Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly.

At that time, Jiutian Xuannv and many Chinese gods were saved by a mysterious Huaguang, and the other gods had disappeared.

Only Jiutian Xuannv stayed in the outer sky of this day, and retained a ray of brilliance.

Later, she refined it into the pill and finally gave it to Xue an.

So the light in Xue an's blood is the light that saved the Chinese gods.

The reason why Xue an can heal the wound so smoothly and directly preach the sage with the body of immortal is closely related to Si Guanghua.

But this is not what surprised Xue an the most.

What surprised him most was that the smell of the silk was so familiar.

At the beginning, Jiutian Xuannu once commented that this silk Guanghua felt like a call from the source of blood.

At that time, Xue an did not comment.

It was not until he closed the door that he suddenly understood why this breath was so familiar.

Isn't it the same as the feeling of the breath that suddenly burst out in an Yan's body when he was in the face of the world destroying finger that stretched straight to the sky?

And it was this discovery that suddenly made Xue an a little at a loss.

Because he didn't know what secret was hidden in Anyan's body.

I don't know what the relationship between this ray of light and her is.

All the mysteries, by this time, began to gradually clear up, and finally merged into two major items.

One is the reason behind these evil things and the decline of the Chinese people in those years.

The second is the secret of Hua Guang who saved the Chinese gods.

It seems that many doubts have been solved along the way, but when all the clues point to these two giants.

Even Xue an was silent.

After a long time, he sighed.

The blood on the fingertips is percolating back.

Then he stood up and looked at an Yan, who was lying on the bed asleep. He gave a smile and went out.

Confusion is only temporary for men.

All Xue an has to do now is to cheer up and look for all the answers.

And he had a hunch that the answers seemed to be close.

When he left Fubao building, Anyan, who was lying in bed and sleeping, suddenly turned over, then slowly curled up and hugged herself.

The news that Xue an was going to the Baijia conference alone didn't tell the rest of the strategists.

He chose to leave quietly on such a cold morning.

Before leaving, Yue Shifang mysteriously handed him something.

"What is this?" Xue an took it and found that it was a jade pendant with exquisite shape.

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "this is a gift I specially gave you. It must be useful on the road. Take it!"

Xue an looked at him suspiciously, but he didn't find anything different, and finally nodded.

"Well, then leave!"

With that, Xue an picked up the jade pendant, flew up, and almost disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

When he left, Yue Shifang could not help but breathe.

"It's so close. I almost showed up!"

"Seriously, what is that thing? That you have to give it to Xue an? " The two girls came out from behind the pavilion and wondered.

Yue Shifang said with a smile, "don't say, don't say, but it won't be long before you know what it is!"

At the moment, Xue an is separating the space like a page of a book, crossing forward at a speed of almost rampant.

This is a way to go alone in the realm of saints.

When it comes to this state, the shortest distance between two points changes from straight line to point to point.

What Xue an had to do was to compress the space and then cross it.

In this way, the speed of driving is unimaginable.

However, because the distance between the strategists and the Yin Yang family is too far away, even if we go on our way in this way, it will still take more than ten days.

In order to catch up with most people and get to the Yin Yang family, Xue an refused to stop for a moment and was on his way crazily.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a hot chest, and then stopped and directly threw out the jade pendant that Yue Shifang had given him.

Just halfway there, I heard a bang.

This jade pendant is divided into four parts, and then it appears as a pretty figure.

Yue Qinghuan tilted his head and looked at Xue an with a smile, "what? Are you surprised? "

Xue an pulled out a bitter smile from the corner of his mouth. "Is this what your brother called a gift for me?"

"What? No? " Yue Qing laughs.

Xue an shook his head. "Seriously, it can't be!"

The smile on Yue Qinghuan's face was stiff, and then he said helplessly: "do you have to be so heartless? I just want to go to Yin Yang house with you. I promise I will listen to you all the way and not drag you down. That's OK! "

Looking at the sincere Yue Qinghuan, Xue an finally sighed helplessly, "what can I say now? Let you go back? "

"Hee hee, I knew you were the best! Come on, let's go together

"Together? Are you sure you can keep up with me? "

"Of course!" Yue Qinghuan said confidently.

Sure enough.

When Xue an moves forward again, Yue Qinghuan follows him steadily and never loses.

However, after a long journey, Xue can't help saying, "does your brother want you to get married?"

"What do you mean?"

"He is willing to give you even his own saint's blood. Doesn't he mean to let you marry out as soon as possible?"

Xue an naturally can see that the reason why Yue Qinghuan has just been able to keep up with her own pace is that there is a trace of sage in her knowledge of the sea.

This is not the result of her cultivation, but a gift from Yue Shifang.

But how precious is the blood of saints.

Now, Xue an, who is also a saint, knows better than that, so he can't help asking this question.

Yue Qinghuan's face turned red, and then he said: "what? Can't brother hurt sister? Do you have to marry me out to give me a present? "

With that, she flew forward angrily.

Looking at her back, Xue an smiles and shakes his head, then follows her.

So back and forth, ten days later.

They finally came to the edge of the Yin Yang family.

It is also the legendary place of witchcraft and witchcraft!

The reason why it is called the land of witchcraft and witchcraft is that the void here is filled with a thin layer of miasma all the year round.

This miasma is very strange and strange. If you are not careful, even the quasi Saint level might be attacked.

In addition, in this strange region, there are many strange sects, some even inherited from the ancient times, the means can be described as bizarre and unpredictable.

All these make here covered with a layer of mysterious color, also let many people talk about here color change, stay away.

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