This sudden slap shocked the whole audience.

Many people were shocked and didn't understand what Mr. Xue wanted to do.

Some of the people who are close are going to stop it.

But all of a sudden, even as for these people's hearts, but just a thought, Xue an's hand has arrived.


As if some kind of fragile balance had been broken, the radiance on monasa's body, which was as congealed as an eggshell, was broken in an instant, and then a moonlight rose to the sky and spread for thousands of miles in an instant.

Then Mona, with her eyes closed, floated in the air.

This scene shocked everyone.

Because at this moment, there is a holy and dignified breath from monasa's body.


Many people fell on their knees and worshiped monasa.

Because this breath is clearly the breath of the moon mother God.

This naturally makes many people cry with joy.

But there are also some people who are cautious, such as the patriarch Meng zhufeifeng and the priest Meng Zhumei.

Because they all know how difficult it is for a mortal to ascend the throne if he wants to ignite the fire.

Even now, monasa seems to have succeeded, but it's still full of variables.

So they have to be careful.

And that's when.

Mengzhunasha, suspended in the sky, suddenly opened her eyes.

As soon as the eyes appeared, it was like a bright moon in the sky. The whole Mongolian bamboo tribe was covered by the soft moonlight.

Seeing this scene, Meng zhufeifeng and Meng Zhumei were shocked. They immediately looked at each other and fell to their knees.

Their kneeling also made the rest of the people surrender.

Mengzhuna bear finally took a look at mengzhuna Sha in the sky, then pushed Jinshan to pour Yuzhu, fell to his knees and buried his head deeply.

Moon floating, seems to be cheering the arrival of a new God.

In the sky, monasa's eyes were dazed.

What happened during this time was like a dream to her.

Especially when she felt the surging power in her body and saw the crowd kneeling all over the ground, she was not only at a loss.

I... have I really become a God?

However, this feeling dissipated in an instant when he saw Xue an standing in the distance with a smile.

She immediately flew to the ground, walked to Xue an, and gave a salute.

"Mr. Xue, i..."

Xue an waved his hand and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have finally ascended the throne of moon mother God. From then on, you will be the guardian God of this tribe! As for those who thank me, not to mention

"Because this is actually the meaning of the last moon mother God. She entrusted me with the divine status before she died. Her purpose is to let me help you ascend the throne. Now that you have done it, I can't live up to her instructions before she died!" Xue an tone is indifferent way.

But there was a shade of gloom in her eyes, and she bowed her head and did not speak.

This strange silence makes the atmosphere subtle.

Yue Qinghuan took a deep look at Xue an, then turned around and stretched out.

"I'm tired after a whole day. I'll find a place to rest first!"

Then she left.

As for Meng zhufeifeng, Meng Zhumei and others, they all left here under the guidance of Zhiji.

In the blink of an eye, only monasa and Xue an were left in the field.

"Mr. Xue, are you leaving now?" Murmured monasa.

"Why do you ask?" Xue an a Leng, immediately said with a smile.

"Because I can hear it in your tone!"

Xue an nodded, "yes, now things here have been dealt with almost, it's time to leave here and deal with my affairs."

Mona Sha raised her eyes with tears in her eyes.

"Mr. Xue, i..."

Xue an interrupted her again, "well, don't go on! I know what you mean, but that's impossible. "

Mengzhunasha was stunned and looked at Xue an.

Xue an turns around and stares at the broken horizon cut by the distant mountains.

"Thank you for your wrong love, but please forgive me for not accepting it!"

"Why, is it because I'm not beautiful enough?" Said Montana, trembling.

"Of course not. In fact, you are beautiful!"

"That's because of that lady Yue?"

"Not to mention, the real reason is that my heart already belongs, so please forgive me for not accepting it!"

Xue an's words are light, but in monasa's ears, they are like thunder, which dazzles her.

"The heart... The heart belongs?"

"Yes, to put it bluntly, I already have a wife and children!"

Monasa was on the verge of collapse, and her face was as white as paper.

As I said before, jingman women always dare to love and hate, and mengzhunasha is no exception.

In fact, when she met Xue an for the first time and was rescued by Xue an, monasa felt a trace of emotion in her heart.

Because she usually lives in this isolated mountain, and what she comes into contact with is either fierce people or endless mountain beasts.

Have you ever seen Xue an such a beautiful young man with white clothes like snow and eyes like painting.

In addition, Xue an's noble temperament naturally revealed in his actions and actions, as well as his unpredictable means of cultivation, all made the feelings in mengzhunasha's heart grow rapidly, even to the point of uncontrollable.

Especially this time, Xue an saved the whole tribe with one sword, which made monasa adore Xue an.

But she never thought that her sincere feelings for a girl were wrong after all.

But Xue Anfei didn't accept it. Instead, she told her that she already had a wife and children.

How could it not make her feel sad?

Looking at mengzhunasha's present appearance, Xue an's heart has a trace of sympathy, but it is only sympathy.

"Miss Natha, you are an excellent girl, but we have no fate, so..."

Xue an began to issue good people cards.

But this time it was his turn to be interrupted.

I saw monasa's eyes gradually become firm, very seriously said: "I will not give up!"

"Well?" Xue an was stunned.

"I said I won't give up. As a woman of jingman clan, it's my business who I like. As for whether you like me or not, it's none of my business, but I won't give up!"

Looking at mengzhunasha's serious expression, Xue an suddenly remembered the sentence Yue Qinghuan had said before.

Jingman women have always been infatuated with each other. Once they are in love, it is very difficult to get rid of them.

At that time, Xue an only thought it was a joke, but now he can't laugh any more.

At this time, monasa quickly regained her peace. "Mr. Xue, I know that you are here to enter the Yin Yang family, so you are here for the upcoming hundred families meeting, right?"

Xue an nodded, "yes!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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