"Lord Luna!"

Monasa gave a plaintive cry, and then broke into tears.

All of a sudden, the audience was crying.

Meng zhufeifeng and Meng Zhumei are all in tears and kowtow.

Xue an sighed, then spread out his hand, holding inside is a reduced version of crescent stone.

There is a glimmer of brilliance in the stone, with a desolate and lofty breath, which is awe inspiring.

It is the spirit of mother moon that was left when she died.

The thing that Sanxian's husband dreamed of now lies quietly in Xue an's hands. It's delicate and small, like a girl's Pendant.

It's hard to imagine that this is the thing that can make mortals light the fire and ascend the throne.

Xue an looked at it quietly for a moment, then suddenly said in a soft voice, "miss Natha!"

Mengzhunasha, who had been kneeling down and crying, raised her head blankly. Meanwhile, Xue an raised her hand and pressed this divine character on mengzhunasha's eyebrow.

Monasa was shocked, and then the Moonstone penetrated into her eyebrows like water.

In a flash, a vast breath rose from monasa's body, accompanied by the bright moonlight burning all over her body.

The whole audience was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Someone broke out in alarm.

Meng Zhumei, the high priest, was trembling all over, and then murmured in a voice of infinite Horror: "God making... He is making God!"

The whole audience was shocked by this remark.

Many people can't help but think of an old legend.

It is said that as long as you have a complete divinity, and with the help of the strong, mortals can also light the flame and ascend the throne.

But this legend was just a legend before that. No one ever thought that it would come true one day.

Because the conditions it needs are too harsh. Among other things, a complete divinity is enough to break most delusions.

But today, by chance, Xue an wants to create a God in front of everyone.

In an instant, the original boiling and burning moon was slightly stabilized, and then a familiar breath appeared.

After feeling this breath, many people on the scene wept with joy, and then worshipped Xue an.

Because this breath is the spirit breath that has disappeared for some time.

Although still very young and weak, but it represents a new hope.

Xue an's corner of the mouth also appeared a faint smile, and then turned his head to say to Yue Qinghuan.

"It's going to take her some time to really stabilize her spirit. You'll wait for me for a while, and I'll go back."

Then, without Yue Qinghuan's consent, Xue an rose to the sky and disappeared into the vast sky.

Yue Qinghuan stamped his foot and gritted his teeth: "this guy... Talks as if he were ordering a servant girl. He didn't even ask for a word. It's really hateful."

But now, no matter how much she gnashes her teeth, she can only do nothing.

At the same time, according to the three Langjun breath carried by the four envoys, Xue an quickly crossed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to a remote place.

When he came here, Xue an didn't even have to fall to the ground to hear the fierce fighting from below.

There was a movement in his heart, and then he hid and looked down.

In the depth of the mountain, dozens of servants were attacking a woman fiercely.

The woman was wounded all over, but she was very tenacious. Even though she was besieged, she still refused to give up.

On the other side of the battlefield stood a dark shadow about ten feet high.

The shadow stood still and watched the battle quietly. It didn't give a sneer until a long time later.

"Shu ling'er, I didn't expect you to be so brave. Even though you have become a trapped animal, you still refuse to surrender?"

Shu ling'er beat back the servants in front of her, stepped back quickly, leaned against the cliff and gasped for breath, but her eyes were full of cold.

"Mr. Sanxian, you're just a dog. What's your qualification to brag in front of me?"

This is very ugly, at least the shadow is a twist, and then there is a pale middle-aged man.

The man sneered: "Shu ling'er, if you are still the saint of the sorceress, I dare not show my power in front of you. I dare not even look at you. But who let you betray the sorceress and escape? No wonder I am

"I really don't understand. Why do you insist on defecting when you say you don't do it with a good witch? What's more, you died under the sword of others. If it wasn't for the witchcraft to revive you, how could your life be? So isn't it ungrateful of you to do so now? "

Shu ling'er spat fiercely, "go to your mother, what can I do? Do you still judge me with a running dog like you? How can you say ungrateful? "

This words scold of very ruthless, three show Lang's complexion more and more ugliness rise, the eye is to emerge to stab bone to kill an idea.

"It's shameless. You'll die here today."

Said, this group of shadow instantly flew out dozens of wisps of black light, into the body of those servants.

In an instant, the strength of these divine servants was greatly increased, and the suppression was already in a precarious state. Shu ling'er, who had only the power to fight back, was even more precarious.

Her heart was cold, and she thought to herself that she would die today.

But even so, she still does not regret her decision to defecte from the sorcery.

There is no other reason, just because today's wushenjiao... Is not the previous wushenjiao.

At the beginning, Shu ling'er was killed by Xue an in Zhujia mining area. At that time, her spirits were destroyed and she could not die any more.

But the mystery of witchcraft is here. As early as the beginning of her education, Shu ling'er had planted a seed of soul in the altar of witchcraft, and instilled and cultivated it from time to time to synchronize her memory.

So when she died in nazhujia mining area, the seeds left in the altar of witchcraft were awakened and became the Saint shuling'er of witchcraft again.

It's rebirth in another sense.

After a life and death, Shu ling'er changed a lot. She was introverted and quiet. She didn't want to get involved in anything outside the land of witchcraft and witchcraft. She just wanted to practice quietly in the altar.

But this is often the case. The more you want, the more you will lose.

The quiet life was suddenly broken one day.

That day, Shu ling'er, who was practicing, suddenly realized that the breath of the ancient witches worshipped on the altar had disappeared.

Instead, it was a cold, evil breath.

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