This kind of sudden change made her panic and quit the altar immediately, but before she reported the news to the leader, the whole sorcerer religion was completely occupied.

Including the leader of the cult, all the high-level sorcerers were invaded by evil spirits and turned into running dogs of evil things.

As a saint of sorcery, Shu ling'er could not be let go.

The cult leader, who had been evil, threatened and lured her to join the army of evil things, and other high-level officials were also eyeing her.

But shuling'er, who was surrounded by many people, knew that as long as she surrendered, she would be dead. Even if she was still alive, she would be just a evil thing in shuling'er's body.

Of course, she would not accept the result.

She is not a good person, otherwise she would not have been killed by Xue an in Zhujia mining area.

But she didn't want to be the puppet of evil things, so she fell.

With this idea in mind, Shu ling'er is waiting for an opportunity to escape.

Finally, with her unremitting efforts, she found an opportunity to successfully run out of the territory of witchcraft.

However, as a saint of the sorceress, she was also the one who knew the most secrets. How could the sorceress let her go, and immediately sent a large team of people to hunt her down.

Sanxian Lang Jun is one of the members of the pursuit army.

This humble but ambitious little God had been courting the sorceress a long time ago, but the sorceress at that time despised the evil spirit of the jingman clan and ignored it.

But when the sorcerer religion was controlled by evil things, it did not have so many scruples, and directly accepted it, and gave it not weak divine power.

This is the reason why the strength of gexiongwo tribe has soared.

At the moment, looking at Shu ling'er who has been besieged heavily, San Xian Lang Junman is excited.

As long as you take this woman back, the leader will reward me heavily, and then harvest the noble gods of jingman clan. At that time, I will be the real and only master of jingman clan.


Just at this time, a divine servant took advantage of Shu ling'er's inattention to sneak around the back.

It was this that added a bone visible wound to Shu ling'er's scarred back.

Shuling'er snorted, and a color of determination appeared in her eyes.

She has made the final preparations. Anyway, even if she dies, she can't be caught back and become a puppet and plaything of evil things.

But at this time, just listen to a smile from the ear.

"I didn't expect you to be alive!"

Hearing this sound, Shu ling'er turned her eyes in horror as if she had been struck by lightning.

I saw a white figure over the valley, with star eyes and sword eyebrows. Who is Xue an?

After seeing this familiar figure, Shu ling'er's heart turned, and her eyes were full of incomparably complicated looks.

She is so familiar with Xue an that she always wakes up by the sword in the middle of the night, and then sweat until dawn.

It can be said that this teenager has become her nightmare.

But when I saw him here today, there was a glimmer of hope in Shu ling'er's heart.

"Mr. Xue... Mr. Xue!" She said with difficulty.

Xue an smiles and looks at the scar on her body. Then she turns her head and looks at Sanxian not far away.

"Are you sanxianlang?"

"Yes, it's the God! Who are you? "

Sanxian's husband is also quite afraid of Xue an's sudden appearance.

Because he couldn't see through the youth.

"I wish I were, and I don't have to ask about the rest!"

When the words came down, Xue an held them with one hand. It was like a sun burst open in his palm, bursting out countless golden lights.

Poop, poop!

In the field, those divine servants turned into ashes, while the three show Lang roared.

"Where is sacred? How dare you fight against witchcraft? "

The language is rather fierce.

He could feel the majestic meaning of the sword contained in the golden light, so he did not dare to grab the edge lightly, but stepped back quickly.

But he just walked out a few steps, a finger suddenly penetrated from the dark shadow.

No sound!

This finger is slender and slender, like picking flowers.

But then, the shadow began to shake violently and broke in an instant.

A figure fell out of the dark shadow, and then ran to the distance with the speed of lightning.

But he didn't fly far, Xue an put his hand in his hand.

"Creak, creak!"

With a strange cry, the figure shrank and swayed, showing its original shape.

It's a giant rat as big as a civet.

At the moment, the giant rat is struggling in pain, and the eyes of Dou DA are full of panic.

"Is the so-called San Xian Lang such a thing?"

Xue an gave a sneer, and then a jerk.


With a crisp sound, this giant rat's spine was pinched and broken, and then completely paralyzed, no more sound.

Xue an threw it casually. Before it fell to the ground, the fire rose from the giant rat's body and burned it to nothingness.

After all this, Xue an clapped his hands and gave Shu ling'er a cold smile.

"Now it's time to talk about you!"

Shu ling'er looks at it stupidly, and then excites Ling Ling to shiver.

From Xue an's appearance to Sanxian's death, the whole process is only one minute in total, and the big trouble that has been bothering him is completely destroyed.

So when Shu ling'er at the moment met Xue an's cold eyes, her whole blood was cold.

"I... i..." Shuling'er hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered her head to tell the story.

When he heard that witchcraft had been infected by evil things, Xue an's eyes couldn't help bursting with brilliant brilliance.

"Are you sure?"

Shu ling'er was forced to retreat by Xue an's powerful momentum, but she nodded in affirmation.


Then she said in a respectful tone: "my Lord, what I did in Zhujia mining area is worthy of death, but now I don't want to be a puppet of evil things, so please help me!"

With that, she flopped to her knees and looked sincere.

Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, "save you? How do you know I'm going to save you? "

"Because adults obviously hate these evil things, so now our goal is the same!"

Xue an was silent.

Shu ling'er peeps at it. The more she looks, the more frightened she is.

When he was in Zhujia mining area at the beginning, Xue Ancai was only an immortal, and even half Saint had not broken through. However, he did not expect that only a few years later, he would have been a sage and achieved the foundation of immortality.

In contrast, the achievements that I have been proud of over the years are totally inadequate.

But also because of this, Shu Ling er's heart suddenly gave birth to a glimmer of hope.

Maybe only such a genius can deal with those evil things that come from nowhere!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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