"I'm sorry for the delay on the way." Xiaotian said softly.

"Are you hurt?" The boy turned his head and looked at Xiaotian.

"It's just a little injury. It's nothing!" Xiaotian said with a smile.

Even so, the boy frowned slightly and then put out his hand.

A ray of light flashed, and disappeared into Xiaotian's body.

Xiaotian felt warm all over, and then the wound on his back healed quickly.

The boy's face was a little paler than before.

"Young master!"

Xiao Tian cried out heartache, because he knew that every time he used this ability, it would cause great pressure on the teenagers.

But the boy just laughed, and then pointed to the opposite, "the water has been boiling for a long time, let's sit down and have a cup of tea first!"

Xiaotian sits on the opposite chair, and the young man pours a cup of hot tea for him and hands it over.

Tea into the stomach, accompanied by a refreshing fragrance, so that he had just experienced a hard fight, tired body are a lot easier.

"Is everything settled?" The boy asked softly.

"Back to young master, all solved, a total of seven evil things, all Fu Zhu!" Xiaotian put down his tea cup and said in a deep voice.

"Seven evil things..." The young man chuckled, "it seems that with the convening of the hundred family meeting, these evil things have become more and more rampant. In the past, there were only one or two, but now there are seven or eight together!"

Xiaotian nodded, "I also think these evil things are more and more active recently, but I don't know what they are planning!"

"What else can we plan? Naturally, it's aimed at this hundred congress!"

"You mean... They're trying to sabotage the meeting?" Wheezing day a Leng, immediately ask a way.

"Maybe I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity to catch the whole hundred families!" The youth light way.

Wheezing day suddenly color change, "in that case, things can be bad! Or we'd better inform the families now! "

"Ha ha!" The boy smiles and shakes his head. "Do you think the families will believe you when you inform them?"

Xiaotian was silent. After a long time, he said: "that should also inform Mr. Xue!"

"He doesn't have to inform. If I guess correctly, he must have known the news now!" The boy said in a deep voice.

Although say so, but wheezing the face of the day or emerge a few anxious color.

Young see this light smile way“ I know what you're thinking. In fact, you don't have to worry too much. I think it's a good thing, because the evil things suddenly start collective agitation, which just means that they have begun to panic! "

"All we have to do is calm down and deal with it calmly. Only in this way can we help Xue an!"

Xiao Tian took a deep breath and nodded, "I see!"

"It's just that you've been tired a lot lately!" Said the boy.

Xiaotian said with a smile, "young master, you are too polite. As long as you can eradicate these bastards, you can kill me, let alone work harder!"

Between words, Xiaotian's face is full of sudden color.

For him at the moment, he really has nothing to ask for.

Because no matter what, I finally lived up to the original oath, and successfully found the reincarnation body of the LORD God.

So today's Xiaotian has only one idea in his mind, that is, to protect the reincarnation of Shenjun, to eradicate these evil things that are harmful to the world, and to investigate the truth behind them.

you 're right!

The boy sitting opposite Xiaotian at the moment is the reincarnation of Erlang shenyangjian.

In those days, Xue an rescued the trapped Yangjian from Lihen Tianjun. But at that time, in order not to be threatened by Lihen Tianjun, he decided to commit suicide.

This blinded his mind, so that he did many wrong things for Li hen Tian Jun. Xiao Tian, who didn't wake up until Xue an arrived, collapsed at that time.

At that time, Xiao Tian was ready to follow his master. It was Xue an who stopped him and told him that the spirit of Yangjian had not completely disappeared. One of the spirits was protected by Xue an and then sent into reincarnation.

So as long as we find his reincarnation, there is still hope to revive Yangjian!

For this reason, Xiaotian vowed to find the reincarnation of his master.

After he said goodbye to Xue an, he almost went all over the sky, but he didn't find any trace.

At that time, Xiao Tian was almost desperate. In this case, he came to the shadow abyss by chance and met the shadow turtle emperor by chance.

With the help of the shadow turtle emperor, Xiaotian successfully crossed the shadow abyss and came to the outer sky.

At the beginning, Xue an learned that the Chinese little god in the mouth of the shadow turtle emperor was him.

And in the sky, Xiaotian despairingly finds that this star field is much wider than the sky. If he looks for it a little bit, he doesn't know when to find it.

But even so, for the faint hope to the extreme, Xiaotian resolutely embarked on the journey.

Maybe his action moved some of the existence in the dark. This time, the search was surprisingly smooth. After less than a year, Xiaotian found the teenager in a prosperous place in Tianwaitian.

At that time, he just took a look, and Xiaotian could conclude that he was the reincarnation of Yangjian.

The reason is that Xiaotian has a deep memory of Yangjian's breath.

It is so deep that even though Yangjian has experienced reincarnation, Xiaotian can still smell it.

In this case, Xiaotian immediately tried his best to get close to the teenager, and then found an opportunity to tell everything.

I thought the boy would be shocked at that time, but he didn't believe it. After listening to it, the boy believed it.

In fact, in these years, this young man has the same dream almost every night. In the dream, he has three eyes of divine power, and is accompanied by a heavenly dog.

Except for these, he has lost all other memories.

Even so, at the first sight of Xiaotian, the boy knew that the young man in front of him was the dog in his dream.

After years of vicissitudes, one master and one servant finally got together again.

Then the young man followed Xiaotian and began to travel in Tianwaitian. In the process of traveling, Xiaotian kept telling the original story, and finally let the young man recover most of his memory.

The news about Xue an from the military strategist and the pharmacist alliance made Xiao Tian ecstatic. At that time, he had to take the boy to look for Xue an.

But it was stopped by the teenagers.

Because he was very clear about the purpose of Xue an's coming to heaven.

As a Chinese deity who had experienced the war, he knew that Li hen Tian Jun was not behind the scenes. The real messenger was probably hidden in the sky.

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