Xue an's head didn't return, just nodded, "well, it's a little weird!"

At this time, I don't know who threw up a brick under the stage, which directly interrupted Cui Zhenghao's passionate recitation.

"That's enough. I'm going to throw up when I hear it. If I want to fight, I'll fight. If I don't fight, I'll get out of here!" Someone cried.

"Yes, it's a martial arts contest, not a poetry contest!"

"Damn it, I've lost my teeth!"

In the continuous shouting, Cui Zhenghao finally wakes up from his narcissism, and then smiles at Lei Yi.

"Miss Lei, I don't think it's necessary to fight in this contest. You just admit defeat, and then we'll be ready to get married. Isn't it perfect for you to have a big fat boy for me at this time next year?"

Lei Yi's face was red and his ears were red. He held it for a long time before spitting out two words, "shameless!"

Then he added two more words.


Lei Yi also has a basis for that.

Although Cui Zhenghao is known as the rising star of the younger generation in Jidu City, his strength is actually very common.

Sometimes when Lei Yi is really annoyed by this man, he will punish him a little.

Often a small lightning can let him live for several days.

Therefore, when he heard that Cui Zhenghao was so arrogant, Lei Yi's heart was filled with anger.

"Ha ha, it seems that Miss Lei still doesn't believe it! In that case, I'll let you lose today! "

With that, Cui Zhenghao pounced on Lei Yi with his toes a little bit.

This kind of attack can be described as aggressive, which is very good in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is common in the eyes of experts.

At least Yue Qinghuan said, "how dare you clamor about this strength? I don't know what to do

Sure enough.

When he saw Cui Zhenghao coming towards him, Lei Yi's eyes flashed a touch of cold color, and then raised his hand.


A thunderbolt fell straight down, and it hit Cui Zhenghao.

This move, no matter the timing or strength, is just right.

But Cui Zhenghao didn't even hide. Instead, he laughed wildly, "good come!"

As he spoke, a black light suddenly appeared on his back, just blocking the splitting thunder.

As soon as he got in touch with him, the thunder disappeared quietly.

Seeing this scene, although others are still unclear, Yue Qinghuan has realized something and can't help turning pale.

"Evil spirit?"

Xue an nodded and said in a low voice, "yes, it's evil spirit!"

"But it shouldn't be. I didn't feel anything strange about this guy just now!" Yue Qinghuan was stunned.

The one who was more shocked than her was Lei Yi.

She didn't expect that Cui Zhenghao could resist his own lightning strike in this way, so she was a little flustered.

At the same time, Cui Zhenghao has already rushed to the front, reaching out to grab Lei Yi's skirt.

Just at this time, around Lei Yi's body, countless thunder lights suddenly appeared, protecting her like a wall.

Cui Zhenghao's body was hit by countless thunder lights, submerged in a ray of light.

There was an exclamation.

"Now master Cui is dead!"

"Tut Tut, what an infatuated seed! It's a pity that other girls are not interested in him at all!"

But when everyone thought that he would die, there was only a burst of laughter coming from the thunder.

"My wife is really powerful. Isn't this a self-propelled generator?"

With the voice, I saw a figure rush out from the thunder light and rush to Lei Yi again.

It's Cui Zhenghao.

But Cui Zhenghao at the moment has completely changed.

The clothes on the body have been blasted by thunder light, revealing the charred skin below.

But in this case, Cui Zhenghao's body has expanded a lot.

And though he was laughing, there was a faint green light in his eyes.

It's like... A dead body.

See this scene, the whole audience a burst of exclamation.

"What is this evil method?"

"I don't know! Haven't you heard that the Cui family has this ability? "

In the sound of discussion, Lei Yi also lost her face. Then she closed her eyes in a panic and waved her fingers.

Boom boom!

Many thunderbolts fell down again, hitting Cui Zhenghao.

But at the moment, Cui Zhenghao completely regarded these lightning strikes as nothing, and continued to fight against Lei Yi as if he had any obsession.

Lei Yi screamed.

Lei Butong, who was watching the battle in the high-rise building behind, frowned, and then hummed coldly: "who is the devil, who dares to be reckless among my hall Lei Zun?"

Then he stepped out and rushed to the challenge arena to save his precious daughter.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Cui Zhenghao.

A young man in white stood in front of him and said in a cold voice, "you are dead. Why are you still stubborn?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Cui Zhenghao's green eyes were dazed, but even if it disappeared, he roared.

"Go away, I want miss Lei!"

With that, he raised his hand and patted Xue an in front of him.

But just halfway through his hand, he saw Xue an turn his wrist, and suddenly a strange weapon appeared in his hand.

Flatten the pan. It's the pan.

Then Xue an waved gently, and a roar came from the pan.

"I'm fuckin 'convinced. What kind of thing is this?"


After a loud noise, the pan had a close contact with Cui Zhenghao's head, and then Cui Zhenghao was blasted out by Shengsheng.

Not only that, when he was in the air, thunder flashed over his body.


Seeing this, Lei in the tall building stopped and looked at Xue an and the pan in his hand with great interest.

"It's interesting that he is also a Lei Zun, but his strength is too weak! What a shame to Lei Zun Ray murmured to himself.

At the same time, this Lei Yi also has some silly eyes. Standing behind Xue an, he asks timidly.

"Little... Little brother, what's going on?"

As soon as this sentence came out, before Xue an could speak, a cry of surprise came from the pan in his hand.

"What did I find? A Lei Zun, and a rare woman? "

With the voice, a faint figure appeared on the pan, and a man nodded to Lei with a smile on his face.

"This girl, I am jiuzhuan leizun, the spirit of the pan, but I don't know her name, where is the fairyland, have you ever been married?"

Lei Yi opened his eyes, looked at Lei Zun in disbelief, and suddenly said, "my God, is there such a weak Lei Zun in the world?"

The smile on the man's face suddenly solidified.

At this time, Xue an held the pan in both hands and said faintly, "if you want to tease my sister, please do it later. Now I'll clean up the guy on the other side first!"

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