But the key is that Yue Qinghuan didn't feel any aura fluctuation from Xue an, as if he had done it by heart.

That's incredible.

Xue an light smile, "see? That's just a way to use witchcraft. What you just asked is also the key point of the whole witchcraft system. It's like hiring someone to build a house. Although it's easy, where does the money come from? "

"Yes! Where does the money come from? " Yue Qinghuan whispered.

"It's simple, everything comes from faith!"

Xue an stood up and went to the window. Looking at the darkening sky outside, he said faintly: "the so-called belief is food! Witchcraft is a skyscraper built on this cornerstone. "

"Now your next problem will be solved! The exchange of equal value is a means of exchanging with the gods you believe in after you have accumulated enough food through faith


"Yes, but it's not limited to gods. It can also be heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, trees and rocks, everything!" Xue an said slowly.

Yue Qinghuan's face was shocked because she didn't know why Xue an suddenly talked about these things, but an idea suddenly arose in her mind, which made her blurt out.

"And what do you believe in?"

She did not believe that Xue an, who had been a sage, would still believe in the so-called gods.

But what Xue an just showed clearly is the category of witchcraft.

Xue an smiles and looks at Yue Qinghuan.

"What do you think?"

Yue Qinghuan was startled. He seemed to think of something, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Noticing her startled face, Xue an smiles, "yes, I believe in myself!"

Speaking of this, Xue an looked out of the window again and said faintly.

"I'm a God. What can I do better than myself? This is the source of my faith

"My God Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice: "what else can we do? It's not like... "

"Just like a card bug, right?" Xue an said with a smile.

Of course, Yue Qinghuan didn't know what a "card bug" was, but he could be heard from Xue an's tone, so he nodded.

"In fact, for the whole witchcraft system, I am also an absolute exception, because my method can't be copied by others, even another saint is impossible!"

Xue an's words are full of strong self-confidence.

"To put it bluntly, ordinary people can only get what they want by believing in the gods, accumulating money and food, and then exchanging with the gods for equal value. This is the root of witchcraft and the reason why it gradually declines."

Yue Qinghuan naturally knew that in the ancient times, witchcraft was popular in the world, and the path of cultivation was just born. They were not in the same breath.

But after tens of thousands of years, on the contrary, cultivation has occupied the absolute mainstream, but the once overlord witchcraft has declined to the extreme, and even can only retreat to this small land of witchcraft and witchcraft and survive.

"Because the root of witchcraft comes from the gods, so it is doomed that the upper limit of witchcraft depends entirely on the strength of the gods you believe in. If the gods you believe in are powerful, then you will become stronger and stronger, and vice versa! For example, the former gexiongwo tribe is an example. "

Yue Qinghuan's eyes suddenly brightened. "Do you mean that the sudden rebellion of gexiongwu tribe may have something to do with the gods they believe in?"

"Not possible, but absolute! The so-called San Xian Lang, as soon as he hears it, knows that he is a kind of bad devil. If his strength does not soar, how can his followers rebel against the world's great injustice? "

Yue Qinghuan said, "that's why you decided to save the virgin of Mengzhu tribe and come back to investigate the reason?"

Xue an a smile, "that is only one aspect, at that time even if have no this reason, I also can't see the death not to save!"

Looking at Xue an with a smile on his face, Yue Qinghuan's face suddenly appears a shy color.

It turned out that he had deduced from the beginning that there must be something hidden behind this incident!

Although he is also regarded as a genius among the younger generation of strategists, he is far inferior to his meticulous and astute.

At the same time, he even misunderstood him, even thought that he came because of lust, and even said a lot of angry words, which made Yue Qinghuan feel a little embarrassed.

"Xue an, I'm sorry! I... " Yue Qing said happily.

Xue an just waved his hand with a smile, "OK, don't say I'm sorry. I just told you the whole story in advance. I didn't blame you!"

"What do I need to do?" Yue Qinghuan said seriously.

"I don't need anything. It's just a Sanxian gentleman like a ghost. No matter how powerful he is, it's just a matter for me to snap my finger at him!"

"What I'm interested in is the reason behind its soaring strength!"

Looking at Xue an with flashing eyes, Yue Qinghuan wanted to say something, and finally closed his mouth.

Because for a proud girl like her.

It's a very hurtful thing that IQ is not as good as people.

Even if the man she admired was the same.

So she was afraid that she would be hit harder by Xue an if she stayed here, so she wisely closed her mouth, and then got up and went back to her room.

When she left, Xue an stood quietly in front of the window and did not speak.

Suddenly, the wild fruit on the table seemed to be smeared into nothingness by some immeasurable rule.

And when it appears again, it has come to Xue an's hand.

Xue an picked up one and began to chew it.

But no matter how he swallowed it, the fruit didn't decrease at all.

After a long time, Xue an seemed to be full, and suddenly chuckled.

"I really don't know what's holding you back, or even making you flawless to respond to the prayers of the believers. Is there any change in the spirits of Jingchu people?"

With that, Xue an ate the fruit in his hand, but his eyes penetrated the dark night and looked at the lonely temple in the distance.

Although I don't know what the reason is, but vaguely, Xue an felt that these things happened to Jingchu people must be related to evil things.

"It's all pervasive!" Xue an sighed, but his eyes were full of excitement.

As soon as night fell, the whole Mengzhu tribal town fell into a sea of joy.

Countless torches illuminated the town like day.

Everyone put on their costumes and danced in the street with smiles to celebrate the safe return of their saint.

At this time, mengzhunasha, wearing the most ceremonious dress of Jingchu girls, bashfully knocked on Xue an's door.

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