Yue Qinghuan is really strange.

As a descendant of a military strategist, she also heard about this jingman clan.

I know that they are the masters of this land of witchcraft and witchcraft. Although they are pure and straightforward, there are also some brutal people.

In particular, they believe in all kinds of gods hidden in this endless mountain, and they are good at all kinds of magic and witchcraft, which adds a layer of mystery to them.

As a last resort, no one is willing to provoke these jingman people.

The provocation here not only refers to hatred, but also kindness.

Because these jingman people are often extreme in character, whether they have hatred or kindness, they will leave endless troubles.

That's why Yue Qinghuan asked.

"Now that I have met you, I will take care of it. As for going to the Yin Yang family, I'm not in a hurry!" Xue an light way.

Yue Qinghuan was stunned and suddenly thought of something. He looked back at Meng zhunasha, who was busy in the distance, and then thought about it.

"Don't you think you have other ideas because you see other people's beautiful little girls? I can tell you that the women of jingman clan, especially the beautiful ones, are the ones that can't be provoked

"Because these women often keep all kinds of strange and strange insects. If they are not careful, they will fall into their way. Even if you are a saint, you will have to drink a pot. You don't want to wake up and find yourself covered with worms

Yue Qinghuan said seriously, with a trace of banter in his eyes.

Xue an was just dumbfounded.

"In your eyes, am I the kind of person who is greedy for beauty?"

Yue Qinghuan just wanted to say yes, but he swallowed it again.

Because she suddenly felt that there was something wrong with using the four words "lust for beauty" to describe Xue an.

Because I like this guy all the time!

With her own appearance, she is no less than Mona monasa, even more so. She is deeply rooted in love and cannot extricate herself.

But even so, Xue an is still unmoved, like a straight man of iron and steel, seemingly close, but in fact he refuses to be thousands of miles away.

Such people really can't be described as greedy for beauty.

But she said, "who knows, maybe you are a good one, but don't blame me for not reminding you that these jingman women are infatuated with each other. However, once they are in love, it's very difficult to get rid of them. If you dare to abandon them, they will not let you go even if they catch up with you!"

Xue an can't laugh or cry.

How in Yue Qinghuan's words, it seems that he has really become the scum man who always abandons everything?

Just at this time, monasa finished cleaning up the gold and copper corpses, came back and said, "Mr. Xue, I'm ready. Do you want to start now?"


Xue an nodded, then raised his hand and stabbed at it.

Monasa was stunned, but she didn't even dodge. She let the sword fly into her eyebrows.

The next moment, mengzhunasha felt that she was light and flew directly into the sky.

"Go ahead, you lead the way!" Xue an light way.


Excited, monasa urged her body to run in the sky.

With the help of Xue an's sword, her speed was as fast as lightning. However, a cup of tea flew over more than a dozen mountains, and then suddenly she saw a plain surrounded by mountains.

There are many buildings built on the plain, just like a prosperous city.

It's just that the buildings in this city are all made of wood, even the walls.

Mengzhunasha pointed to the front and said excitedly: "Mr. Xue, this is our Mengzhu tribe. Thank God, it seems that the people of gexiongwu tribe haven't had time to start here yet!"

Then she flew down to the ground and walked quickly to the gate.

At this moment, the gate of the city is tightly closed.

But there are guards on the wall.

They also saw the three men flying from the sky and raised their vigilance.

But before they could react, monasa had fallen in front of the gate and cried out, "I'm back. Open the gate quickly!"

At the sight of monasa, the guards were surprised and then overjoyed.

"It's a saint!"

"The virgin is back!"

"Thank you for the blessing of the mother of the moon. Your holiness is OK!"

In the noise, some people had already gone to the town to report, while the rest of the guards ran down the wall and opened the gate from inside.


"I have seen the saint!"

In a respectful greeting, monasa nodded.

"What's the matter? Why is the gate closed in broad daylight? And your highness, what about them? "

"The priesthood and the elders of the patriarch are in the temple. It's also the priesthood's intention to close the gate."

"Oh Monasa nodded, then turned to Xue an.

"Mr. Xue, your highness, they are all in the temple. Please follow me! Mengzhu tribe will repay you for saving me

Monasa said very seriously.

Xue an laughed, "you don't have to repay me, but I want to have a look at your temple!"

"Well, please follow me!"

Mengzhunasha leads Xue an and Yue Qinghuan through the gate and towards the temple in the middle of the town.

The guards looked at each other behind them.

"Who was that man and woman just now?"

"I don't know. It seems that they are not Jingmen."

"Well, I don't think so, but the lady seems very polite to them. What else did she say to save her? What's the matter?"

"Isn't it the man the lady likes?"

All the guards shut up.

A moment later, someone forced a smile and said, "what are you talking about? If this is heard by the chief soldier, we will suffer!"

The guards dispersed quickly.

On this side, monasa had led Xue an through the street to the front of the temple.

It's a temple, but it's just a tall house.

At the top of the house stands a wooden pole with a crescent shaped stone.

At this time, the news from the city gate had already reached the temple. As soon as mengzhunasha and Xue an arrived at the gate, the temple door opened slowly.

Then a group of people came out of it.

This group of people wore all kinds of clothes and had different momentum. The leader was a middle-aged woman with a dignified look and a compassionate face. In her hand, she also held a scepter with a crescent shaped top.

Beside the middle-aged woman was a young woman, who was wearing a navy blue dress, describing her as beautiful, but with extraordinary momentum.

When she saw the two, monasa immediately bent over to salute.

"I have seen the priest and the patriarch!"

The middle-aged woman came up, helped monasa up, and looked at her for a moment before she breathed a long breath.

"With the blessing of mother moon, you will come back safe and sound."

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