This middle-aged woman is the head of Mengzhu tribe. Her name is Mengzhu feifeng.

On the other hand, the young woman standing on one side is Meng Zhumei, the high priest of Mengzhu tribe.

Naturally, those who follow are the old people of Mengzhu tribe. Most of them are women, only a few are men, and all of them are women.

It can be seen that the Mengzhu tribe is a tribe with respect for women.

I little interesting!

Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows and thought of it silently in her heart.

At this time, Meng Zhumei, the high priest on one side, also noticed Xue an and Yue Qinghuan.

In her eyes, the young man in white standing in front of her is just standing there, but his momentum is as deep and immeasurable as a bottomless abyss.

Even she couldn't help but feel frightened.

"These two are..." Meng Zhumei asked in a voice.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is Mr. Xue, the benefactor who saved me from the hands of gexiongwu tribe."

"It turned out that he was the benefactor who saved the saint. Mengzhu tribe is really grateful!" Meng zhufeifeng immediately saluted.

Xue an light smile, "don't be polite, just passing by by by chance and then do it conveniently, it's nothing!"

Meng Zhumei didn't speak. She just gazed at Xue an deeply, as if she wanted to see something from the calm appearance of the young man.

At the same time, monasa will go through a general account, and then said with a serious face.

"Patriarch, high priest, there must be a reason for the sudden rebellion of gexiongwu tribe. We must strengthen our prevention and do not take it lightly."

The patriarch Meng zhufeifeng nodded.

"It's natural. In fact, as early as a few days ago, we got the news of Ge Xiong Wu's rebellion. After this tribe failed to ambush you, it attacked one after another, destroyed several small tribes and killed them wantonly, causing great casualties."

"That's right!" Meng Zhumei takes a deep breath and says slowly.

"When I got the news, I had ordered all the people who went out to return, and closed the city gate to strengthen prevention. At the same time, I sent the soldier commander Meng ZhuXiong and others to look for you! I didn't expect that you had come back safely. Thank you so much for your blessing

When hearing these three words, Meng zhunasha's eyes flashed a strange color.

There is gratitude, but more alienation.

This expression is fleeting, others did not notice, but Xue an is keen to capture.

"Well, anyway, it's a great joy that Natha can come back safely. Send a poison order to mengzhuxiong to stop searching and bring people back quickly!"

"Yes Someone's on his way.

Then monasa said a few words to the patriarch and the high priest, and came to Xue an.

"Mr. Xue, I'll leave first. Someone will take you down to have a rest later. I'll come to see you later in the evening."

Xue an light smile, "don't worry about me, please help yourself!"

Then she turned around and left with Meng zhufeifeng and high priest Meng Zhumei.

Looking at their backs, Xue an Ruo thinks.

"Do you still see when people are far away?" One side of Yue Qinghuan can't help saying in a joking tone.

Xue an just astringed his eyes and turned to look at Yue Qinghuan.

"What? Am I wrong? It seems that the saint of the jingman clan is really good to you. She even has to leave before she leaves! " Yue Qinghuan said.

Looking at Yue Qinghuan, Xue an suddenly raises a smile.

"Does that have anything to do with you?"

A word choked Yue Qinghuan speechless.

Just at this time, some people from Mengzhu tribe came forward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me!"

Xue an nodded and walked away.

Yue Qinghuan stamped his foot, then followed him as if he was discouraged. At the same time, he swore in a low voice.

"Asshole! I don't believe your wife won't be angry when she sees you in the sea of knowledge! "

As a noble guest who saved the virgin, the Mongolian bamboo tribe did not dare to neglect.

The spacious and bright room, the brand-new blanket, and all kinds of rare wild fruits with faint fragrance.

From these details alone, we can see that Mengzhu tribe has given them great courtesy.

Xue an is also not polite, directly sat on the chair, and then picked up a spirit heart fruit, comfortable to eat up.

Yue Qinghuan did not eat, but sat across the table, quietly looking at Xue an.

"What am I doing?"

As he said this, Xue an left the leftover stone in his hand. Then the stone took root and sprouted quickly on the ground beside the table. In the twinkling of an eye, it grew into a spirit fruit tree.

The fruit tree swayed and stretched out a branch toward Xue an. A wonderful flower at the top of the branch slowly bloomed, and then withered rapidly, and the fruit was very beautiful.

In the blink of an eye, a spirit heart fruit fell in front of Xue an again.

But this fruit tree withered rapidly, then disappeared.

Yue Qinghuan raised her eyebrows slightly, "what is this? Magic? "

Xue an chuckled, "of course not. It's just a little witchcraft!"


Yue Qinghuan was a little dazed, and then took the lingxinguo on the table and bit it.

"Bah, bah, bah, what is this? Why is it so bad? "

Yue Qinghuan's face was full of dross.

Xue an laughed. "I told you it was witchcraft. Why don't you believe it?"

But Yue Qinghuan suddenly looks at Xue an thoughtfully.

"How did you suddenly learn witchcraft?"

"In fact, it's very simple. The so-called witchcraft is just four words!"

"Which four words?"

"Equivalent exchange!" Xue an light way.

"Equivalent exchange?"

"Yes! Different from cultivation, witchcraft doesn't need your high talent and deep cultivation, because what it relies on is exchange through some means to achieve your goal! "

Yue Qinghuan had a blank face.

Xue an picked up another fruit and ate it with a big mouthful. He said as he ate it.

"To put it bluntly, self-cultivation is like building a house by oneself. Everything is done by oneself, while witchcraft is to hire someone to build a house. You don't have to do it yourself to achieve the same goal, but what you pay is money!"

Yue Qinghuan finally understood, but he still couldn't help asking: "since it's equivalent exchange? How and with whom? "

"Good question!"

Xue an threw away the leftover stone again, but this time it didn't grow into a fruit tree. Instead, it turned into a lively little man with perfect facial features. After running around the table, he bowed to Xue an and then ran away through the window.

Yue Qinghuan's face is dull.

Just now Xue an showed these two hands, she naturally can also do, nothing more than a clever use of aura. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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