The leader was stunned at first, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

But at this time, a wisp of sword directly pierced out of his mouth, and brought out a slip of blood line.

Then, countless swords appeared in front of him and stabbed down.

The leader let out a silent roar of pain, and then his body began to shake violently.

With this tremor, the surface of the skin instantly tears, showing the original form of the body below.

It was a naked, hairless human monster.

Even so, those invincible swords were stiffly blocked when they touched its body.

As if this layer of skin is an indestructible armor, even the sword can only leave a little white spots on it.

At the same time, the humanoid monster opened its mouth and bit Xue an fiercely.

In the face of the stinking mouth, Xue an frowned slightly. A burning red lotus suddenly appeared in front of him. Then he raised his hand and pressed it into the mouth of the human monster.


At last, the humanoid monster let out a howl of pain, but now the temple has been wrapped up by Xue an's thoughts, to ensure that even the slightest sound can not be leaked out.

The humanoid monster struggled in pain, and his facial features were burning out, and then roared in a vague voice.

"Who are you? How dare you lay hands on me? "

"Who?" Xue an's figure gradually emerged.

"Who do you think I am?"

After seeing Xue an's face clearly, the human monster's pupil instantly shrinks to the size of a needle tip.

"Are you Sean?"

Xue an light smile, "yes, I am you have been looking for Xue an!"

The humanoid monster was terrified, then turned around and wanted to escape.

It is very clear that the boy in white in front of him can not resist, and what he should do now is to report the news that Xue an appeared here as soon as possible.

Xue an didn't stop him. He just stood there and looked at it with a smile.

The humanoid monster soon rushed to the exit of the main hall, only to find that the door, which seemed only one step away, was as far away as the end of the earth.

No matter how hard you try, you can't touch it.

Even when it tried its best to push forward, it didn't stir up any waves except its head and blood.

This, its heart is more crazy shock, and then suddenly turned to look at Xue an.

Xue an smiles a little, "how not to bump?"

The evil thing took a deep breath, then gradually shrunk, and once again turned into the image of the leader of the sorcerer.

"Xue an, I admit that I underestimated you. I didn't expect that your strength has reached this level, but you still can't kill me!"

"Oh? Why? " Xue an light way.

"It's very simple. You've come to this place of witchcraft and witchcraft, trying to hide your whereabouts. You must want to sneak into the Yin Yang family. But if you kill me here, your whereabouts will be revealed instantly. Don't you give up all your previous achievements?"

This evil thing is obviously very clever, at least this guess is very accurate.

But Xue an began to laugh and clap.

"Well said, it seems that I really can't kill you!"

Hearing these words, the evil spirit of the thing was immediately enough. Holding his head high, he said, "in that case, don't you let go of the ban?"

Xue an is not moved, just quietly looking at this evil thing.

This evil thing's heart was tight. "What do you think I'm doing?"

Xue an grinned, "I just wonder if it would be better for you to disappear and be replaced by a new you."

This sentence is very awkward, at least this evil thing didn't understand at that time.

"What do you mean? I tell you, Xue an, those people outside are all my subordinates. If I make a mistake now, they will report it immediately. Then... "

Before he finished, Xue an appeared in front of him, and then he reached out and grabbed his face.

This evil thing immediately began to struggle, trying to break free from the shackles of Xue an.

But how can its strength compare with Xue an? No matter how hard she struggles, Xue an's hands are as if they were cast with bronze and iron, and they don't move.

Not only did he not move, but with Xue an's palm strength, the head of the evil thing broke like a rotten watermelon.

But this kind of serious injury, which is enough to make ordinary people die, just makes the evil creature struggle for a while, and then wants to run away again.

But the next second, a little fire was lit on its rotten head.

As soon as this flame came out, this evil creature was struck by lightning, shaking all over, and struggling in horror, trying to destroy it.

But these actions make the flame burn more quickly, and instantly cover the whole body of this evil thing.

"No! Please help me, I don't want to die

There was a scream of terror from the fire.

Because if burned by this flame, this evil thing will disappear.

And it's the kind of disappearance that doesn't even have a trace.

That's why it's so scared.

But Xue an was completely unmoved, just standing there quietly watching.

Seeing that he could not beg for mercy, the evil thing could not help being cruel.

"Xue, you can't run away even if you kill me. Once your whereabouts are revealed, there will be an adult to avenge me!"

"Who said to kill you, my whereabouts will be revealed?" Xue an light way.

"Well?" This evil creature obviously didn't understand.

At this time, however, a shadow began to appear in front of Xue an, and quickly changed.

As like as two peas, the shadow is transformed into a creature that is exactly like this evil creature.

He is also a naked human monster, even the evil in his eyes.

This scene makes this evil thing that is being burned by the flame cool.

"This... What is this?" It exclaimed with fright.

"Can't you see that? This is you Xue an light way.

With the voice, the shadow began to change its image again. In a flash, it turned into the image of the leader of the sorcerer cult, and then nodded to Xue an.

"No! It's impossible. Even if you disguise my appearance, it's useless. My memory... "

This evil creature wanted to say that my memory was unique, but it suddenly remembered that Xue an had just smashed his head.

At that time, he must have copied all the memories.

Sure enough.

See Xue an faint smile, "thank you for reminding, but your memory has been saved in his mind, so after you die, he is you! Do you understand? ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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