Yang Jian could not laugh or cry, "it seems that you will not believe what I say now!"

Xue an laughed, "what's the use of believing it or not? The key is that this lady Lei has to believe it! "

Yang Jian sighed helplessly, "OK, I'll talk to her myself tomorrow!"

Xue an is noncommittal, "come on, drink!"

After another drink, Yang Jian put down his glass and said, "Xue an, are you aware of something unusual in this hundred family meeting?"

Xue an nodded, "of course! In fact, the reason why I come here alone this time is to investigate the trace of these evil things in advance! "

Hearing what Xue an said, Yang Jian felt relieved. It seemed that he really knew these things.

Then Yang Jian just asked: "Oh? So what did you find? "

"Some serious things have been discovered. At this meeting of the hundred families, the evil things were very big. They even directly infected some sects. They controlled all these sects and turned them into puppets!"

"What?" Yang Jian is surprised, "still have this kind of thing?"

"Yes! Among them, I only know the true martial arts of Taoists, but I don't know more about others! "

Yang Jian's face became serious. If things were really like what Xue an said, it would be too serious.

Because you don't know which of these hundred sects is true and which is a puppet controlled by evil things.

"No wonder the movements of evil things have become more and more frequent recently. It's because of this!" Yang Jian murmured softly, and then told all that happened during the day.

"Oh? The descendant of the ghost kingdom in the land of witches and insects? " Xue an was stunned, and immediately said with a smile: "in this case, things are right, because before I came to the Yin Yang family, I had passed the land of witches and insects, and then saved a tribe of the jingman clan!"

With that, Xue an told the story about what happened in the land of witches and insects.

After that, they were all silent for a moment, and then drank the wine again.

"Now that this is the case, what are you going to do?" Yang Ji asked.

Xue an shook his head. "I don't have a specific plan now. After all, I don't know what kind of situation the meeting will have, so I can only wait until the meeting is held before it's convenient."

Speaking of this, Xue an said with a smile, "but don't worry too much. After all, the soldiers come to block the water and settle in the earth. These evil things are nothing special!"

The strong self-confidence revealed in his words also infected Yang Jian, and he also laughed.

"Yes, Xiaotian and I have been secretly eliminating the sneaking evil things during this period of time. We found that although the ability of these evil things is strange, their strength is far less powerful than we imagined! It's probably because of the small soldiers that we've wiped out

Xue an shook his head. "You're wrong. I feel that the internal structure of these evil things is very similar to the human race. The strong are always in the minority, and the most common ones are still there!"

"It's only because the evil things we have contacted before are high-level existence that we will form the illusion that these evil things are strong!"

Yang Jian nodded and suddenly thought of something, "what happened in the sky?"

Xue an knew that what he asked was what happened in the heavens after he fell into samsara, so he chose the important things and told them about them.

Even if it was very general, when Yang Jian heard that the evil things had gathered a large army to invade the heavens, the Buddhist patriarch was willing to enter Nirvana to block the entrance, and Xue an united the whole heaven to fight against the enemy, his face was still deeply shocked.

"Did so many things happen in the following days? Have all these evil things been eliminated? "

After finishing this sentence, Yang Zhen felt stupid and couldn't help but shut his mouth.

After all, if the evil things have not been eliminated, how can Xue an appear in the sky safely?

Xue an laughed, "of course, all the evil things will be destroyed, but I infer from the clues that there is a deeper secret behind, so I came to the outer sky to find the final truth."

Yang Jian nodded, "yes, since Xiao Tian and I met, I have been looking for the truth behind the war. As a result, I found that all the clues pointed to these evil things. Nevertheless, over the years, I have not been able to collect more information."

At the end, a look of shame appeared on Yang Jian's face.

Seeing this, Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Well, don't blame yourself. After all, you have done well enough. If I were you, I would not be able to do this now! And I have a hunch that many mysteries will be revealed at this conference. "

"I hope so!"

Two people quietly drink a cup of wine, at the moment, the moon falls on the treetop, the courtyard is very quiet.

Xue an suddenly laughed, "it's said that General Xiao Tian should also be called here. After all, there's a big happy thing I haven't told him yet!"

"Oh? What's the big surprise? "

"Do you still remember that Jiang xunnan

"The princess of the golden dog family?"

"Well! Xiaotian and this girl Jiang have decided to live forever, but Xiaotian has to leave in order to find your trace. Before he leaves, this girl Jiang is already pregnant! "

"By the time of the battle between the heavens, all the people who hate heaven were present. Among them was Miss Jiang. At that time, she was leading a lovely little girl, who was the daughter of general Xiaotian! Isn't it a great joy to get a thousand gold? "

Hearing this, Yang Jian couldn't help laughing. "Of course, it's a great joy. It should come to light!"

With that, he drank all the wine in his glass, regardless of his blushing face.

He is really happy for Xiaotian.

After all, in the years that Xiaotian followed him, except for the first time in Tianting, the rest of them were spent in exile.

Now I heard that Xiaotian not only had a family, but also became a father. Naturally, Yangjian was very happy.

Just at this time, looking at the excited Yang, Xue an suddenly said.

"There's one more thing I want to tell you. I've handed over the jade pendant you gave me before you died to Jiutian Xuannv for you!"

When he said this, the smile on Yang Jian's face suddenly solidified, and finally he lowered his head and remained silent.

Xue an didn't say a word, just looked at him quietly.

After a long time, Yang Jian just sighed: "in fact, long ago I already knew that the Xuantian female emperor of the pharmacist alliance should be her!"

"But I don't have the courage to face her. After all, ten thousand years have passed. For her, I may have been a dead bone, so if I rashly appear in front of her, I may disturb her life now!"

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