"The key is not this. The key is why do you take that silly girl to find Mr. Yang? Do you have any other ideas? " Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an with bright eyes.

Xue an gave a wry smile, "what can I think?"

"Well, who knows, maybe it's because she's cute and wants to abduct!"

After that, even Yue Qinghuan couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the ground suddenly began to tremble. They immediately turned their heads and saw that countless clouds had suddenly gathered over the northwest corner of Jidu.

In an instant, countless thunders poured down, like the punishment of heaven, and completely destroyed a tall courtyard in the northwest corner. As for the people inside, there was no residue left.

Even Xue an and his wife, who are very far apart, can clearly feel the pressure brought by the endless thunder.

In the roar of thunder, Yue Qinghuan's face was slightly white, and he whispered, "is this a start?"

Xue an sighed, "yes, I've done it!"

Needless to say, those who can use the power of thunder on such a large scale in this capital do not think about it as a second person except Lei.

Combined with what he said before, it was obviously against the Cui family.

And a hand is a ruthless means to destroy the door.

Some people may be wronged, but according to Lei Butong, since the Cui family tries to challenge their authority, there is no need to stay.

This is also a way to make a warning to others and to frighten other rich and powerful families.

Sure enough, he is a strong man who has been in existence for tens of thousands of years. If he doesn't make a move, he will be powerful!

Yue Qinghuan calmed down, then said softly, "have you guessed something? Or do you know the so-called young master Yang at all? "

"It can't be said that it's knowledge. It's just a conjecture. Only when you see this person can you know whether it's right or not." Xue an light way, then turn round to leave.

Yue Qinghuan is thoughtful.

At the same time, there is also a conversation going on in this tall building.

"Sir, are you really going to let the young lady go with the boy today?" An old man asked with a worried face.

Ray nodded differently. "That's right!"

"But I really don't understand. Although the boy's strength is good, his origin is not clear. Is it too hasty to give the young lady to him like this?"

"Hehe, Lao Zhong, you are good at everything, but you are too cautious. Lei Yi is my daughter. Do you think I can let her leave casually?"

"You mean..."

"To tell you the truth, today's Xue an is really out of my expectation. I thought he was just a Chinese teenager who came to Tianwaitian by chance at most, but it doesn't seem so today!"

"First of all, his strength is far beyond my imagination. Although it can be seen that he is a saint for the first time, I can't see through his strength. Second, this man is obviously familiar with evil things. Combined with his Chinese identity, I always doubt his purpose of coming to heaven!"

"You mean... He came to investigate the affairs of the Chinese people in those years?" The old man looked shocked.

As an old servant who has served the Lei family for thousands of years, he naturally knows many secrets.

"It can also be said that although I don't know what it is, it's obviously not that simple!"

"It seems that master, you attach great importance to Xue an!"

"Hehe, what do you think?" Lei Difeng gave a wry smile and said, "old clock, what do you think of my eyes?"

"Nature's eye is like a torch!"

"I can't talk about that, but I've lived for tens of thousands of years. I think I'm very accurate in judging people, but I can't understand Xue an at all!"

This sentence makes old clock's face a little changed.

"Is this boy... So powerful?"

Lei Butong sighed, "it's more than fierce. As soon as he was born, he stirred up the changes of the whole military family. He even hid the truth from the world and cured Yue Shifang!"

"After that, he defeated the Shen family's two major swordsmen. These people are not just fierce?"

"In that case, you should not give the young lady to him!" The old clock said hastily.

Lei Butong waved his hand, "don't worry, I know these Chinese people. They have their own pride. Since they have promised me, they will never go back. I'm relieved to give it to him! What's more... "

Thunder different pause, "I also want to know this surname Yang's origin is exactly what kind of!"

"Do you suspect that young master Yang has something to do with Xue an?"

"Although he only said that he had a vague guess at that time, I felt that Xue an's voice seemed to reveal something, as if he was familiar with Yang!"

Speaking of this, Lei Butong suddenly thought of something, "old clock, you immediately send a team of elite secretly to protect Yi'er!"

The old clock immediately nodded, "yes!"

The old clock turned and left. Lei Butong sat alone in the room, silent. He didn't smile until a long time later.

"Chinese... After thousands of years, I finally heard from you again, and the appearance of Xue an is far from that simple. It seems that some of them can't sleep now!"

"Waves will rise, but I wonder if the good fortune I have now can be used in the future?"

At the moment when Lei Butong sighs, in the star field hundreds of millions of miles away from Jidu star field, there stands a city.

It is Yunxiao city at the junction of Jidu, Taiyin and luofumen.

If you look down at the whole star field of Yin Yang family from the sky, Yunxiao city is just in the middle of the whole star field, and the three fields meet, so the position is very important.

At the moment, the cloud city is full of fire and bustle.

It's all because of the coming conference.

Although there is still some time to go, there have been a lot of people coming from the sect.

And the place where the Yin and Yang families come to entertain all the sects is located in this Yunxiao city.

Therefore, at the moment, Yunxiao city can be described as a gathering of strong people, and the clan gate is like a feather.

And on a particularly busy street, there is a magnificent teahouse.

At the moment, on the top of the teahouse, a teenager is sitting lazily on a chair by the window, looking out the window.

The young man was pretty to the point of evil, especially the red mole on his brow, which seemed to bleed at any time.

This also makes the lazy reflection in his eyes more and more obvious.

The two complement each other, with his pale cheek, giving people a unique sense of beauty.

In fact, many people have been watching him secretly since he sat here.

The teapot on the table was steaming, but the boy didn't seem to take it at all. He just tapped the edge of the table with his slender fingers.


There was a sound of footsteps on the stairs, and then a young man came up the stairs, walked quickly behind him and stood with his hands down.

"Young master!"

The boy didn't look back, just a smile.

"Wheezing, you're late!"

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