Late at night, the streets of Yunxiao city are still bustling, but the teahouse facing the street has been closed early.

Some tea addicts want to knock on the door, but they find a sign in front of the door asking for leave. They have no choice but to leave.

At the moment, in the courtyard behind the teahouse, Xiaotian asked in a low voice: "young master, did you take in this woman of unknown origin? Is it a little too hasty? "

"Why do you say that? Or you don't believe her? " Yang Jian turned his head and looked at Xiaotian. He asked with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe it. I just feel that this woman has never met us. Is it too fast to take her in just by what she said today?"

"After all, she knows people and faces, but she doesn't know her heart. Although she has a grudge against evil things, she was born in a treacherous land of witchcraft. Heaven knows if she has any secrets on her back!"

Yang Jian looked at a face of cautious wheezing day, nodded approvingly, "it's right that you can think so, but I have my own discretion in this matter, it's not that your head takes it in as soon as you think it's hot!"

Xiaotian was relieved. "That's good. Young master, please have a rest early. I'll go down first. Please call me if you have anything!"

Xiao Tian knew that Yang Ji in this life was weak and had the habit of sitting quietly before going to bed, so he dismissed him early.

In an instant, there was only one person left in the courtyard.

At this moment, the moon is in the middle of the sky, and the earth is bright. Yangjian stands in the courtyard for a moment, then sighs.

"Another ethnic group has a heavy hand. This evil thing is becoming more and more fierce. I really don't know when it will end!"

Although he was very calm in front of Xiaotian during the day, there were some worries in his heart.

In particular, the hundred families meeting is about to be held soon. These evil things are obviously planning a shocking plot, but all parties are not even aware of it. If they are careless, it is likely to turn into a catastrophe.

Although he is a native Chinese deity on the earth, Yang Jian has no feelings for the clan on that day, he still doesn't want more people to be poisoned by this evil thing.

After all, a little more power on the other side of the sky will block the evil things.

In fact, at this moment, Yang Jian has realized very clearly that the outer heaven on this day is like a moat, blocking the evil things and the heavens.

Therefore, this piece of heaven and earth can not be lost.

Under this kind of worry, Yang Jian didn't feel sleepy at all. He sat under the tree in the yard and started to stay.

The night is getting colder and colder, and it's not until the sun stirs and Lingling shivers that he realizes that he has been sitting under the tree for an hour.

In this life, his body was extremely weak, even weaker than ordinary people, so these slight coldness made him unable to bear.

Yang Jian sighed, but he didn't have any trouble. He simply went back to his room and took out a set of tea sets. Then he sat under the tree and began to cook tea.

The charcoal fire in the pure silver hand stove is like jade, and the warmth it brings also dispels some cold.

Yang Jian moved his stiff hands and began to prepare the tea set.

But at this time, not far away from the courtyard wall, there was a smile.

"This night, if you don't drink, won't you live up to the good moonlight?"

Hearing this sound, Yang Jian was shocked all over, but immediately the corner of his mouth was gradually raised. Then he put down his tea cup and looked up into the distance.

I saw a figure standing on the wall of the courtyard, his white clothes swaying with the wind, like an immortal who came by the wind.

Yang Jian said with a smile, "that's right. It's such a moonlight. It's really time to drink a few glasses!"

The boy also laughed. In the laughter, his figure appeared in front of Yangjian, and then said in a calm tone: "Erlang Shenjun, long time no see!"

Yang Jian said with a gentle smile, "long time no see!"

It was Xue an, of course.

He was alone, not with Yue Qinghuan, but with a smile on his face when he saw Yang Jian.

"I didn't expect to meet you here after a long time away!"

"Yes, it's been many years!"

Said, Yang Jian eyes clear looking at Xue an, "say up in those years I still owe you a thank you!"

Xue an waved his hand, "don't make these empty, if you really want to thank me, then quickly put the wine up!"

Yang Zhen was stunned and immediately laughed, "OK! Then I'll have a few drinks with you tonight! "

Naturally, there is wine in the teahouse. After all, no matter how fragrant the tea is, it is not as mellow as the fine wine.

What's more, the more sober the tea is, the more intoxicating the wine is.

Therefore, after drinking tea for a long time, people often need to drink some wine to neutralize it.

Sometimes people who are too sober tend to live very tired. The occasional indulgence is more joyful.

Like now.

The wine is on the table, but the dishes are just two simple snacks.

But even so, their interest is still high. They pour a glass of wine together, and then drink it.

Wine into the throat, Yang Jian suddenly severe cough up, which also let his pale face with two sick blush.

Xue an looked at it quietly. There seemed to be compassion in his eyes, but there was no action.

After a moment, Yang Jian finally took this breath, and then said with a smile: "happy, really happy!"

Xue an put down his glass and said softly, "it's hard for you these years!"

"Why do you say that? In fact, at that time, I thought I was dead completely, so I was very satisfied to live this life again! " Yang Jian said with a smile.

Looking at the open-minded smile on Yang Jian's face, Xue an finally began to smile. "Speaking of it, Xiao Tian is really lucky to find you!"

"Yes! It's like there's an invisible hand moving it all in the dark! " Yang Ji's voice is soft.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then he took his cup and said, "come on, drink!"

It's a cup of wine again. This time, Yang Ji didn't cough. It's just that the mole between the eyebrows is red. It seems to be burning.

This also set off his more beautiful!

you 're right!

It is necessary to use the adjective "beautiful" to describe the appearance of Yangjian.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't help sighing, "no wonder that Lei family's daughter has deep affection for you. Just like you are now a monster, you can attract bees and butterflies without talking!"

Hearing this, Yang Jian's face was bitter. "Have you seen that girl Lei?"

"Well, I came from Jidu this time, and the Lei family's daughter arrived soon after!"

Yang Jian a Leng, "she also wants to come?"

"Of course! After all... "

Xue an said with a smile, "she has to ask why you should abandon her all the time."

Yang Jian said with a bitter smile, "there was a reason why I left at that time, but between me and miss Lei..."

Xue an waved his hand. "Don't say these words to me. I'd better save them for tomorrow when I see Miss Lei.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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