And he also perfectly abides by his duties, hardworking, will protect the Mongolian bamboo tribe like an iron wall.

Therefore, he was highly respected in Mengzhu tribe, especially the soldiers under his command.

So when they saw their beloved chief standing in the same place with his blue face and looking at monasa who was talking and laughing with Xue an in the distance, they were all filled with indignation.

Almost all the people in Mengzhu tribe know that Mengzhu bear has always loved mengzhunasha. Naturally, these soldiers also know that.

That's why they are so angry.

"It's very irritating. When the chief soldier heard that the saint was attacked by the people of gexiongwu tribe, so that he escaped into the mountains and there was no voice message, he was almost mad! Without waiting for the patriarch to speak, he led us out to look for it. It turned out to be a good thing that the saint lady brought back a boy who didn't know where to jump out and showed such intimacy. Didn't she hit our soldier in the face in public? " There was a murmur of anger.

"Who said no? We have been away for several days, and we didn't come back until this evening. However, the saint lady just said thank you to the chief soldier. Besides, she didn't show anything, but she dressed up for the boy. That's a big difference, isn't it? " Someone nearby echoed.

"The key is that the patriarch and the high priest also attach great importance to this boy. They say that he is the benefactor who saved the saint. However, I don't think this boy is a master at all. So I think there must be water in it!"

What these people say is a bustle, and they are all dissatisfied with the patriarch and the saint.

After all, in their eyes, they and the commander of the army have worked very hard to find monasa's whereabouts, but in the end, no one valued her at all. On the contrary, they were very polite to a foreign boy, which inevitably made them angry.


At this time, with Meng ZhuXiong's deep drink, the soldiers all closed their mouths and looked at him.

"The patriarch and the saint have their own reasons for doing so. Can you talk about it?" Meng ZhuXiong said in a deep voice.

"But my lord soldier..." There are some unconvinced soldiers behind him who still want to say something.

"No need to say more. I know what you mean, but you are not allowed to mention it later!"

With that, Meng ZhuXiong looked at the soldiers behind him with dignity.

"Yes These people all agreed.

Then mengzhuxiong took a deep breath, picked up the wine pot on the table next to him, and walked to mengzhunasha.

At the moment, monasa was blinking her big eyes and said with a smile, "thank you so much just now!"

"Thank me for what?"

"I didn't think you'd drink that."

"Why not drink it?"

"Because no one in the world knows that our jingman clan is good at playing with all kinds of poisonous insects, so few people dare to drink our jingman clan's wine. What's more, we dare not even touch it!"

Xue an said with a smile, "well, is there any poisonous insects in my cup of wine?"

Seeing Xue an's smile, monasa could not help but chuckle, "yes, of course! And it's extremely poisonous! There's no cure for that. "

Xue an laughed and said, "well, then I'm really afraid!"

Although he was afraid, Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids. Instead, he took a drink from the glass beside him, and then quietly looked at the campfire.

Monasa suddenly fell into a trance.

Especially when she saw the fire reflected in Xue an's eyes, she was even more intoxicated.

The teenager always seems to be so calm.

As if as long as he stood there, there would be nothing hard to overthrow him.

At least monasa feels at ease right now.

If only... Could stand beside him all the time?

With this idea, even jingman girl, who is famous for her frankness, blushed.

At this time, mengzhuna bear walked through the crowd and came near. Then he was shocked by the blush on mengzhuna Sha's face.

In recent years, in order to pursue the saint, he tried every means to get close to her.

However, no matter what she did, this Mona kept a distance from herself. Although she was polite, she always had a kind of indifference to others.

So he never saw this kind of expression on mengzhunasha's face. Combined with her bright smile, mengzhuxiong felt a pain in his heart, and even his breath became short. But he still forced a smile and said, "Natha!"

After seeing mengzhuna bear, the smile on mengzhuna's face quickly converged, then turned into a polite smile and nodded.

"What can I do for you, chief


It's a good name. It's like a sword stabbing into Meng ZhuXiong's heart.

He swayed slightly, and then he gave an ugly smile.

"Nothing. I just think it's great that you can come back safely. You don't know how hard I've been searching for you these days. Even I want to go straight to gexiongwu tribe and fight with those bastards!"

At the end, Meng ZhuXiong's tone became a little excited, because it was really his real idea.

At that time, he was worried about the disappearance of monasa, and the whole person fell into a state of madness.

If he can't find it again, he's really going to lead the soldiers to kill gexiongwu tribe.

But his sincere words didn't move monasa. She nodded slightly.

"Thank you, sergeant. Thank you very much


Meng ZhuXiong thought bitterly in his heart, and then turned his eyes to Xue an.

"This must be Mr. Xue who saved the saint! I'm the commander of Mengzhu tribe. Thank you for your help

With that, Meng ZhuXiong came forward and held out his hand to Xue an.

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers who came with Meng ZhuXiong were in front of their eyes.

"It's coming, it's coming, the chief is going to be angry!"

"Who said no, this guy is going to have bad luck!"

Not only them, but also the people who were just singing and dancing around them became quiet and looked at the scene.

Who doesn't know that Meng ZhuXiong has been deeply in love with Meng zhunasha, but just now Meng zhunasha's attitude towards Xue an, even a blind man can see the affection inside.

Although it's a bit exaggerated, it's not unusual for jingman women, who are always famous for daring to love and hate.

In this way, contradictions will naturally intensify.

And now, it's obvious that Meng ZhuXiong, the commander of the army, is not good at it!

People think to themselves.

But monasa's face sank. "What do you mean, chief soldier?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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