"It's not very interesting. I just want to show my welcome. Mr. Xue doesn't have the courage to do so."

Mengzhuxiong is deeply staring at Xue an, trying to see a trace of panic from the young man's eyes.

But he was disappointed.

I saw the young man in white standing there lazily, even in the face of his own "provocation" is also a indifferent smile.

At the same time, Meng ZhuXiong's soldiers began to make noise.

"That's right. Since Mr. Xue is powerful, he must not be afraid."

"He doesn't want to hide behind the saint. Tut Tut, if he hides behind a woman, it's not a man."

In short, there are all kinds of ugly words.

Monasa's face suddenly became very ugly, cold voice.

"Meng ZhuXiong, how dare you people talk nonsense again..."

Before he finished, Xue an waved his hand with a smile.

"Miss Natha, I don't need to say that. Since the chief of the army is here to welcome you, I'll do the same!"

With that, Xue an slowly extended his hand and held it with Meng ZhuXiong.

Compared with Meng ZhuXiong's hand, which is the size of a PU fan, Xue an's hand is as delicate and slender as a woman's, and when held together, the contrast is even greater.

Meng ZhuXiong's soldiers all sneered.

In their opinion, as long as the chief of the army makes a little effort, he will be able to hold this guy's hand as powder.

Mengzhuxiong thinks the same.

Although he is not so cruel, but he is also a man, a man.

What had just happened had already filled his heart with anger, so he decided to teach the young man a little lesson in front of his beloved woman.

So his palms clenched slowly.

Bang Bang.

Accompanied by the explosion of Kashin, a huge force attacked Xue an's palm.

There is a sneer on the mouth of mengzhuxiong.

In his opinion, this is enough for the boy in white.

But then the smile on his face froze.

Because he was shocked to find that all the power he instilled in the past was like a bullock into the sea, without even stirring up a wave.

What's going on?

When he was in doubt, Xue an raised his eyes and gave him a smile.

"Since your excellency is so warm, I'm not polite."

Words fall, mengzhuxiong only feel a mighty force.

His strength was so great that he could not resist at all.

With a bang, his palm broke.

When the pain hit, Meng ZhuXiong's face turned white, but he didn't hum a word.

At the same time, Xue an stepped back and said, "it's impolite!"

First there was a silence, then there was a low uproar.

The soldiers who thought that their commander would win were all silly.

"How can it be? How could it be that the chief soldier was defeated? "

"I'm not wrong. The chief's hands are crushed!"

Meng ZhuXiong stares at Xue an in the sound of surprise.

Xue an smiles and doesn't care.

After a long time, Meng ZhuXiong just breathed out, "thank you for your acceptance!"

"You're welcome!" Xue an light way.

Meng ZhuXiong turned and walked away, holding the injured hand with his other hand and pinching it violently.

With the sound of bone friction, the injured hand of mengzhuxiong recovered as before.



When he returned to the array, the soldiers exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Mengzhuxiong said coldly.


Some people wanted to say something else, but they all closed their mouths under Meng ZhuXiong's stern eyes, and then the soldiers retreated under Meng ZhuXiong's leadership.

When they left, monasa, who had been stretching a string, took a long breath, and then said to Xue an with an apologetic face.

"Mr. Xue, I'm really sorry. Our chief soldier is a little grumpy. I hope you don't have the same opinion with him!"

Xue an laughed. "I'm not knowledgeable, but I wonder why he is so hostile to me."

Monasa blushed and said nothing.

"Well, miss Natha, your people are calling for you to play. I won't be with you any more."

With that, Xue an turned and walked to the bleachers.

Mengzhunasha looks at Xue an's back and suddenly feels that this seemingly approachable teenager is actually so hard to approach.

So I can't help but be a little distracted.

At this time, a soft voice came from her side.

"Do you like him very much?"

Monasa turns her head and talks about Meng Zhumei, the high priest in front of the goddess of the moon.

She hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I don't know if I like it or not, but I feel a sense of security and happiness when I am with him."

Looking at mengzhunasha with a serious face, the high priest mengzhumei couldn't help sighing.

"Natha, listen to my advice, don't fall in love with this man. You can be grateful, but don't put in your own feelings."

Mengzhunasha a Leng, "why?"

"Because..." Meng Zhumei gazed at Xue an, who had already gone to the distance. "I have a strong premonition that this man's origin is definitely not so simple, or even not something that a small tribe like us can attach to!"

Monasa was a little stunned, but Xuan even said very seriously: "in my opinion, emotion is the purest, there is no identity gap that can't be made up by pure emotion."

With that, she resolutely walked away.

Looking at her back, Meng Zhumei gave a wry smile and said in a low voice: "silly girl, don't you see that there is no you in this young man's eyes? Not only did he not have you, our whole tribe and even the whole jingman clan did not pay attention to him! "

"In this case, your feelings can only be wishful thinking and asking for trouble."

Then she shook her head and sighed and turned away.

At the same time, on the grandstand, Yue Qinghuan looked at Xue an in a funny way and whispered.

"With your current cultivation and realm, as for fighting with such a small role?"

"Be brave and fierce?" Xue an smiles and shakes his head, "I don't have that leisure, but he insists on trying, so I'll give him a chance!"

"That's what he wanted."

Yue Qinghuan turned his lips.

She found that she liked the expression more and more now.

"Seriously, what are you going to do next? Do you really want to live in this tribe all the time? "

"Of course not, because it won't be long before some existence will be irresistible!"

"Not long? How long will it take? "

"Probably... Tonight!"

Xue an looks up at the bright starry sky. At the same time, a villain with a stone suddenly flies out of the darkness, and then comes to Xue an's ear. It seems that he is talking about something.

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