Luo Linyuan couldn't cry or laugh, but he couldn't help but nod his head with his living treasure elder martial brother.

Zhang Zhixing smiled and then turned around to follow the elder martial brother into the Luofu gate.

But at this time, the Confucian leader in the practical sense suddenly became very serious.

Zhang Zhixing was most afraid of seeing his senior brother's face, so he immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Dare you ask, is this the Dragon cutting immortal of Zhengyi school?" Yan Jingcheng said in a deep voice.

The crowd followed his eyes, but they saw that the void was still empty and there was no human shadow.

But the next second, I saw that the void suddenly ripples, and then quickly condensed into a figure.

The leader is wearing a plain cloth Taoist robe, with beard and beard like snow under his jaw, Hefa Tongyan, and looks like a fairy.

There was a commotion in the crowd because many people had recognized the man.

He Tianxuan is the leader of today's Taoist school!

But what he is best known is his Taoist name, dragon cutting immortal.

Therefore, he is also called he Zhanlong.

And behind him is the elite of Zhengyi school. It can be said that he is an expert with extraordinary momentum.

After seeing Yan Jingcheng, the Dragon cutting immortal he Tianxuan smiled.

"Villa leader Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time. My style is better than before!"

Yan Jingcheng's pupil contracted slightly after seeing he Tianxuan coming out, but soon returned to normal, and then smiled.

"The immortal master is the same, and his Taoism is refined!"

Their words all meant something, but on the surface, they maintained a state of harmony.

"Since we meet in front of the Luofu gate, how about going to the Cloud City together?" He Tianxuan.

"That's what I mean!" Yan Jingcheng said.

Then they looked at each other, stretched out their hands and led forward, "please!"

With that, the two walked into the Luofu gate side by side.

When they left, Zhang Zhixing couldn't help muttering, "obviously, they all want each other to lose. On the surface, they have to pretend to be calm and gentle, and be polite and humble. It's really difficult for their acting skills!"

"Second elder martial brother, what did you say?" Luo Linyuan couldn't help asking when he saw Zhang Zhixing muttering all the time.

"Ah! Nothing. Elder martial brother has gone in. Let's go too! "


Under their leadership, the remaining Confucian children kept an appropriate distance from the Zhengyi Taoists, and then walked into the luofumen one after another.

When they left, the crowd couldn't help but burst into fierce discussion.

"It seems that Taoism and Confucianism are seemingly in harmony and apart, and the relationship is not very good!" Someone was stunned.

"You're wrong. It's not that there is a gap between Taoism and Confucianism. It's just that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the leader of the Confucian White Deer villa and he Zhanlong!" Someone laughed.

"Oh? Why do you say that? "

"This will involve a secret story of that year. Do you know why he Tianxuan is called the Dragon cutting immortal?"

"Did he really cut the dragon?"

"The answer is correct, and the beheader is not the general karma dragon, but the East Green Dragon, one of the four divine beasts in ancient times!"


Hearing this, many people took a cold breath.

In fact, the status of dragons in Tianwaitian is embarrassing. Although their blood is very strong, they are born with great strength.

But it is precisely because of this powerful lineage that their upper limit is fixed.

Therefore, in the eyes of those real experts in Tianwaitian, the dragon clan is not a powerful ethnic group.

Even many herbs needed for alchemy came from the dragon family itself, which gave birth to many bounty hunters specialized in hunting industrial dragons.

But Dongqing dragon, one of the four ancient divine beasts, is different from these dragon families born of chemical industry. It itself originates from the chaotic Qi of the ancient times. It is a real divine dragon with extremely powerful strength.

He Tianxuan can kill the East Green Dragon, which shows his strength.

"But what does this have to do with the hatred between him and the Yan villa leader?" Someone asked.

"The problem is precisely here, because the East Green Dragon cut by he Tianxuan is the descendant of the divine beast guarding Bailu villa!

At this time, the speaker said in an exclamatory tone: "in those days, the supreme sage of Confucianism traveled all over the world, preached and preached, and finally established Bailu Academy under Bailu's kneeling invitation, which is the predecessor of Bailu village, which has lasted for a long time!"

"But at that time, Tianwaitian was a wasteland, and various powerful gods and Demons emerged one after another. Ordinary people lived in deep water. Therefore, in order to create a quiet place to speak, it was also to give protection to future generations of disciples!"

"With supreme strength, the supreme sage signed an agreement with the dongqinglong family who guarded Tianwaitian at that time, making them the guardian of Bailu villa!"

The man talked freely, told the secrets of that year, and listened to many young people present.

"No wonder the leader of white deer villa is hostile to he Tianxuan. His guardian beast was killed. No one can stand it. How can we solve this later?"

"How to solve it?" The man chuckled.

"Yan Jingcheng, who had just become the leader of the White Deer villa at that time, went directly to the Mountain Gate of the Zhengyi sect and talked with he Tianxuan in the cottage for three days. The final result was that he Tianxuan made an apology to the East Qinglong family on behalf of the Zhengyi sect. What happened in the cottage at that time is unknown!"

After these words, there are still some good people who want to ask this person some details.

But the man seemed to notice something, his face changed slightly, and then bowed his hand at the people.

"Sorry, I almost forgot the time when I chatted with you. I have something important. I'll leave first!"

Then the man turned and went to the Luofu gate.

The rest of the people present looked at each other. They didn't know what had happened to this man.

That is, when the man turned and left, two figures in the crowd left quietly, and then followed up.

After passing through the Luofu gate, you will face a prosperous street.

This street is not built on the planet, but directly set up in the void, and its feet are condensed with various symbols, even ordinary people can walk freely in it.

This is the famous Tianjie of Yin Yang family.

This street is full of various shops, and many of them are specialties from Yin and Yang families, which can't be bought by the outside world. Therefore, many zongmen families who come here to attend the hundred family meeting stop.

Just the items sold these days have filled the pots of money earned by the Yin and Yang family., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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