"Ah, ah, ah!" This evil thing suddenly hissed and roared, and summoned up the last strength to try to break through the blockade and pass the information on.

But Xue an, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't make it come true.

I saw the flame suddenly burst up, the evil thing completely submerged.

The scream came to an abrupt end. When the fire was gone, there was not even a trace of fly ash in the field.

At this point, the evil thing completely disappeared.

Shu ling'er opens her mouth wide and looks at it blankly.

Especially when he saw the sorcerer standing beside Xue an, his eyes were full of shock.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that the sorcerer was disguised as a shadow.

After a long time, she finally came back to herself and said with difficulty.

"Big... My Lord! Didn't you mean to catch all these guys? Now how suddenly... "

Xue an laughed. "Before entering the hall, I really wanted to wipe out all the people who were infected by evil spirit in the witchcraft cult. But after entering the hall, I suddenly changed my mind again!"

"Because this temple is extremely airtight, as long as I block several key places with my mind, I can ensure that no matter what happens inside, the information will not be leaked out! So I thought, instead of killing all the evil things, it's better to use them! "

"Now this person is a part of me. As long as he is here, then the sorcery will be my world. With this disguise of identity, it will be much more convenient to do things at the hundred family meeting."

Hearing Xue an's words, Shu ling'er felt numb.

As a person who has dealt with these evil things, she naturally knows the means of these evil things.

It can be said that they are extremely good at everything, and they are especially good at penetration and infection, which makes it impossible to prevent.

But I didn't expect that everything turned over completely in Xue an's hands.

Now it's Xue an who has mixed into these evil things by means against heaven!

What is this?

Do you want to treat him in his own way?

"My lord... What about those people outside? Do you need to kill them all and disguise them? " Shu ling'er asked.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Of course not! These evil things always control the middle and upper classes of the sect, don't they? Then I'm a step further than them. I only control the top, and as long as I'm separated, these low-level evil things can't make any waves. "

With that, Xue an lifted his hand and directly removed the blockade. Then his body flashed and disappeared behind Shu ling'er.

As soon as he disappeared, the body suddenly brightened, and it seemed to come back to life.


Outside, all the people of wushenjiao swarmed in.

But different from what they imagined, Shu ling'er was standing there, and the leader was not far away. It seemed that she had just said something.

Of course, this picture is just a glimpse of some people.

After all, there is a strict hierarchy among the evil things. Without the permission of the superior, any secret spying is taboo.

This is also the reason why Xue an dares to disguise himself as an evil thing.

"Listen to me, Shu ling'er has now confessed her guilt and repented. Since then, she has become a saint of the sorceress again!"

"Yes All of them bowed to the promise.

Shu ling'er was at a loss. She didn't understand until she saw the smile in the eyes of the "leader of the sorcerer cult" in front of her.

Then she quickly fell to her knees and clubbed her head to the ground, "thank you, master!"

At the same time, Xue an's voice came to her ear.

"Don't be alarmed. Settle down and move with the waves. Don't be seen by others!"

Shuling'er trembled all over, but she didn't dare to show anything. She just buried her head lower.

In this dramatic way, the voodoo side of the story ends temporarily.

After he became a sage, Xue an had the ability to incarnate into thousands of people.

Of course, it's an exaggeration, but it's not a problem to separate a few people with independent thinking ability.

That's why Xue an dared to bury a nail in the Shamanism.

At the moment, his noumenon flew out of Xianrentai and to Mengzhu tribe.

At the moment, Mengzhu tribe has mixed feelings.

The natural worry is the fall of the moon mother God. Since then, Mengzhu tribe will lose its God's blessing and become an ordinary jingman tribe, even be swallowed by people.

This is also a daily life of jingman tribe.

The so-called big and small tribes, in fact, do not refer to the number of people, but to the protection of powerful gods.

Before the moon mother God, even in the jingman people's God system is the top, so the Mengzhu tribe will be so strong.

But now, all the glory is gone with the fall of the moon god.

How can this not make people feel sad.

The joy is naturally what Xue an did and said before he left.

Rekindling the divine fire to help mortals ascend to the throne.

This is simply a fabulous thing, but Xue an's mouth is so understated.

Until now, many people still can't believe it.

But looking at the moon shrouded, unconscious monasa, especially feel her body that ray of familiar breath, many people are still a glimmer of hope.

Maybe... Really!

With this idea in mind, many people are looking forward to Xue anqiao's return as soon as possible, hoping that he can help the Mengzhu tribe through the current difficulties.

Yue Qinghuan is not the same. She is bored sitting in a chair, looking at the sleepy monasa, she can't help but feel sleepy.

Where the hell is this guy? Why don't you come back now?

Did you slip away by yourself?

This idea made Yue Qinghuan feel a shock, and his sleepiness disappeared in an instant.

I'm not sure!

What if he sneaks into Yin Yang's house by himself?

Yue Qinghuan stood up, his pretty face covered with frost.

This bastard, if he really dares to sneak away by himself, I'll... I'll let my brother deal with him!

Yue Qinghuan is gnashing her teeth.

Just at this time, a streamer fell into the field, and then Xue an appeared.

It was a violent commotion at the sight of him.

"Mr. Xue!"

"Lord Xue!"

Yue Qinghuan was stunned, and then a trace of shame appeared in his heart.

I seem to have wronged him!

But the feeling was only fleeting, and immediately she asked very seriously, "why did it take so long to come back?"

Xue an a smile, "nothing, just conveniently did two things!"

As he said that, he turned to look at monasa.

"How was she during my absence?"

"No change!"


Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, then clapped them with one palm.

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