Xue an simply couldn't smile bitterly, "don't make trouble, I have a wife!"

Yue Qinghuan's eyes were flowing and he said with a smile, "of course I know you have a wife!"

Speaking of this, she pauses, and then her eyes are slightly red. She wants to cry and says, "but why do you want to tease me when you have a wife? So much so that I'm deeply in love with you and can't extricate myself. Don't you think it's cruel? "

This remark made the eyes of the people around him strange.

You know, before that, because of Yue Qinghuan's outstanding appearance and cool temperament, he had attracted many eyes.

After listening to her words, these people can't help glaring at Xue an, with a look of contempt in their eyes.

Some women, in particular, looked at Xue an with the same look as a scum man.

Xue an: "it's..."

Then he lowered his voice and said, "Hey, what do you want to do?"

Yue Qinghuan's face was more sad. He said in a trembling voice, "don't... Don't hit me. I'm wrong. I'll never dare to do it again!"

Then he made a gesture to step back, as if he was really afraid of Xue an beating her.

This time, the people around are filled with righteous indignation. Some teenagers with a strong sense of justice and bad complexion want to teach Xue an a lesson.

Seeing this, Xue an squeezed out a few words from his teeth, "you are cruel, but I won't play any more!"

Then he turned and walked out.

Now Yue Qinghuan is a little flustered. She just teases Xue an out of a playful attitude. But she doesn't expect that Xue an won't accept her move at all. Instead, she leaves her here.

Just at this time, a few teenagers have come to the front, said angrily.

"Don't be afraid, girl. We'll clean up for you."

"That's right. With your appearance, why talk to such a scum man? We'll deal with him for you!"

At the same time, several teenagers straightened their chests and tried to prove that they were good.

But I never thought that all of their ideas were useless.

Yue Qinghuan didn't even look at them. He followed them and followed Xue an. He seemed to be apologizing to him.

Seeing this scene, all the teenagers who were going to "save the beauty with heroes" were silly. Then you look at me and I look at you, and your face is full of disappointment.

And even when there was a lot of chaos under the stage, there were new changes in this competition.

A burst of laughter suddenly came from the distant sky.

"What a martial arts contest. How can it be so lively without me?"

With the voice, I saw a flash of light flying to, after landing on the stage, he was an elegant young man.

As soon as the boy appeared, there was a commotion.

Because many people recognized the boy.

"It's Cui Zhenghao, young master Cui! He did come

"I knew he had to come. It's very exciting!"

It's no one else. It's Cui Zhenghao, the youngest son of the Cui family, the leading family in Jidu city.

Although Lei Butong, as the leader of Jidu star territory, has the supreme position and control in this Jidu City, the vast territory must be managed by someone.

Therefore, Jidu city gradually formed several families, among which the Cui family was the leader.

Although compared with the real power of the Yin Yang family, the Cui family is not even the root hair.

But it's not bad in this remote Jidu star field.

Even ray difference has to give them three points of face.

But Cui Zhenghao is most famous not because of his family background, but because of his crazy infatuation and pursuit of Lei Yi, the daughter of the Lei family.

I don't know when it started, maybe it was an encounter or a glimpse. Anyway, since last year, Cui Zhenghao has launched a crazy pursuit of Lei Yi.

The reason why we use the word "Crazy" to describe it is because Cui Zhenghao's pursuit means have reached the extreme point.

He had been sitting in front of Lei's mansion for three months, just waiting for Lei to come out.

And this has become a unique scenery in the capital city, many idle people simply opened the door, gambling that the Cui family young son can hold the beauty back.

But until now, the odds are still negative.

Because no matter how Cui Zhenghao pursues, Lei Yi is not moved and even keeps away from him.

And she said more than once that it was impossible between them.

But Cui Zhenghao didn't know where he poured the poison chicken soup. He thought that it was all Lei's test to himself. As long as he was sincere, he would certainly move this Lei girl, so he became more frustrated and more brave.

So of course, he can't be absent from the contest.

From the beginning, he hid in the distance to observe the situation on the challenge arena.

When he saw that Lei Yi had directly killed a man who spoke ill, Cui Zhenghao was not surprised but pleased.

"Good! Good method! Although she looks weak on the outside, she is very decisive and resourceful. Only such a woman can be my wife

Cui Zhenghao sighed a few times. Then he could no longer restrain his inner excitement. He came out laughing and came to the challenge arena.

As soon as he saw him, Lei could not help but step back, his face full of vigilance and fear.

No other.

It's just that Cui Zhenghao is too sticky. It's like a dog skin plaster. He can't get rid of it.

So Lei Yi was already a little scared when he saw him.

But her this action falls in Cui Zhenghao's eyes, but all became the performance of coyness.

He said in a soft, watery voice with a narcissistic smile.

"Miss Lei, it's 21 days and 6 hours since we last met. Do you know how much I miss you in such a long time? If there is a sea in front of me, my missing will be deeper than that sea. "

All the people in the room shivered and got goosebumps all over.

Lei Yi has a look of lovelessness, because she knows that this is just the beginning.

Sure enough.

See this Cui Zhenghao say, then emotionally recite the poem that oneself wrote.

"Ah! Dear Miss Lei, I miss you as long as the sky

Under the stage, Yue Qing was almost unable to straighten up with laughter. "Today's challenge arena is really interesting! What do you say? "

Then she turned to look at Xue an, but she saw that Xue an was looking at the stage seriously, as if he was observing something.


Is there something wrong?

Yue Qinghuan hastened to restrain his smile and looked at the challenge arena carefully.

But after watching for a long time, she didn't find anything strange. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Did you find anything? "

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