Gexiongwu tribe.

After this period of inhumane expedition and slaughter of many small tribes around, the territory under the jurisdiction of gexiongwu tribe has more than doubled.

And this also made the site of gexiongwu tribe changed dramatically.

In the past, the dilapidated city walls were replaced by the solid and durable stone walls. The area of the residences was greatly extended, and many magnificent houses were built.

The streets are full of happy people from gexiongwu tribe, but in sharp contrast to their happy faces are the haggard and numb prisoners.

These captives, male and female, basically came from the defeated small tribes around them, and everyone's body was covered with large and small scars.

Because after they came to the gexiongwu tribe, they were no longer human beings, but objects arbitrarily used and controlled by some people.

Many prisoners, especially female prisoners, could not bear this dark day and chose to commit suicide.

But in this land of witchcraft, even suicide is still not free.

For example, now, in the shadow of the city wall opposite these prisoners, there are many souls bound by witchcraft.

These souls are basically prisoners of suicide, and then they are captured by witchcraft and imprisoned here.

At the moment, a few soldiers of gexiongwo tribe are waving the ghost whip and beating at these dead souls.

Every time, it will arouse a very sad howl, which is unbearable.

But the more so, the more people from gexiongwu tribe fight.

Gasping for breath, some soldiers turned to the prisoners and said with a grim smile.

"See? Now you are not only our people, but also our souls! It's impossible to avoid captives by committing suicide. It will only lead to more painful punishment, so you should be obedient in the future. Do you hear me

The commotion of these prisoners brought tears of despair to many people's eyes.

If a person can't even control his own life and death, that's the real sorrow.

But at this time, a breeze suddenly blew over the town, and the big flag fluttered in the city.

This book is nothing unusual.

You know, in this deep mountain, the weather is always changeable and windy.

But this gust of wind is very strange, when it blows, the distant sky suddenly appeared layers of clouds, and at a very fast speed towards here.

In the temple of gexiongwu tribe, several priests were devoutly burning incense and kneeling down.

All of a sudden, cracks appeared on the tall statue of sanxianlang, and then it completely disintegrated.

The priests were all stupefied by the scene.

What's going on?

How did the statue of Mr. Sanxian suddenly break?

At the same time, the head of gexiongwu tribe who was fighting in the house seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked out of the window in horror.

"Oh, my God, what's that..."

This question, broken by fear, also represents the common voice of the whole gexiongwu tribe.

All the people were staring at the clouds, shaking all over.

The head of gexiongwu tribe put on a piece of clothes and jumped out of the house. When he saw the cloud covering the whole sky, he was shocked.

He can clearly feel that there is an indescribable and indescribable strong breath in this cloud.

At this time, the thunder came from the clouds.

With the thunder, the head of gexiongwu tribe's face became very pale. He lost his voice and yelled, "no, run!"

With that, he took the lead to turn around and ran away towards the distance.

His flight led to the great escape of the whole gexiongwu tribe.

Although many people don't know what happened, even the head of the clan has fled, so they should follow.

But their escape is doomed to failure.

Because just as the patriarch Kan ran to the back door of gexiongwu tribe and was about to run out, a bright and blinding thunder came down.


With an earth shaking sound, the thunder came to the head of the clan leader.

The patriarch gave a despairing cry and tried to resist.

But how can he stop the thunder?

The thunder light easily penetrated the black gas barrier above his head and split on his head.


With the sound of electric current, a strong aroma of barbecue spread all over the audience.

The thunder light finally dispersed. In the scene, the clan leader who had just been alive had turned into a dry and charred corpse on the ground.

Everyone's face is white.

The clan leader can be regarded as the best expert of the whole gexiongwo tribe, but before this thunder light, he was as fragile as a mole ant.

Before these people were able to recover, the thunder burst in the clouds, and countless rays of thunder burst out, just like dancing silver snakes falling from the sky, covering the whole city village of gexiong.

"Oh, my God, this is the death of me, gexiongwu!" There was a despairing howl from the priest, and then he was killed by a ray of thunder from the top of his head.

And this is just a common scene in the thunder light pouring down like heavy rain.


When the thunder gradually dissipated, the once prosperous gexiong Wucheng village was completely reduced to ruins. As for the people of the tribe, they turned into coke and died.

But in contrast, these prisoners are intact, so they all stare at the scene.

At this moment, a calm but majestic voice came from the cloud.

"Gexiongwu tribe has been destroyed, your great enmity has been avenged, and you can go away!"

That said, the seal of law that bound these prisoners before all collapsed and failed, and the bound souls also recovered their freedom.

Then they all fell on their knees and worshiped the sky.

"Thank you for your help!"

"Thank you for taking revenge on me!"

The voice of gratitude soared to the sky.

Xue an, who was above the cloud, said with a slight smile: "well, the matter here has been dealt with. It's time to go to the Shamanism!"

"Er... Yes!" Shuling'er, who had already fallen into a dull state, was shocked. Then she regained consciousness, and nodded busily.

"I lead the way

After that, he rushed straight ahead.

She was terrified at the moment.

Before, she talked about Xue an's saving herself on that battlefield. She was very happy, but on the way to wushenjiao, Xue an had to make a detour from gexiongwu tribe.

At that time, Shu ling'er thought that he just wanted to collect the wealth left by Sanxian, but she didn't expect that Xue an's hand was so crisp.

He came directly with thousands of thunder and destroyed the whole gexiong Wucheng village.

Is this the sage's means? Shu ling'er thought in a trance., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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