It turns out that although gexiongwu tribe and Mengzhu tribe belong to the same jingman tribe, they believe in different gods.

Gexiongwo tribe believes in Sanxian, which is strictly a kind of ghost.

Mengzhu tribe believed in the moon mother, the God of Jingchu people.

The status and power of these two gods are different from each other.

Mengzhu tribe is the most powerful family in Jingchu.

Although gexiongwu is also good, it is much worse than Mengzhu tribe.

Therefore, in the past, the gexiongwo tribe was very humble and humble, and always regarded itself as a subsidiary of Mengzhu tribe.

For a long time, the Mongolian and bamboo tribes have taken care of gexiongwu, who takes the initiative to give priority to himself.

The relationship between the two sides is very harmonious.

This time, as the saint of Mengzhu tribe, mengzhunasha went to the territory of gexiongwu tribe to attend their ceremony to celebrate the birthday of sanxianlang.

This was originally a very common thing, but it was unexpected that this seemingly ordinary celebration suddenly changed.

Originally, people of gexiongwu tribe who were laughing at Yan suddenly got into a storm and directly attacked Meng zhunasha and his party.

Because they were unprepared and caught off guard, the maids and guards who followed monasa were killed almost without any resistance.

Fortunately, as a saint, monzhunasha has the power of protecting the moon mother, and has resisted the fatal blow for her.

But even so, she was seriously injured by many experts from gexiongwu tribe. Then she forced herself out of gexiongwu territory and ran into the vast mountain.

But the people of gexiongwu tribe were obviously sure of her. They immediately sent gexiongwu Lama, skeleton priest and other experts to pursue her.

Along the way, mengzhunasha was besieged several times, and escaped under the protection of Luna.

But she found a frightening fact.

That's why the moon mother's power of protection is weakening.

This has never been the case before. Although Mona was a saint, she was not old after all. She was shocked by this discovery.

But at this point, no matter how desperate she was, she knew that she would never fall into the hands of gexiongwu tribe.

She must try her best to return to Mengzhu tribe and report the rebellion of gexiongwu tribe.

With this in mind, monasa began her arduous escape.

When she came to the inn today, it was the eighth day of her escape.

In these eight days, mengzhunasha did not enter. She was overdrawn by the high-intensity escape.

And the gods she believed in were silent as never before.

There was no response to all her prayers.

In desperation, mengzhunasha had to run out of the mountain to find supplies on the road.

As an aborigine of this vast mountain, she knows that there are often Inns built on both sides of the mountain road for the rest of the corpse chasers.

This group of corpse chasers is a very strange group, which has some origins with the Jingchu group, but their origins and beliefs are more mysterious, and they come out at night and day, so outsiders can rarely see their true faces.

However, mengzhunasha is different. As a saint of Mengzhu tribe, she is naturally knowledgeable. She even has a set of bronze corpses in gold armor handed down from the ancestors of Mengzhu tribe.

This is her last resort.

With the idea of fishing for death, mengzhunasha ventured into the inn to have something to eat and recover her strength. Then she ran into Xue an and the two of them. That's what happened just now.

After hearing monasa's story, Xue an's eyes brightened.

"Mr. Sanxian? Do you know what kind of spirit it is? "

Mengzhunasha shook her head. "These three gentlemen belong to the Yin ghost. They are not in the class of jingman people. They not only have low power, but also are cruel and mean. But I don't know the exact origin of him! "

"Oh! In this way, the former three show Lang should be a very humble little god? "

"Well! At least as far as our mother, the moon mother, is concerned

If Xue an had thought about it, he would chuckle.

"You said before that they came for the holy things of your mother moon god?"


Monasa lowered her head, put her hands behind her neck and took off a necklace.

"Mr. Xue, this is the sacred thing of our Mengzhu tribe!"

With that, Mona reached out and handed the necklace to her, her eyes full of sincerity and without any concealment.

Xue an smiles.

This girl is really straightforward and lovely.

He took the necklace and looked at it carefully.

This is a necklace that looks very ordinary. There is a crescent shaped gem hanging on the necklace, which is shining.

But I don't know why, this gem always gives people a dull feeling, as if the energy inside has been exhausted.

Xue an rubbed the necklace for a moment, then nodded and handed it back.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Naturally, I have to go back to the tribe first, because I'm afraid that the people in the tribe don't know about GE Xiongwu's rebellion. If they succeed again, it would be terrible!"

Speaking of this, mengzhunasha's face was full of anxiety. She wanted to fly back to the tribe now.

Xue an nodded, "OK, I'll take you back now!"

Monasa was stunned and said with great joy: "that would be great. Thank you, Mr. Xue!"

In fact, she was also worried that she would meet the people of gexiongwu tribe on her way back.

Now Xue an is going to take her back, so it's safe.

"It's not too late. We'll go now!"

With that, Xue an stood up and threw a spirit stone on the table.

"You can't eat other people's food for nothing. This stone is a meal expense!"

Then Xue an looked at monasa and said, "where is your tribe?"

Monasa pointed to the southwest. "It's in this direction. It's about ten mountains away."

"Good! You pack up your things, and then we'll go! "

These gold armor and copper corpses of monasa have been damaged to varying degrees in the battle just now, but fortunately, the problem is not too big, and they should be able to be repaired.

Mengzhunasha immediately came forward to collect these gold and copper corpses with tribal secret skills.

While taking advantage of this gap, Yue Qinghuan asked in a strange low voice, "what are you going to do? Aren't you going to cross this land of witches and insects to the Yin Yang family? Why do you take care of the jingman people again? You know, this jingman clan is not so easy to provoke! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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