"

Lu Xiuming shook his head, "No."

"Has Xue an ever passed the customs?"

"Just received the news that he had left the customs three days ago, but then he disappeared!"



LV Zhongxuan frowned, and his brain ran for a while, trying to guess the whereabouts of Xue an, but he failed in the end.

"Forget it. Let's leave him alone. Anyway, he will go to the hundred family meetings after a while. Are you ready?"

"Back to you, all ready!"

"Well, let's call everyone and start tomorrow!"


Lu Xiuming turned and left.

Looking at his back, Lu Zhongxuan faintly felt that something was wrong, but after a careful exploration, he found nothing different, so he left it behind.

For him, what he likes most is to deal with his opponents directly by tough means. As for using his brain, he still doesn't like it very much.

I hope everything goes well! He thought in silence.

At the same time, among the soldiers beyond the countable distance, the dust washing banquet is over.

But the sipping in the backyard flower hall continues.

With the evening wind blowing, Yue Shifang's eyes were already drunk.

"Everything has been arranged. We can start two days after tomorrow at the latest!"

Hearing Yue Shifang's words, Xue an put down his wine cup.

"I'm not going with you!"

"Why?" Yue Shifang was stunned.

"Because I have something to explore!"

"What's going on?" Yue Shifang asked.

Xue an said with a smile, "it's nothing. Just before I came here, I killed several people to detect the existence of information, and these people all contain evil spirit, so I plan to check it!"

"Evil? Are you sure? " When he heard the word "evil", Yue Shifang was shocked.

"Sure, that's why I'm going to explore the situation as an outsider without attracting anyone's attention!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

Yue Shifang took a deep look at Xue an and finally nodded.

"Well, you have a smaller goal, which is just suitable for doing these things! But you must be more careful when you are in trouble, because the place where this hundred family meeting is held is in that Yin Yang family! "

When it comes to Yin Yang family, Yue Shifang's eyes are full of fear.

"I understand!" Xue an nodded.

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