When she saw monasa in full dress, even Xue an could not help but have a trance for a moment.

The reason is that the dress that monasa is wearing is too gorgeous.

It's a new dress with a navy blue bottom, inlaid with countless silver jewels. It's so gorgeous that it's almost incredible.

At the same time, her wrists, ankles and even all her bare skin are covered by various jewelry made of refined silver.

But the most striking one was the silver crown on her head.

The beauty and complexity of its modeling has reached the limit of its skill.

Under the silver chain, there is a face with a smile and a beautiful face.

This dress would be very pompous for anyone else.

Only after wearing on the body of mengzhunasha, the saint of Mengzhu tribe, it looks so natural and harmonious.

Even produced a mysterious and treacherous beauty, it is soul stirring.

Find Xue an Zheng some Lengzheng of looking at oneself, Meng Zhu Na Sha's face is rare some blush, then lower head light voice way.

"Mr. Xue, in order to thank you for your kindness, the Chinese people have prepared a grand dinner party. I'm here to invite you over."

"Oh Xue an then recovered and immediately said with a smile, "OK, please lead the way in front."


Mengzhunasha turned and led Xue an to the street.

"Wait a minute, where's my friend?"

"Oh, you mean the woman? She has just been invited to go ahead, and then you can see her! " Monasa laughs.

Xue an a Leng, then can only helpless nod.

By this time, the two of them had already stepped into the street.

Where they passed, the people of Mengzhu tribe in full dress fled to both sides and saluted them with a smile.

Some of the older women said something hard for outsiders to understand to mengzhunasha with a smile, and looked at Xue an with a smile.

"What are they talking about?" Xue Anqi's strange way.

Monasa blushed and whispered, "nothing. I'm just grateful for your help."

Xue an didn't notice anyone else. He just took a look at the people singing and dancing on the street and exclaimed, "is it always so busy here?"

"Well! In fact, even if nothing happens, my people will sing and dance. What's more, in order to celebrate my safe return, the scale of the celebration is even more grand! Mr. Xue, please follow me

Mengzhunasha waved to Xuean, and then she got into the crowd and went on.

After crossing most of the street, they came to the center of the town.

This is a huge square.

At the moment, a huge bonfire was set off in the middle of the square.

The flames soared like pillars.

Around the huge bonfire, people of Mengzhu tribe are dancing hand in hand.

The arrival of Xue an and mengzhunasha directly pushed the warm atmosphere to a climax.

Many people gathered around and looked at Xue an with curious eyes, then whispered to each other.

Xue an didn't know what these people were talking about, and he didn't want to use his mind to spy on the conversation, so he couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Just then, the patriarch Meng zhufeifeng and the high priest Meng Zhumei separated the crowd and came over.

After seeing them, the crowd immediately retreated to both sides and stood respectfully.

Meng zhufeifeng, holding a long horn cut from an unknown animal in her hand, walks up to Xue an and says with a smile.

"Mr. Xue, as the benefactor of saving our holy daughter, my family is very grateful to you. Please drink this cup of xuanlei horn wine!"

Silence the whole room.

Monasa looked at Xue an nervously and didn't know what choice the teenager would make.

After all, the reputation of the jingman clan is really not good, especially those strange insects that are hard to guard against are creepy and dare not approach.

At least most people would never dare to drink this glass of wine.

But this is also the highest hospitality etiquette of Mengzhu tribe. If Xue an doesn't answer, it's equivalent to not treating Mengzhu tribe as a friend. That's too bad.

So monasa's heart tightened.

At this time, Xue an looked at Meng zhufeifeng with a sincere face and the people behind her who were looking at her. She gave a smile, then took the horn and drank it.


There was a lot of applause.

Monasa felt her tight heart stretch out in an instant, and her face was filled with joy.

Mengzhu feifeng, the patriarch of the clan, showed a smile and killed the horn.

"I declare that Mr. Xue will be the most distinguished guest of Mengzhu tribe from now on."

There was a tsunami of cheers.

People once again sing and dance, directly to the climax of the atmosphere of joy.

Even the campfire leaped up and turned into illusory gods in the air.

Just as the whole scene was boiling, Yue Qinghuan, sitting on the viewing platform in the distance, could not help but curl his mouth and mutter.

"What's the matter! My most distinguished guest, God knows if there are poisonous insects in the wine. "

With that, she looked at monasa in the crowd.

At the moment, the saint was standing beside Xue an with a smile on her face, her mouth moving, as if she was saying something.

Xue an listened attentively and seemed to be listening very seriously.

This makes Yue Qinghuan feel more and more delicious.

Although she knew that Xue an couldn't do anything, she was still very upset when she saw that monasa was so close to Xue an that she almost pasted it on her.

"Sister Yan is looking at you in Fubao building, where she knows the sea. I don't believe you dare to do anything deviant!" Yue Qing Huan hate said, eyes almost spewed fire.

She didn't know why she was like this!

In the past, I was indifferent to peace, and even despised the feelings between men and women. I thought that it was all done by common people, and I would not be infected with it.

But unexpectedly, a curious exploration trip, she met Xue an, and then step by step into it, it is difficult to extricate herself.

Even now, she felt like a resentful daughter-in-law.

But the problem is that she just can't control herself!

Is this my robbery? Yue Qinghuan thought of it.

And in the presence, there is another person whose mood is similar to her at the moment.

That is standing in the corner of the crowd, pale Meng bamboo bear.

This Mongolian bamboo bear is tall and burly. Although he is ordinary in appearance, he can be regarded as a great warrior.

Especially as the commander of the Mengzhu tribe, he has an elite army under his hand, which is the backbone of the whole Mengzhu tribe. His power is second only to the high priest, even higher than those of the elders.

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