"So you're avoiding her on purpose?" Xue an light way.

Yang Ji nodded.

Xue an sighed, "do you know where I was when I gave her the jade pendant?"


"It's in a temple, where all the Chinese gods who died in the war are enshrined, of which your spirit position is in the front! There is no dust on it, and your name has shown deep grooves, which is obviously caused by frequent touching! "

After hearing Xue an's words, tears appeared in Yang Jian's eyes.

"Really... Really?"

"If you don't believe it, you can ask her face to face when she comes!"

"I believe, I believe! How can I not believe it? I just can't believe how lucky I am! "

Speaking of this, Yang Jian raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Come on, you and I won't be drunk today!"

"Well, if you don't get drunk, you won't come back!"

For the moon, the celestial body, there is an inexplicable worship of yin and Yang family, which can be seen from their name, such as the moon king.

So almost all the planets of the Yin Yang family will be equipped with a moon like satellite.

The planet where Yunxiao city is located is no exception.

When the huge moon finally slowly sank into the horizon, Yangjian was drunk and unconscious.

I saw him lying on the table, his mouth murmuring something, and his whole body huddled together, which was pitiful.

Xue an's eyes were so clear that he didn't even feel drunk.

"It's good to be drunk once in a while with so much burden. Have a good sleep!"

After that, Xue an stood up, glanced at a room in the corner intentionally or unintentionally, and then disappeared like mist.

His noumenon had not arrived at Yunxiao city at the moment, but he sent a separate body to contact Yangjian first.

And when he left, in the room, the ghost girl trembled, and then there was a look of horror in the one eye.

"Can you feel my prying? This man's mind is so powerful! "

Just when Xue an and Yang Jian were talking and drinking, they blocked all the information with their mind.

But because of her special skills, the girl of the ghost kingdom was vaguely aware of something.

But it was not until Xue an left that she was sure that there was one more person in the hospital.

And it's an existence that I absolutely dare not provoke.

It wasn't until Xue an left that the pressure disappeared.

After a moment's hesitation, the ghost girl came out of the room, and then saw the drunk Yangjian under the tree.

Looking at him unconscious, the ghost girl hesitated a little, then waved her hand, a black shadow came forward to lift Yang Jian, and took him back to the room.

At the same time, in the Lord's mansion of the Cloud City, the moon king is sitting in a critical position, thinking with his eyes closed.

As the master of this city, when he meditates, his own mind is like the ubiquitous moonlight, which is integrated with the whole city.

In this mysterious realm, he can clearly feel the joys and sorrows of the people living in the city.

He is like a God in charge of everything, overlooking the whole world.

But in this case, all of a sudden, a figure that should not have appeared here broke this mysterious realm.

It's like throwing a stone in the pond. The calm water is broken in an instant.

All the mysterious scenes converged in an instant, and the divine consciousness returned to the emperor in the moon. Then he slowly opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Xue an?"

After that, he looked thoughtful.

"It's interesting that people have said that you have been a sage. I don't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true!"

"In this way, Shen Muyu's letter of war will become more interesting. It seems that this year's hundred family meeting is really busy!"

In Yuehua, the king sighed, and then his body turned into moonlight and scattered into heaven and earth again.

It turns out that meditation here is actually a separate body.

The next day.

Lei ran on his way in a hurry. He really wanted to rush into the Cloud City now to see Yang Jian and ask what happened.

Xue an didn't stop him.

Although he had sent a detachment to contact Yang Jian in advance last night, he didn't plan to tell the truth of Miss Lei now.

After all, this kind of villain still has to be done by Yang Jian himself.

But although he didn't say anything, the pan Lei Zun caught the chance and was very attentive to Lei.

"Miss, would you like to have a rest first, and then I'll take you with my magic power! So you can relax! "

"No need!"

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

"No thirst!"

"Before I left, my adoptive father gave me some delicacies. Would you like some?"

"Not hungry!"


Lei Yi suddenly stopped and rushed to the pan. Lei Zun yelled: "can you shut up? Since the beginning of the capital, you have been buzzing in my ears! It's boring. Do you know? "

But she still underestimated the thickness of Lei Zun's face. He rubbed his hands and laughed.

"Young lady, didn't my adoptive father tell me to take good care of you before I left?"

"Pan, for the last time, I don't need it. Please shut up!" Thunder Yi roars a way.

Lei Zun was wronged and said in a low voice: "OK... OK! But

"But what?" Lei Yi didn't say well.

This always gentle, even dare not speak aloud, and very shy girl, at the moment like a changed person, temper is very irritable.

"Miss, I actually have a name. My adoptive father and master named Lei Ping for me, so... I'm not a pan!"

Lei Yi Leng Leng, immediately some unnatural said: "who cares what your name is, in short, don't bother me any more!"

Then she rushed to the direction of Yunxiao city.

Pan Lei Zun, oh, it should be Lei Ping now. He stood awkwardly in the same place and then gave Xue an a smile.

"Master, my adoptive father said before he left that the first lady was gentle and asked me to take good care of her to save being bullied, but how could I not see her gentle at all?"

Xue an is a bit of a joke. "Maybe she's in a bad mood recently."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Xue an's words made Lei Ping fall into a state of meditation.

Are you in a bad mood recently?

Did... Come to that?

This thought made Lei Ping tremble all over, and immediately he was sure that he had found the reason.

Then he rushed up again.

But before I said two words this time, I heard thunder's roar again in the distance, and then thunderbolts fell on Lei Ping's head.

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