The four gods, who were ready to wipe out the guards on the city wall, turned pale.

"No! Run

Before the words were heard, they turned to flee.

But how can their speed compare with sword light.

Almost as soon as he turned around, the light of the sword had been cut to the front of the city wall.


With a loud noise, the originally not very strong city wall turned directly into powder.

On the other hand, the mengzhuxiong on the wall felt light, as if he had some strength to hold himself up so that he would not fall.

But these people from gexiongwu tribe are not so lucky.

They didn't even hum, and they were cut into nothingness by the matchless sword Qi.

Looking at the people of gexiongwu tribe who turned into ashes before his eyes, Meng ZhuXiong and his soldiers were all shocked.

Especially the soldiers who disdained Xue an in the foreword were pale and shivering.

However, not all the people of gexiongwo tribe were destroyed. At least the four gods were safe.

But although they were safe, their situation was not much better.

They were stuck in the air and could not move a finger. Only the color of death in their eyes proved that they were still alive.

And such a big move naturally shocked the whole Mongolian bamboo tribe.

The people who had been singing and dancing around the campfire all stood in the same place, staring at the scene in the distance.

"My God? What's going on? What about our walls? "

"Don't worry about the city wall. Aren't those people who are floating in the air the four God envoys of gexiongwu tribe? How did they come here? "

As soon as the man finished speaking, everyone's faces changed.

Because everyone is not a fool, naturally thought of the four gods to this purpose.

This is obviously to take advantage of the fact that these people are not on guard to carry out a sneak attack!

At this point, many people are sweating, looking at Xue an's eyes, in addition to awe, but also a little more grateful.

They knew very well that if it wasn't for Xue Angang's amazing sword, these people would have succeeded in sneaking attack.

Now a disaster has disappeared. Some people breathed a sigh of relief.

But there are still some people whose faces have become more ugly.

Among them are Meng zhufeifeng, the head of Mengzhu tribe, and Meng Zhumei, the high priest.

Because they found a terrible fact, that is, from the beginning to the end, even the four deities of gexiongwu tribe had touched the wall of the city, the gods they believed in didn't give any warning, and there was no movement in the temple.

This was unthinkable in the past. Let's connect with the performances of Luna in recent years.

Whether it's Meng zhufeifeng or Meng Zhumei's eyes, there is a deep worry.

Yue Qinghuan was a little excited.

She didn't expect that Xue an's words would be so accurate. She predicted that it would be tonight. As a result, someone came to her soon after she finished speaking.

"How are you going to deal with these guys? Shall I try it for you? " Yue Qinghuan said, his words are full of expectation.

As a daughter of a military strategist, she is not a rich family in the strict sense. On the contrary, she dabbles in everything on the battlefield.

Naturally, there will be trials.

Interrogation is a great knowledge, especially for the existence of body cultivation, it is not easy to pry their mouth open.

The success rate of simple soul search is very low, so the strategists have developed many interrogation methods, which can be used today.

But Xue an just gave a faint smile.

"Just a few little thieves. Is it worth trying?"

With the sound of the words, with a wave of his hand, the four envoys, who had been stuck above the city wall, flew directly like kites bound by strings, and then fell heavily to the ground, stirring up smoke and dust.

There was a commotion.

Because after landing, the shackles of the four gods have obviously been untied.

But they didn't even have the slightest heart of resistance. Instead, they turned over and fell on their knees and kowtowed to Xue an.

And in the whole process, they didn't dare to say a word of asking for mercy, obviously they were scared to the extreme.

At this time, Meng ZhuXiong also led people to arrive in a hurry.

As soon as he saw the four gods of gexiongwu tribe, who had just been swaggering in front of him and wanted to put himself to death, he was as humble as a kowtow at the moment. Mengzhuxiong could not help his hair.

This feeling reached its peak when he saw Xue an sitting on the chair with a smile, and the whole process was speechless.

I just wanted to be different from such a person.

It's the mother of the moon that keeps me alive.


It is estimated that even the goddess of the moon can't provoke this adult!

Meng ZhuXiong thought in his heart that the thought of fighting with Xue an had already disappeared, and he didn't even dare to think of it.

The whole audience was very quiet. People all looked at the four God envoys on the ground. There was hatred and disdain in their eyes, but more of them were at a loss.

Because a lot of people still don't know what happened.

Just at this time, I saw Xue an light way.

"You... Want to live?"

This speech a, these four gods make the whole body huge shock, then then rush to say.

"Yes, sir, we want to live!"

"Good! Now I ask you a question. If I am satisfied with the answer, I can consider letting you go! Do you understand

"Yes, yes! Understand, understand

"First question, who sent you?"

The bandage man, one of the four God envoys, took the lead and yelled, "it's Mr. Sanxian who sent us!"

"Oh? What's the intention of sending you here? "

This time it's the turn of the man whose eyes look like blood to rush to answer. For fear of others rushing to answer, he kneels forward and climbs a few steps. He says eagerly.

"Lord Hui, the sanxianlang sent us to slaughter Mengzhu tribe and gain the divine status of the moon mother God at the same time!"


"How dare you have such a big idea of disobedience! These three gentlemen should be damned!"

There was a roar in the crowd.

But there are others who are contemplative.

Because no matter from the aspect of divinity or status, the moon mother God is far higher than the three significant husband.

This can be seen from the status of Mengzhu tribe and gexiongwu tribe in the past.

But what happened this time?

He not only coveted the throne of the moon mother God, but also sent his four God envoys, combined with the recent rebellion of the gexiongwo tribe.

What on earth happened to make the three show Lang so rampant?

Xue an smiles, "the answer is good. What's your name?"

The red eyed man was overjoyed and said in a trembling voice, "Lord Hui, my little name is Wutong. He is a god envoy under Sanxian Lang!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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