Xue an and Yue Qinghuan stood at the edge of the land of witchcraft and witchcraft. They were speechless for a long time, looking at the ethereal but enveloping miasma in the distance.

"In fact, we can take the road of luofumen, so that we can directly pass through this wasteland and enter the realm of Yin Yang family!" Yue Qinghuan said softly.

Luofu gate is a gate set up by the Yin and Yang families to pass through this land of witches and insects. It is much more convenient and safe to take that road.

But Xue an shook his head, "no, that would expose our whereabouts to the sight of the Yin Yang family!"

Yue Qinghuan was surprised. "Are you doubting the Yin Yang family?"

"Not suspicion, but prudence! Because the situation we are facing now is very complicated. If we want to have an advantage, we must act in the dark. That's why I have to act alone! "

Speaking of this, Xue an turned his head and looked at Yue Qinghuan, "if you are afraid, you can go to Yin Yang's house by the way of Luofu gate, and then wait for the meeting of the army. I can be alone here!"

As if he had been insulted, Yue Qinghuan immediately stood up and said, "are you afraid? Joke, when was my girl afraid? Let's go. This is the way to get in! "

With that, Yue Qinghuan walked in.

Xue an is helpless. He really doesn't want to take Yue Qinghuan with him.

Even if Yue Qinghuan got a trace of sage inheritance from Yue Shifang, it was the same, but now that it was so, he had to follow.

After passing through this thin layer of miasma, a very strange scene came into view.

No stars, no lonely space.

All the usual visions of the void disappeared.

Instead, there are countless tall mountains in the distance.

These mountains crisscross together and extend into the depths of the unknown void.

People say that there are 100000 mountains, but there are more than hundreds of millions of peaks here.

Not only that, but also there is air in this strange space.

Foot is stepping on the muddy ground, even next to the eye are wanton growth of green trees and weeds.

These trees don't know their varieties, but they all grow in strange shapes. They are matched with the strange weeds on the ground, full of wild and fierce beauty.

To put it bluntly, where is the void in this land of witchcraft and witchcraft, it is clearly a huge and unimaginable planet.

Xue an took a deep breath of the air mixed with the fragrance of vegetation and the smell of soil, only to feel the surrounding aura complex and chaotic.

All kinds of aura are tangled together, but the dominant is a gray breath.

This breath is very similar to the miasma that envelops everything, but there are some subtle differences.

Not evil, but with a kind of extreme simplicity and desolation, it seems to be closely related to death.

Xue an raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said thoughtfully, "interesting!"

But compared with his ease, Yue Qinghuan's face was a little pale.

The confused psychic power and the dominant gray breath made her feel more stressed.

Even she was very shocked to find that her strength had been suppressed to the point of no one in ten.

"Let's go!" Xue an light way.

"Well!" Yueqing huanqiang repressed the horror in his heart and followed him.

With Xue an's strength, although not affected by the law of this space, it is impossible to directly fold the space as if we were on the way in the void.

So he could only rise up and go through the mountains.

However, it seems that considering Yue Qinghuan's strength, Xue an's flying speed is not fast. Compared with the vast and endless mountains, he is more like a turtle.

But Xue an was not worried. Instead, he watched the mountain with great interest.

In this way, after flying for an hour, the two of them finally flew out of the previous area, and the mountain at their feet was a little more gentle. At the same time, the species of vegetation also became diverse.

Vaguely, we can also see a trace of human activities from the indistinct path in the grass.

After another flight, the path became clear, and the traces of human activities became more and more obvious.

Finally, after another big mountain, a building similar to an inn appeared on the roadside.

Seeing this scene, Xue an immediately fell on the ground.

When they got closer, they found that the building was really an inn.

But the strange thing is that the door of the inn is open and empty, but there are all kinds of tables, chairs and benches.

Xue an walked into the door and looked around. Sure enough, he didn't find anyone.

At this time, Yue Qinghuan could not help but scream.

"What's that?"

Xue an turned to look at it, but saw dozens of ropes hanging down from the beams on the wall behind the door.

The ends of these ropes are twisted into a loop, suspended at the height of a person, and moved slightly with the wind.

Yue Qinghuan's face was a little pale.

Although her strength is very high, she is a girl after all. She has a natural fear of this unknown thing.

In particular, all the things in this inn reveal a strange smell.

This is to make Yue Qinghuan creepy, can't help but close to Xue an.

Xue an looked at the ropes and raised her eyebrows slightly.

what is it?

It looks like a hanging loop!

But where are dozens of people hanging together?

What's the use of this thing?

While Xue an was thinking about it, Yue Qinghuan managed to suppress his panic and said in a low voice, "I think this inn is strange, and there is no personal shadow. Why don't we withdraw?"

Xue an glanced at her and said with a smile, "what's the matter? Scared? "

Once these words came out, Yue Qinghuan straightened his chest again, "nonsense, how can I be afraid? I just think this inn is very strange. I don't want to stay here for a long time! "

Although she said it very well, Xue an could still recognize the slightest shrewdness in her words.

With Yue Qinghuan's strength, he is not afraid of a barren mountain inn.

But in this strange world, under the influence of the dominant gray breath, people's fear seems to be magnified invisibly.

Even Yue Qinghuan is not free from vulgarity.

That's why she was so flustered.

Of course, this kind of influence only aimed at Yue Qinghuan, and had no effect on Xue an at all.

He turned his head to look out the door and said faintly, "now you just want to go, you can't go!"


"Because it's going to rain!"

Sure enough.

As soon as Xue an's voice fell, he heard a dull thunder, and then it began to rain cats and dogs outside.

If it's just rain, it won't stop Xue and an.

But the rain is also very strange, when the rain falls on the ground, it splashes layers of fog.

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