Yue Qinghuan's eyes gradually widened.

She recognized the little man at a glance.

Isn't this the little man that Xue an left over from eating?

At that time, it went through the window, Yue Qinghuan thought that it had already dissipated in the world, but did not expect to come back.

At this time, after listening to the story of Guohe villain, Xue an smiles and then waves his hand.

The villain instantly increased a little bit.

"Go ahead, it's a reward for you!"

The little man nodded with infinite joy, then jumped up and disappeared into the darkness again.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinghuan couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, it's just that the fish lurking under the water can't help but come to the surface!" Xue an light way, a pair of eyes in the torch shine.

At the same time, a group of people appeared on a hill not far from Mengzhu town.

The team was dressed in black, and all the breath was perfectly hidden, just like the ghost in the night. Even though they were so close, they still didn't attract the attention of the guards on the wall.

When I saw the bright Mengzhu town in the distance, which looked like a dazzling pearl in the night sky, the leaders couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect that we could completely destroy this Mengzhu town on this day!" An illusory figure, who seems to melt into the darkness at any time, sneers.

"Yes, I'm very excited to think that this bright and bustling town will soon be reduced to a hell of blood and fire." Another face is black bandage entangled man with excited tone said.

"I'm not the same..." A man with red eyes licked his lips. "Now I just want to knock those women who are usually above the ground, and then trample them!"

His words attracted a strange laugh from the group.

"Yes! These Mengzhu girls are very beautiful, especially the virgin who came to our tribe to watch the ceremony. She is so beautiful that people just want to invade at a glance The black bandage man laughs.

"All right!" The man standing in front of him who didn't speak suddenly called out.

"No matter what you want to do, you should obey my orders later. After all, Lord Sanxian has made it clear that you can only win this time, but you can't lose this time. Therefore, our four God envoys must unite. Do you understand?"


"Don't worry, boss. I'll listen to you later. I just remember to leave the saint to me. He ran away at that time, but it's a big pity for me!"

The old man didn't say a word, just made a gesture, these people with even into the dark, to this Mengzhu town.

It was the people of gexiongwu tribe who came, and the four leaders were the four God envoys under sanxianlang.

In the past, with their strength, let alone attacking Mengzhu Town, they did not dare to take a look here.

But this time their arrogance was extremely arrogant, and they even came with the idea of completely destroying the whole Mengzhu tribe.

At the same time, the Mongolian bamboo bear was standing on the city wall, looking at the dark mountains in the distance, saying nothing.

"Boss, is this the end of the matter? I think that boy just won a game when you were not prepared. "

"Yes, I think so too, so don't lose heart, boss. As long as you take it seriously, you won't get any good fruit from this boy!"

These soldiers are very happy when you say a word to me.

But mengzhuxiong didn't say a word.

Because the palm of his hand was trembling slightly, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Because he recalled the sudden force when he was just playing against the boy in white.

As if they can crush everything, all their resistance, as well as proud of the body in front of that huge force, fragile like a piece of paper.

But what scares Meng ZhuXiong even more is the young man's eyes.

That kind of no sorrow no joy, look down at the eyes of the common people, only the gods are worthy to have.

He had no doubt that as long as the boy in white was willing, he could easily crush himself with one finger.

That's why he said, thank you very much.

Others think that he is being polite, but only he knows what he has experienced.

Just then, an abnormal disturbance in the dark suddenly woke him up.

"Who?" Meng ZhuXiong gave a deep drink.

As soon as the words were heard, a grim smile came from the darkness, and then countless black arrow rain came straight to the guards on the city wall.

The attack was silent and unexpected. In the blink of an eye, several guards were penetrated by the arrow rain and died.

Mengzhuxiong was shocked and roared, "enemy attack!"

But when he roared out, he found that all his voices were imprisoned on the wall and could not spread out.

His heart was cold.

Bad, these people are obviously prepared to sneak into the town.

No, I can't let them do it!

With this idea in mind, Meng ZhuXiong immediately split his hands, split his upper clothes in an instant, and then roared a blow to the dark.


After a loud noise, the darkness trembled slightly, and then the people of gexiongwu tribe appeared.

They were all old acquaintances, so they recognized them at a glance.

"It's you! You bastards, how dare you come here to die? "

Mengzhuxiong's hair and beard were all open. He was so angry that his whole body was in flames.

It's his unique way to become famous, the anger of the moon.

The four gods made him smile.

"Meng ZhuXiong, he dares to speak wild when he is dying. Today, my grandfather will help you. Let's go ahead and wade for your people."

Words fall, see these four gods make that bandage male ferocious smile, the bandage on the body immediately float to open, like innumerable tentacles, straight toward the bamboo bear.

Mengzhuxiong doesn't talk nonsense either. He wants to break the bandage with one blow.

But when his fist hit the top, he found that the bandages were extremely flexible, and he was not afraid of the fire on his body.

Not only that, these bandages seem to have self-consciousness. As soon as the fist touches, they are immediately tied up, and in the blink of an eye, they cover the whole arm.

Mengzhuxiong was shocked and wanted to break the bandage with a roar.

But his efforts didn't help. Instead, he made the bandage tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to twist his arms off.

At this time, the other three envoys also killed the guards on the wall.

The situation was in a critical moment.

Mengzhuxiong can't help being angry.

But just then, the whole night sky was suddenly illuminated, and Meng ZhuXiong saw a scene that he would never forget.

I saw a little sword light rising from the sky in the city, lighting up the whole night sky in an instant, and then it came with the power of dominating the sky.

Where we have passed, the space is as vast as a dragon.

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