Fubao building.

After a long period of growth and evolution, this Fubao building is no longer the original one, but a world of its own.

At the moment, there is a bright moon hanging in the sky. Under the action of abundant aura, everything is shrouded in the silver gauze like a dream.

Xue an stood in front of the window and looked at the sparkling Lake in the distance. His eyes were shining and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The two daughters had already gone to sleep, and the whole world could hear the sound of the waves caused by the giant sea animals swimming in the distant lake.

Behind the sound of footsteps, Xue an did not look back, still quietly watching.

The next second, an Yan went to the window and handed Xue an a cup of steaming tea.

"Husband, you drink a lot tonight, drink a cup of hot tea to solve the bar!"

Xue an smiles and raises his hand to take the cup. At the same time, Anyan's hand is held.

An Yan says, and then she is dragged into her arms by Xue an.

Although husband and wife for many years, although the children have been so big, although at the moment there is no one around, but Anyan's face is still red.

However, she did not speak, just like a kitten quietly lying in Xue an's arms, because she knew that her husband must be in a bad mood at the moment, otherwise he would not sit by the window in a daze at night.

But if Xue an didn't say it, she wouldn't ask.

This is a tacit understanding between them.

After a long time, Xue Ancai said in a low tone: "Yan'er!"


"It's been hard on you all these years!"

Anyan raised her eyes and asked in amazement: "why do you say that?"

"Because since I came back, you have been following me around all the time. You haven't enjoyed a moment of leisure!" Xue an said apologetically.

Anyan quietly looking at Xue an, suddenly smile, "husband, are you drunk?"

Xue an shook his head. "Of course not!"

"Then why do you say such drunken words?"

"I just feel it, especially when I look at you outside when I'm closed, I always feel that I owe you a lot!"

Anyan stretched out her green fingers, gently blocked Xue an's mouth, and then shook her head.

"Don't say it. I'm willing to do everything. As long as I can be with you, no matter what I do or how much I suffer, I'm willing to do it!"

Looking at the resolute color on Anyan's face, Xue an can't help swallowing back her words, and then embracing her again.

"Husband, are you not sure what you will do next?" An Yan lies on Xue an's chest and says in a stuffy voice.

Xue an gently stroked her long soft hair and said in a soft voice, "I'm not sure. I just think there will be many variables in this trip."

"Then... Why don't we go?" An Yan suddenly sat up and spoke very seriously.

Xue an chuckled and pinched her nose. "Well, I know you're worried about me, but don't worry. I'm not invincible in this world, but at least I have no problem in self-protection!"

Anyan took a deep look at Xue an, and finally lowered his head, "I hope you can do what you say this time!"

Xue an laughed and said, "it's like I didn't do what I said before."

Then I want to take Anyan down again.


Speaking of this, Anyan gets angry and struggles to break away from Xue an's embrace and looks at him seriously.

"How many times have you said that I won't worry, but it's not the same every time?"

Facing an Yan's blazing eyes, Xue an grabs the back of his head with a guilty heart.

"Yes? Why don't I feel as exaggerated as you say? "

Anyan nodded heavily, "that is to say, far away, just say this time! You think it's great to find a way to separate me from my thoughts? Do you know how worried I was about you when I was in Fubao building? "

At this point, Anyan's eyes were full of tears.

These words had been suppressed in her mind for a long time.

Because of the complexity of things, she had no chance to say it. Now she finally had the time to be alone with Xue an, so she naturally wanted to spit it out.

Looking at an Yan who wants to cry, Xue an feels that a very soft place in her heart has been touched.

He extended his hand with infinite apology and gently hugged an Yan.

"Well, I know I'm wrong. I promise I won't leave you alone in the future. Even in the face of such a strong enemy, I will take you with me. Is that ok?"

An Yan just nodded, but still a little sullen.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't help but smile, then raised his hand, hooked an Yan's chin with his fingers, and lifted it up gently.

"Come on, little lady, give me a smile!"

An Yan is not angry of white Xue an one eye, but finally also can't help but puff Chi a joy, the cloud on the face this just disperse.

"Bah, you're still the father of two children. You're not in shape all day!"

Xue an said with a smile, "it's called out of shape? Then I'll show you today what it means to be really out of shape! "

Then, an Yan's scream came from the room.

The night is deeper.

Anyan has fallen asleep.

But Xue an was still sitting by the window, and the moonlight poured in like water, spilled on him, and reflected him like a sculpture.

It was a long time before he sighed.

"At last, you can't help it. Have you started?"

In the words, you didn't say who you meant, but Xue an's serious face couldn't be false.

"Zhenwu Taoist school... Hehe, if I guess correctly, now Zhenwu Taoist school has already died in name!" Xue an whispered coldly, and his eyes were full of thinking.

Before, in the pharmacist alliance, he was aware of the difference after he killed LV Feichen and others with one sword.

Although these people seem to be Taoists of Zhenwu Taoism, they are actually infected by evil.

It was like a thorn, which woke Xue an up at that time.

Although it's just Zhenwu Taoism, he doesn't pay attention to it.

But God knows how many sects and families have become puppets of evil things just like zhenwudao.

If that's the case, it would be too serious.

So Xue an prepared to go to the place where the meeting was held, that is, the Yin and Yang family, to explore the clues.

But more importantly, he wanted to see if the Yin Yang family had been infected by evil.

Because this is a matter of life and death for countless people.

He never mentioned these things to anyone.

Even Yue Shifang only knew that he had to investigate the source of evil things first.


Xue an raised his hand, and suddenly a drop of blood oozed from the tip of his index finger.

This drop of blood reveals a trace of brilliant light, seems to contain infinite power.

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